Faculty Interests
Robotics, Multi-robot systems; Coordination of Heterogeneous Robot Systems; Vehicle Routing Problems; Multi-robot System Control and Optimization; Autonomous Navigation; Operational Research for Autonomous Vehicles
Atmospheric optics; Statistical optics; Quantum optics; Image and Signal Processing; Autonomous vehicles and vehicular networks; Industrial automation and controls
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Data Mining and Data Science; Applications of AI and ML to Energy (microgrids, power systems), Health, and other domains
Cybersecurity; Computer Network; Machine Learning; Computing Education
Modeling and control of hybrid electric vehicles; EV-smart grid integration; Distributed monitoring and control; Battery control for HEV and energy storage systems; IC engine management systems; Sensor information fusion
Software Engineering; Automated Analysis of Fault-Tolerance; Formal Methods
Bayesian Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification; Scientific Machine Learning; Computational Solid Mechanics; Materials Modeling; Biomedical Imaging and Inverse Problems
Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Signal and Image Processing; Sensor and Data Fusion; Heterogeneous Data Mining
Cybersecurity; Medical/Health Informatics; Data Science; Network Engineering
Biomechanics (Bio-solids and Biofluids); Medical Image/Signal Processing; Machine Learning and Computer Vision with Applications in Medical Imaging; Developments of Ultrasound Technologies for Tissue Characterization
Bioinformatics; Data Science; Machine Learning/Deep Learning; High-performance Computing
Robotics and Mechatronics Senior Design; Manipulator Robotics; Digital Twins; Hardware and Software Integration; Control System Design; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Computational Intelligence Techniques
Boiling and Condensing Flows; Enhanced Nucleate Boiling (ENB) in Innovative Heat Exchangers with Specialized Flow Loop with Flow Control; Experiments, Modeling, CFD/CHT; Gravity-independent ENB; Electronic Cooling of "Chips" for High Performance Computing (HPC); Power-Electronics Cooling for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Gamma-ray bursts; Gravitational lensing; Smartphones as science sensors; Cosmology; Gravitation; Relativistic Illumination Fronts
VLSI information and multimedia processing; SoC design; Complex embedded electronic systems; Very Large Scale Intergradations (VLSI); Digital architectures; Computer engineering
Computational Mechanics; Computational Materials Science; Computational Chemistry
Liquefaction susceptibility evaluation at local and regional scales using in-situ measurements and remote sensing observations; Estimating liquefaction induced damage such as lateral spread displacement; Transportation Geotechniques; Documenting earthquake induced damages, especially liquefaction using aerial/satellite images that are sensitive to surficial moisture; Geotechnical asset monitoring; Machine Learning
Quantum Materials
Theoretical atomic physics; Electrophysics
Image Processing;; Autonomous Vehicles Perception;; Mobile Robot Applications; ; Mechatronics;; Applied Machine Learning.
Interdisciplinary studies; Social simulation (agent-based modeling); Policy analysis; International relations; Sustainability assessment; Complex adaptive systems; Norm evolution and social influence; STEM education evaluation; Research design and methods
Image Enahancment ; UAV-based Remote Sensing ; Artificial Intelligence Applications in Remote Sensing; Computer Vision and AI; Data acquisition and real-time control
Real-Time Robotics; Industrial Robotic Vision Systems.; Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC); Electrical Machinery; Power Systems
Statistical Genetics; Applied Statistics
Algorithms that can be parallelized on GPUs; Applications of differential equations to science and engineering
Software Engineering; Computer Science Education; Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Seismic source mechanisms of tectonic and volcanic earthquakes; Mantle and crustal-scale seismic tomography; The relationship of seismic anisotropy to fluids and strain; Active-source investigations of magmatic systems; Triggering of earthquakes by magmatic and hydrous fluid migration; Relationship between shallow syneruptive volcanic earthquakes and degassing
Information security behavior; Power and control; Individual and organizational deviance; Business applications for AI and machine learning
software usability & accessibility; gerontechnology; smart & connected communities; communication in software development; agile development methods; applied formal methods; computing ethics; sustainable computing; computer science & software engineering education
Optimizing Compilers; High Performance Architectures; Cloud Computing; Virtualization
Research Interests; Bioinformatics tool and software development; Identification of genes regulating complex traits via systems biology approaches; Algorithms for gene network construction;; Genomics of wood formation; Functional genomics.; Genome Assembly and annotation
Network Security; Internet of Things (IoT); Machine Learning; Edge Computing; NextG Network
Design, construction, and maintenance of pavements; Micromechanics for road materials; Discrete element modeling and finite element modeling techniques; Construction materials: asphalt, aggregate, asphalt concrete; Alternative materials for civil engineering; Recycled materials for civil engineering
Image Processing and Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Medical Image Analysis; Health Informatics; Text Mining
Participating Units
Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering |
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Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering College of Engineering |
Current Projects | |
College of Computing | ||
Computer Science College of Sciences and Arts |
Current Projects | Graduate Student Directory |
Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering |
Current Projects | |
Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences College of Engineering |
Current Projects | |
Mathematical Sciences College of Sciences and Arts |
Graduate Student Directory | |
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering College of Engineering |
Current Projects | |
Physics College of Sciences and Arts |
Current Projects | Graduate Student Directory |
School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science | Current Projects | Graduate Student Directory |
Social Sciences College of Sciences and Arts |
Current Projects | Graduate Student Directory |