Focus Areas

Faculty Interests


Robotics, Multi-robot systems; Coordination of Heterogeneous Robot Systems; Vehicle Routing Problems; Multi-robot System Control and Optimization; Autonomous Navigation; Operational Research for Autonomous Vehicles
Atmospheric optics; Statistical optics; Quantum optics; Image and Signal Processing; Autonomous vehicles and vehicular networks; Industrial automation and controls
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Data Mining and Data Science; Applications of AI and ML to Energy (microgrids, power systems), Health, and other domains
Cybersecurity; Computer Network; Machine Learning; Computing Education
Modeling and control of hybrid electric vehicles; EV-smart grid integration; Distributed monitoring and control; Battery control for HEV and energy storage systems; IC engine management systems; Sensor information fusion
Software Engineering; Automated Analysis of Fault-Tolerance; Formal Methods
Bayesian Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification; Scientific Machine Learning; Computational Solid Mechanics; Materials Modeling; Biomedical Imaging and Inverse Problems
Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Signal and Image Processing; Sensor and Data Fusion; Heterogeneous Data Mining
Cybersecurity; Medical/Health Informatics; Data Science; Network Engineering
Biomechanics (Bio-solids and Biofluids); Medical Image/Signal Processing; Machine Learning and Computer Vision with Applications in Medical Imaging; Developments of Ultrasound Technologies for Tissue Characterization
Bioinformatics; Data Science; Machine Learning/Deep Learning; High-performance Computing
Robotics and Mechatronics Senior Design; Manipulator Robotics; Digital Twins; Hardware and Software Integration; Control System Design; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Computational Intelligence Techniques
Boiling and Condensing Flows; Enhanced Nucleate Boiling (ENB) in Innovative Heat Exchangers with Specialized Flow Loop with Flow Control; Experiments, Modeling, CFD/CHT; Gravity-independent ENB; Electronic Cooling of "Chips" for High Performance Computing (HPC); Power-Electronics Cooling for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Gamma-ray bursts; Gravitational lensing; Smartphones as science sensors; Cosmology; Gravitation; Relativistic Illumination Fronts
VLSI information and multimedia processing; SoC design; Complex embedded electronic systems; Very Large Scale Intergradations (VLSI); Digital architectures; Computer engineering
Computational Mechanics; Computational Materials Science; Computational Chemistry
Liquefaction susceptibility evaluation at local and regional scales using in-situ measurements and remote sensing observations; Estimating liquefaction induced damage such as lateral spread displacement; Transportation Geotechniques; Documenting earthquake induced damages, especially liquefaction using aerial/satellite images that are sensitive to surficial moisture; Geotechnical asset monitoring; Machine Learning
Quantum Materials
Theoretical atomic physics; Electrophysics
Image Processing;; Autonomous Vehicles Perception;; Mobile Robot Applications;  ; Mechatronics;; Applied Machine Learning.
Interdisciplinary studies; Social simulation (agent-based modeling); Policy analysis; International relations; Sustainability assessment; Complex adaptive systems; Norm evolution and social influence; STEM education evaluation; Research design and methods
Image Enahancment ; UAV-based Remote Sensing ; Artificial Intelligence Applications in Remote Sensing; Computer Vision and AI; Data acquisition and real-time control
 Real-Time Robotics; Industrial Robotic Vision Systems.; Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC); Electrical Machinery; Power Systems
Statistical Genetics; Applied Statistics
Algorithms that can be parallelized on GPUs; Applications of differential equations to science and engineering
Software Engineering; Computer Science Education; Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Seismic source mechanisms of tectonic and volcanic earthquakes; Mantle and crustal-scale seismic tomography; The relationship of seismic anisotropy to fluids and strain; Active-source investigations of magmatic systems; Triggering of earthquakes by magmatic and hydrous fluid migration; Relationship between shallow syneruptive volcanic earthquakes and degassing
Information security behavior; Power and control; Individual and organizational deviance; Business applications for AI and machine learning
software usability & accessibility; gerontechnology; smart & connected communities; communication in software development; agile development methods; applied formal methods; computing ethics; sustainable computing; computer science & software engineering education
Optimizing Compilers; High Performance Architectures; Cloud Computing; Virtualization
      Research Interests; Bioinformatics tool and software development; Identification of genes regulating complex traits via systems biology approaches; Algorithms for gene network construction;; Genomics of wood formation; Functional genomics.; Genome Assembly and annotation    
Network Security; Internet of Things (IoT); Machine Learning; Edge Computing; NextG Network
Design, construction, and maintenance of pavements; Micromechanics for road materials; Discrete element modeling and finite element modeling techniques; Construction materials: asphalt, aggregate, asphalt concrete; Alternative materials for civil engineering; Recycled materials for civil engineering
Image Processing and Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Medical Image Analysis; Health Informatics; Text Mining 

Participating Units

Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering
  Graduate Student Directory
Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
College of Engineering
Current Projects  
College of Computing    
Computer Science
College of Sciences and Arts
Current Projects Graduate Student Directory
Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering
Current Projects  
Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
College of Engineering
Current Projects  
Mathematical Sciences
College of Sciences and Arts
  Graduate Student Directory
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering
Current Projects  
College of Sciences and Arts
Current Projects Graduate Student Directory
School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science Current Projects Graduate Student Directory
Social Sciences
College of Sciences and Arts
Current Projects Graduate Student Directory