Attendance Policy

Attending class is essential for academic success. The University expects students to fulfill their academic requirements through attendance and/or participation. Class attendance is required of all students unless the student has an excused absence granted by the University or the student’s instructor. This attendance policy applies to undergraduate and graduate students. 

It is recognized that excused absences will occasionally occur, and instructors are expected to establish and clearly communicate the Excused Absence Policy and course-specific guidance or expectations in their course Syllabus. Instructors may grant an excused absence for their own course upon request by a student.

Excused Absence

An excused absence is one in which a student is absent due to a University Sponsored Events (see below) or involves a legitimate extenuating circumstance that causes the student to miss class, miss a major assignment, or examination. The number of approved days absent is dependent on documentation and individualized circumstances.

Students should contact the Dean of Students Office for excused absences of 3 or more consecutive days or if their absence resulted in missing a major assignment or examination within 30 days of the documented days off.  

Students are expected to notify their instructors of any absences as soon as possible.

Categories of University Excused Absences 


University Sponsored Events 

    • Intercollegiate athletics
    • Fine Arts Performances
    • Academic program-sponsored competitions and field trips
    • Official events where students represent the University in an official capacity
  • The instructor or staff supervising students participating in these events must provide notice to the students' instructors and the Dean of Students Office prior to the date of the activity. The notice must include the name of the activity, the date(s) of class absence, the name of the supervising instructor or staff, and the names of all participating students.

Absences involving Extenuating Circumstances 

    • Documented illness or injury 
    • Mental health hospitalizations
    • Serious accidents
    • Death of close loved one
    • Student impacted by natural disaster
    • Military duty
    • Jury duty or subpoena for court appearances


Verified Absences- Registered Student Organizations

    • Student Organization members may request letters to verify their participation in co-curricular activities in the event that they need to miss class to do so. This letter is meant to confirm a student’s participation in an extracurricular activity, however it is not an excuse and it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor(s) and gain permission to make up any assignments, course work, and quizzes missed during this time. Students must request a verified absence letter from Student Leadership and Involvement. 


Excessive Absences 

A student can jeopardize their opportunity to gain and demonstrate course mastery with excessive absences. Any student with chronic absences may be required to meet with the Dean of Students to discuss resources available to them to reduce future absences. Instructors concerned with a student's excessive absence should contact the Dean of Students Office for advice and assistance.

 Unexcused Absences

All absences that are not documented as excused absences are considered unexcused absences. Instructors retain the discretion to excuse student absences for reasons other than those described in the above paragraphs.

Policy on Religious Observance

Michigan Tech permits students to be excused from class on holidays observed by their religious faith. Students who wish to be absent for a religious holiday are responsible for making arrangements in advance with their instructors to make up class work and exams. Instructors may expect a reasonable limit to the number of absences requested.

Students should follow the university attendance policy and request an absence if they will be missing 3 or more classes or a major assignment, exam, or other graded requirement for the course.

Bereavement Leave Guidelines 

The Dean of Students Office at MTU understands that grief impacts every person differently. These guidelines are not an attempt to quantify the impact grief or loss may have on a student. The purpose of these guidelines is to assure that students have the chance to attend the bereavement services of a loved one. We encourage students to use their best judgment about the time they can afford to take from their academic responsibilities. Should a student need extended time away due to bereavement we encourage them to look over our short-term leave of absence (Undergraduate and Graduate), withdrawal, and course late-drop policies. Documentation will still be required to process these absence requests. 

    • For immediate family members (parent/ legal guardian, spouse/partner, child, sibling, or grandparent): Up to 5 days
    • All other losses: Up to 3 days
    • For Acute immediate family member illness: Up to 5 days