Academic integrity and honesty are central components of a student's education, and the ethical conduct maintained in an academic context will be taken eventually into a student's professional career. Academic integrity is essential in a community of scholars searching and learning to search for truth. Anything less than total commitment to integrity undermines the efforts of the entire academic community. Both students and faculty are responsible for insuring the academic integrity of the University.
The University expects students to work independently on individual assignments and examinations and to follow acceptable academic practices. While group efforts and study groups are often appropriate, students must submit their own work. Students should direct any questions concerning use of outside resources or collaboration on assignments to their course instructor.
Students who cheat, plagiarize, or fabricate data, as well as students who help others to cheat, plagiarize, or fabricate, can receive disciplinary sanctions of warning, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University, depending on the severity of the offense.
Knowingly copying another's work or ideas and calling them one's own or not giving proper credit or citation. This includes but is not limited to reading or hearing another's work or ideas and using them as one's own; quoting, paraphrasing, or condensing another's work without giving proper credit; purchasing or receiving another's work and using, handling, or submitting it as one's own work.
Intentional, unauthorized use of any study aids, equipment, or another's work during an academic exercise. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized use of notes, study aids, electronic or other equipment during an examination; copying or looking at another individual's examination; taking or passing information to another individual during an examination; taking an examination for another individual; allowing another individual to take one's examination; stealing examinations. All graded academic exercises are expected to be performed on an individual basis unless otherwise stated by the instructor. An academic exercise may not be submitted by a student for course credit in more than one course without the permission of all instructors.
Intentional and/or unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation during an academic exercise. This includes but is not limited to changing or adding an answer on an examination and resubmitting it to change the grade; inventing data for a laboratory exercise or report.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
Knowingly or recklessly allowing or helping another individual to plagiarize, cheat, or fabricate information.
See the Academic Integrity Policy for more information.