Academic and Career Concerns

Filled Classes

Many classes, especially prerequisite classes, tend to fill up quickly. Students who need a particular class often get upset when they cannot register for a class that is full.

  • Refer students to Experience to look for an alternative class that meets their needs.
  • Refer students to the appropriate academic department.
  • Refer students to the appropriate School or departmental undergraduate advisors.

Changing Majors

Students tend to change majors a number of times as undergraduates. Some majors at Michigan Tech may be declared as late as the first semester of the junior year and still allow the student to graduate in four years, while other majors require an earlier decision because of particular requirements. Academic advisors can help a student appraise the fit between the course work and his/her major to determine a realistic time frame for completing degree requirements. A student considering changing majors should arrange to meet with the academic advisor of the major being considered. Career counselors in Career Services can help with evaluating whether the selected major will allow the student to be competitive in a chosen career or graduate program.

  • Advise students to read major requirements in the Michigan Tech Course Catalog.
  • Refer students to the appropriate departmental undergraduate advisors and website.
  • Refer students to Career Services, 906-487-2313, or

Academic Advisor

Students should keep in contact with the academic advisor for their major. A student should meet with the academic advisor if she or he is

  • experiencing a crisis or emergency affecting academic progress,
  • considering repeating a course for the first or second time,
  • considering withdrawing from a course,
  • inquiring about a Michigan Guest Student Application or transferring credit from another college or university,
  • in need of athletic eligibility,
  • inquiring about registration holds or academic probation, or
  • interested in learning about different majors or minors.

Co-Curricular Activities

Employers tend to favor students who have work-related experience. While enrolled at Michigan Tech, students have many opportunities to supplement their education with hands-on experience.

  • Encourage students to consider taking a leadership role in student activities. Student Leadership and Involvement can help students get involved in activities and offers leadership programs like HuskyLead and LeaderShape, which provide a structured way for students to gain leadership experience.
  • Refer students to the co-op and internships listed in HuskyJOBS.
  • Recommend that students search campus and community job opportunities on the Career Services website for part-time or seasonal jobs that will increase their level of experience.

Career Concerns

Many students enter Michigan Tech without selecting a career path and may benefit from career exploration, which can occur through internships and career advising, career assessments, classes, and workshops. Some students begin gathering information and exploring career options early on, while others wait until their final year; many undergraduates explore the option of graduate school in their last two years of college. As students approach graduation, they may feel anxious about the prospect of leaving school and starting a career or selecting a graduate school. The campus offers many resources to help facilitate the transition to graduate school or to a profession.

  • Inform students about Career Development Foundations: UN2525, a one-credit career development and planning class.
  • Refer students to HuskyJOBS. All employers seeking to hire students for part-time jobs while they are enrolled, or for full-time jobs following graduation, list their jobs here.
  • Advise students that Career Services has an online career-assessment program.
  • Recommend that students visit Career Services for career counseling, workshops, and events.
  • Career Services and the Graduate School provide resources for students considering an advanced degree.