Early Intervention Team

What Is The Early Intervention Team (EIT)?

The Early Intervention Team, also known as EIT, is charged with reviewing and screening potential at-risk students and critical situations. The Early Intervention Team utilizes an evidence-based risk rubric to identify early indicators of potential risks and harms to self and others and then the team appropriately intervenes with strategies and outreach efforts.

Who Are Students of Concern?

Some examples of students of concern may include, but is not limited to, students who show extreme change in behavior (from their typical baseline), students who have experienced death of a family member or friend, students who are alleged to have engaged in significant violations of the Student Code of Community Conduct or serious criminal behavior, students who have been the victim of a crime, or who show cause or concern indicating potential harm to self or others.

How Do I Make A Report?

Anyone can report a student of concern to the Early Intervention Team in the following ways:

*Call 911 or Public Safety for concerns of immediate threats*

What Happens When I Make a Report?

The Early Intervention Team, made up of professional staff from across campus, examines and evaluates the reported concern using an evidence-based risk rubric from the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA). Professional staff will engage with the student, following NABITA-recommended intervention guidelines. Students are often referred to services at Michigan Tech and within the community. Students that are in danger of harming themselves or others are quickly evaluated. After the initial evaluation, the team will discreetly monitor the student’s progress in multiple areas. Individuals who report a student of concern may be contacted for additional information; however, due to confidentiality, EIT may be limited in the type of information that can be relayed back to the original reporter.

Does Making A Report Impact The Students Record?

Early Intervention Cases are private. As a result, there is no transcript or student record notation.

Want to learn more about the Early Intervention Team?

If you or your department would like to learn more on how to identify students of concern, when it is appropriate to make a report and more, you can request a presentation from one of our team members.



Group of students sledding.

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