EngineeringPlus Emphasis
Audit Years
Program Code EBS
This sample plan and flow chart is suitable for students starting in:
- 2023–2024
- 2022–2023
- In spring of Year 3, take a Technical Elective instead of ENG 4525.
- In fall of Year 4, take a Sustainability Elective (ENG 4515 or CEE 4506) instead of
Technical Elective.
- 2021–2022
- Take CEE 3503 in spring of Year 2 instead of Environmental Engineering Elective.
- Take MET 4510 in spring of Year 3 instead of Quality Control Elective.
- Take ENG 4515 in fall of Year 4 instead of Sustainability Elective.
- CEE 3200 was ENG 3200 in spring of Year 3.
Flow charts are not an official list of degree requirements. Adjustments may be required
due to curriculum changes. Please see degree audit for official list of requirements.
Year 1
MA 1160 - Calculus with Technology I
An introduction to single-variable calculus, which includes a computer laboratory. Topics include trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, differentiation and its uses, and basic integration. Integrates symbolic tools, graphical concepts, data and numerical calculations.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-1)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): ALEKS Math Placement >= 86 or CEEB Calculus AB >= 3 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 3 or CEEB Calculus AB Subscore >= 3 or ACT Mathematics >= 29 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE-M16 >= 680
PH 1100 - Physics by Inquiry I
Experiments covering kinematics, force, conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, and waves are explored through guided construction. The course emphasizes understanding physical concepts through inquiry and the scientific method
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-0-2)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1160(C) or MA 1161(C) or MA 1121(C)
CH 1150 - University Chemistry I
Introduces the foundations of chemistry, including electronic structure of atoms and molecules, intermolecular forces, states of matter, chemical reactions, organic chemistry, chemical equilibria, kinetics, and acid-base chemistry. Includes laboratory component that emphasizes lecture components.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Co-Requisite(s): CH 1151
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1031(C) or MA 1032(C) or MA 1120(C) or MA 1160(C) or MA 1161(C) or MA 1135(C) or MA 1121(C) or ALEKS Math Placement >= 56 or CEEB Calculus AB >= 2 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 2 or CEEB Calculus AB Subscore >= 2 or ACT Mathematics >= 22 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE-M16 >= 540
CH 1151 - University Chemistry Lab I
Laboratory to accompany CH1150.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-0-3)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Co-Requisite(s): CH 1150
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1031(C) or MA 1032(C) or MA 1120(C) or MA 1160(C) or MA 1161(C) or MA 1135(C) or MA 1121(C) or ALEKS Math Placement >= 56 or CEEB Calculus AB >= 2 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 2 or CEEB Calculus AB Subscore >= 2 or ACT Mathematics >= 22 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE-M16 >= 540
ENG 1101 - Engineering Analysis and Problem Solving
An introduction to the engineering profession and to its various disciplines. Focuses on developing problem-solving skills, computational skills, and communication skills. Through active, collaborative work, students work on teams to apply the engineering problem-solving method to "real-world" problems.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-0-5)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MA 1031(C) or MA 1032(C) or MA 1120(C) or MA 1160(C) or MA 1161(C) or MA 1121(C) or MA 2160(C) or MA 3160(C))
Provides direct instruction in composition. Students examine and interpret communication practices and apply what they learn to their own written, aural, and visual compositions. Class projects ask students to communicate in a variety of modes and to attend to audience, purpose, and context.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
Total 15 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
- May 1161 may be taken instead of MA 1160. Take MA 2160 in the Spring.
- ENG 1001 and ENG 1100 may be taken instead of ENG 1101 when a student starts in MA
1032 (Precalculus).
- UN 1015 or UN 1025 may be taken in either order in the first year.
MA 2160 - Calculus with Technology II
Continued study of calculus, which includes a computer laboratory. Topics include integration and its uses, function approximation, vectors, and elementary modeling with differential equations.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-1)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1160 or MA 1161 or MA 1135 or MA 1121 or CEEB Calculus AB >= 3 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 3 or CEEB Calculus AB Subscore >= 3
PH 2100 - University Physics I-Mechanics
A calculus-based introduction to classical mechanics. Topics include kinematics, Newton's laws, impulse and momentum, work and energy, and the universal law of gravitation. C or better/AP credit in Calc 1 or co-requisite registration in PH2110 required.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-1-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): PH 1100(C) and (MA 1160 or MA 1161 or MA 1121 or MA 1135) or (CEEB Calculus AB >= 3 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 3 or CEEB Calculus AB Subscore >= 3 and MA 2160(C) or MA 3160(C))
ENG 1102 - Engineering Modeling and Design
Continuation of ENG1101. Introduction to the engineering design process with an emphasis on graphics and documentation. Focuses on engineering problem solving in the context of the design process.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-0-5)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MA 1031 or MA 1032 or MA 1120 or MA 1160(C) or MA 1161(C) or MA 1121(C) or MA 2160(C) or MA 3160(C)) and (ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T or (ENG 1001 and ENG 1100)) and (Spatial Visualization Score >= 19 or ENG 1002)
Study of contemporary global issues, their origins, impacts, and solutions through the thematic and comparative exploration of worldview and culture, population, globalization, development, politics and global governance, environment, and sustainability. Emphasis on global literacy and information literacy.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman
Total 13 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
- PH 2100 requires a C or better in MA 1160 or MA 1161. If not, need to take PH 2110
with PH 2100.
- One semester of 3000 level or higher modern language course can replace UN 1025.
- UN 1015 or UN 1025 may be taken in either order in the first year.
Year 2
MA 3160 - Multivariable Calculus with Technology
Introduction to calculus in two and three dimensions, which includes a computer laboratory. Topics include functions of several variables, partial derivatives, the gradient, multiple integrals; introduction to vector-valued functions and vector calculus, divergence, curl, and the integration theorems of Green, Stokes, and Gauss.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-1)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 3
MSE 2100 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to the structure, processing, properties, and performance of engineering materials, including metals, polymers, glasses, ceramics, and composites. Topics include material selection in design, material processing in manufacturing, and structural material failure mechanisms.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): CH 1112 or CH 1122 or (CH 1150 and CH 1151) or (CH 1160 and CH 1161)
3 Credits of Core: Critical/Creative Thinking
3 Credits of HASS: Humanities and Fine Arts
HASS Electives
See University General Education Requirements. Select one course from the Humanities and Fine Arts List.
HASS courses may be taken in any order.
4 Credits of Math/Science Elective
Total 17 Credits
- Creative/Critical Thinking can be taken in the spring of Year 2 if Soc. Resp./Ethical
Reasoning is taken in the fall.
MA 2320 - Elementary Linear Algebra
An introduction to linear algebra and how it can be used. Topics include systems of equations, vectors, matrices, orthogonality, subspaces, and the eigenvalue problem.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mathematics, Software Engineering, Computer Science
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1160 or MA 1161 or MA 1135 or MA 1121
ENG 2120 - Statics-Strength of Materials
The composition and resolution of forces and force systems, principles of equilibrium applied to various bodies, simple structures, friction, and 2nd moments of area. Intro to the mechanical behavior of materials, including calculation of stresses, strains, and deformations due to axial, torsional, and flexural loading. Uses MATLAB.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 and PH 2100 and (ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T or CS 1111 or CS 1121 or CS 1131)
3 Credits of Env. Eng. Elective
See Environmental Engineering Elective below.
3 Credits of Core: Social Reso. / Ethical Reasoning
3 Credits of Any HASS / HASS Restricted
Total 15 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
- CEE 3501 may be taken instead of CEE 3503.
- Creative/Critical Thinking can be taken in the spring of Year 2 if Soc. Resp./Ethical
Reasoning is taken in the fall.
Year 3
MA 3710 - Engineering Statistics
Introduction to the design, conduct, and analysis of statistical studies aimed at solving engineering problems. Topics include methods of data collection, descriptive and graphical methods, probability and probability models, statistical inference, control charts, linear regression, design of experiments.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 or MA 3160(C)
CEE 3332 - Fundamentals of Construction Engineering
Introduction to concepts required by professionals involved in the construction industry. Includes contracts, bidding, estimating, scheduling, cash flow, safety, labor issues, equipment ownership, and productivity.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman
EE 3010 - Circuits and Instrumentation for Cyber Physical Systems
Designed for nonmajors. Covers the principles of electrical and electronic measurements, including dc, ac, semiconductor devices, amplifiers, and filtering.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-0-2)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1121 or MA 1160 or MA 1161
3 Credits of Directed Elective
See Directed Electives information below.
3 Credits of HASS: Social and Behavioral Sci
HASS Electives
See University General Education Requirements. Select one course from the Social and Behavioral Science List.
HASS courses may be taken in any order.
Total 15 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
- EC 3400 is recommended for HASS: Social and Behavioral Science.
CEE 3200 - Thermodynamics/Fluid Mechanics
Provides engineering students with a unified understanding of the fundamental conservation laws and property accounting applied to thermodynamic and fluid dynamic systems. Topics will include but are not limited to: ideal gas behavior; heat, work, and energy; 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics; heat pumps; cycles; hydrostatics; Bernoulli; pipe flow and loss; and lift and drag.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): CH 1150 and CH 1151 and PH 2100 and (ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T or CS 1111 or CS 1121 or CS 1131) and MA 2160
EC 3400 - Economic Decision Analysis
Studies economic decision-making for actions occurring over time. Covers decision tools for comparing alternatives, public project evaluation, risk and uncertainty, mutually exclusive decisions, multiple objective decisions, interest rate calculations, cash flow analysis, depreciation and taxes, cost of capital, capital budgeting.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Engineering Management, Marketing, Management, Management Information Systems, Accounting, Finance;
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
ENG 4525 - Systems Analysis for Sustainability and Resilience
In-depth coverage of systems analysis using advanced tools and methods. Topics will include environmental life cycle assessments, social life cycle assessments, techno-economic assessments, material flow analysis, industrial ecology, and regional economic assessments.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
3 Credits of Quality Control Elective
See Quality Control Elective information below.
3 Credits of Directed Elective
See Directed Electives information below.
Total 16 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
Year 4
3 Credits of Directed Elective
See Directed Electives below.
3 Credits of Sr. Level Technical Electives
3 Credits of Technical Elective
See Technical Elective information below.
3 Credits of HASS: Communication and Composition
MET 4300 - Applied Heat Transfer
Heat transfer principles including conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer mechanisms. Practical applications include thermal insulation, heat sink and heat exchanger design.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Junior, Senior
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MET 3700 or MEEM 2201 or ME 2201) and MET 3400
ENG 4300 - Project Management
The various stages in a project life cycle will be covered and include initiation, planning, execution, and closeout. Basic tools such as the Project Charter, Network Diagrams Gantt, and budgeting will be covered. Basics of MS Project are included.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
- Pre-Requisite(s): BUS 2100 or CEE 3710 or MA 2720 or MA 3710 or EE 3180 or BE 2110 or MA 2710 or PSY 2720
Total 18 Credits
- CEE 4506 Sustainability and Resilience may be taken instead of ENG 4515. Must not
be freshman or sophomore.
3 Credits of Directed Elective
See Directed Electives below.
3 Credits of Directed Elective
See Directed Electives below.
3 Credits of Sr. Level Technical Electives
3 Credits of Technical Elective
See Technical Elective information below.
ENG 4905 - Senior Engineering Design Project
Students work in teams on one-semester open-ended capstone design projects developing and implementing original and creative solutions to real engineering problems. Students must be Senior Project ready as defined by major. May take ENG4905, ENG4900, or ENG4910.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-1-4)
- Semesters Offered:
On Demand
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
- Pre-Requisite(s): ENG 2120 or (MEEM 2110 and MEEM 2150) and (ENG 3200 or CEE 3200) or (MEEM 2201 and MEEM 3201) and (EE 3010 or EE 2112) and (CEE 3101 or CS 1121 or ENG 2505 or GE 2300 or MSE 2100) and (CEE 3332 or GE 3850 or MEEM 3600 and ENG 3830(C) or (ENG 3505 and ENG 4505))
ENG 3830 - Engineering Professional Practice
Students will integrate and solidify topics of professional communications, ethics, problem solving, and fundamental competencies of engineering. Students will enhance their understanding of consequences of engineering, design issues, legal aspects, ethical considerations, management, and leadership, through readings, research, and discussions.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-1-0)
- Semesters Offered:
On Demand
- Restrictions:
Permission of department required
- Pre-Requisite(s): ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T or (ENG 1001 and ENG 1100) and ENG 1102 and ENG 2120 or (MEEM 2110 and MEEM 2150) and (ENG 3200 or CEE 3200) or (MEEM 2201 and MEEM 3201) and (EE 3010 or EE 2112) and (CEE 3101 or CS 1121 or ENG 2505 or GE 2300 or MSE 2100) and (CEE 3332 or GE 3880 or MEEM 3600)
Total 16 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
Environmental Engineering Elective
Select 1 course from the following list.
CEE 3503 - Environmental Engineering
Application of fundamental chemical, biological, and physical principles of environmental engineering to design and operation of systems used for water and wastewater treatment, solid waste management, air pollution control, and analysis of quality of surface water, air, and groundwater.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 and CH 1112 or (CH 1150 and CH 1151)
CEE 3501 - Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
Basic principles and calculations for environmental engineering. Covers application of mass balance, energy balance, and physical/chemical/biological principles to water and wastewater treatment, surface water quality, air quality, solid waste management, and groundwater quality.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Environmental Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MA 1160 or MA 1161) and MA 2160 and (CH 1112 or (CH 1150 and CH 1151))
Quality Control Elective
Select 1 course from the following list.
OSM 4650 - Six Sigma Fundamentals
Course is framed in context of six sigma methodology. Topics include principles of Shewhart, Deming, Taguchi; meaning of quality; control charts for variables, individuals, and attributes; process capability analysis; variation of assemblies; and computer-based workshops.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2710 or MA 2720 or MA 3710 or MA 3720 or BUS 2100 or CE 3710 or CEE 3710
MET 4510 - Lean Manufacturing and Production Planning
This course provides fundamental knowledge of continuous improvement methodologies as practiced in today's competitive manufacturing and business environments. It covers the basic concepts and key techniques involved in a lean implementation through hands-on activities, reading assignments, case studies, and discussions.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-2)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Junior, Senior
Directed Electives (15 credits)
Select 15 credits in a coherent plan of study as partial fulfillment of a university
minor, with BSE program approval.
Technical Electives (12 credits)
Select 12 credits engineering credits at the 3000+ level in a coherent plan of study
that is approved by the Academic Advisor for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering
program, Department Chair of Engineering Fundamentals and Academic Dean for the College
of Engineering. 6 credits must be 4000+ level.