"We utilized this source by designing a stream dam that siphoned water through PVC pipes to five homes that currently have no water distribution system at all."
"The work was similar to my research here at Michigan Tech, so I was able to hit the ground running."
"One goal was for me to train some of the seniors to be leaders for future projects after I left. It was certainly an amplified lesson in the importance of communication due to the language barriers."
"Ultimately the goal of the project was to gather enough experimental data on the different light-tissue interactions so that down the road it would be possible to use a light-emitting device to make medical diagnostic decisions non-invasively."
Study Abroad
Many students study abroad in semester and yearlong programs, earning college credits for foreign language study and other relevant coursework. Scholarships and financial aid are available for foreign study.
Help Impoverished Communities
Imagine a better world—a world where all have access to sanitation and potable water, where all children are able to learn in well-built classrooms, where families no longer suffer from disease, starvation and poverty.
More than ever before, Michigan Tech students are seeking opportunities to put their new engineering skills to work in impoverished communities throughout the world. A number of our students take part in engineering projects around the world through Engineers Without Borders and other programs on campus.
Several student-run Enterprise teams also travel outside the US to work on projects. Looking for more info? Global and Community Engagement Conference is a great place to start, or consider taking the new minor in Humanitarian Engineering.
Global Facts
- More than two billion people live on less than $2 per day
- Every ten seconds, three children die from preventable causes
- More than one billion people are without adequate sanitation
- As many as 113 million children do not attend school