University Policies

1.14 Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy

Members of the Michigan Technological University community, including students, employees, and third parties have the right to be free from all forms of sex/gender based discrimination, harassment, and/or sexual misconduct. [See Entire Policy]

5.1 Prohibition of Discrimination or Harassment

Michigan Technological University is a diverse community of and for scholars. This community requires an environment of trust and openness where productive work, teaching, and learning can thrive. The University recognizes the necessity of protecting First Amendment rights and encouraging free speech, but also recognizes that certain conduct can threaten the mutual respect that is the foundation of scholarly communities.  [See Entire Policy]

5.2 Equal Opportunity Employment

In keeping with its responsibilities as an educational institution, Michigan Technological University is committed to a policy of affording equal opportunity to all of its employees, students, applicants for employment, and applicants for admission without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, height, weight, genetic information, or marital status. The University is also committed to a policy of educating and employing disabled individuals and veterans without discrimination.  [See Entire Policy]

5.3 Discrimination Based on Sex

Federal and State law prohibits discrimination in employment, in the utilization of educational facilities, and in educational programs and activities based on sex. Such discrimination includes gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The policy of Michigan Technological University is that such sex discrimination is prohibited. [See Entire Policy]

Other Applicable University Policies and Guidelines

Student Code of Conduct

The University’s Student Code of Community Conduct expressly prohibits sexual and/or relationship misconduct. Sexual and/or relationship misconduct includes sexual harassment; sexual violence; sexual exploitation; domestic violence; dating violence and stalking. [See Entire Policy]

Guidelines for Political Activity

Guidelines for political activity from Michigan Technological University's General Counsel. All members of the University community have the right to fully engage in political activities on their own time and on their own behalf. However, Michigan Tech and anyone acting on the University’s behalf is prohibited by state law from using public resources to support or oppose a candidate, or to qualify, support, or oppose a ballot initiative. [See Full Guidelines]

Religious Accommodation Procedure for Employees

Michigan Technological University may provide a reasonable accommodation based on a person’s sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance, where accommodating the request would not result in undue hardship on the University. An employee who would like to request a reasonable religious accommodation should visit one of the following linked Michigan Tech Human Resources' web pages. The procedure is the same for all employees:

1.03 Consensual Relations Policy

Employees of the University are prohibited from initiating or participating in evaluations and decisions related to any aspect of the employment or education of a person who is a student or employee of the University with whom the employee has any intimate or sexual consensual relationship. This policy also pertains to all volunteers acting on behalf of the University. [See Entire Policy]

1.16 Volunteer Policy

This policy is designed to enable the University to accept volunteer service, reduce volunteer risk, and protect the interests of the University, its volunteers, and the community it serves. This policy applies to the participation and activities of any individual acting as a volunteer on behalf of and under the supervision of Michigan Tech. [See Entire Policy]

1.19 Minors Involved in University-sponsored Programs or Programs Held in University Facilities

This policy applies to all departments, units and areas of the University, and all members of the University community (faculty, staff, and students) who may work or interact with individuals under 18 years of age who are participating in University- sponsored Programs, regardless of whether on or off campus. [See Entire Policy]

6.05 Employee Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct establishes general principles for professional conduct by University employees including executive officers, faculty, staff, and other individuals employed by the University, and volunteers acting on behalf of the University with University consent. These principles have been derived from applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, University policies and procedures, contractual and grant obligations, and principles of ethical conduct. [See Entire Policy]

3.2 Children in the Workplace

University policy to ensure the safety of children in the workplace. [See Entire Policy]