3.2.11 Student Advising

Academic advising is a process that assists students in clarifying their life and career goals and in developing educational plans to realize these goals. Each department and its faculty is responsible for advising their majors and to assist in the advising of other students on matters relating to the department's subject area. Although various departments assign responsibility for advising in different manners, all faculty are expected to participate in the advising of students when appropriate.

In some disciplines such as professional engineering, certified public accountancy, surveying, forestry, medical technology, and residential building, licensure is important. Advisors in such areas should be familiar with the appropriate requirements for licensure or registration. Departments and schools should make every effort to comply with educational requirements and program approval to assure that Michigan Technological University students in such disciplines are educationally prepared to enter these fields and obtain licensure or registration.

In addition to the academic advising provided by departments, the University provides counseling assistance through the Counseling Services Office. Full-time professional counselors in Counseling Services assist students with personal matters, study skills, test anxiety, time management, career decisions, and uncertainty about choice of major. Counseling Services is located on the third floor of the Administration Building. "The Admin" is located just west of the Memorial Union Building ("the MUB").

12/08/2016 - Annual Review: No changes made to content.
04/13/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. No changes made to content.
02/13/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners, no changes made to content.
07/18/2011 - Annual Review: Was previously 3.2.10; location of counseling services is now in the administration building; to reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
02/07/2007 - Format changes made.