3.3.1 Academic Research Centers

The following are general guidelines for research centers within academic areas of the University:

  1. Centers should be considered complementary and not competitive with research activities of individual investigators and other University research organizations.
  2. Centers should enhance both the research and the graduate programs of the University.
  3. Centers should commonly have a focused, interdisciplinary theme with strong existing funding or potential for funding.
  4. Centers should have a critical nucleus of faculty already in place.
  5. Centers normally have a director. This individual will usually be a senior person with a proven research background who also has research entrepreneurial skills to secure funding and visibility for center activities.

Any group of faculty that feels it has a common focus and interest and meets the general guidelines for research centers may, through their department chairs and deans, proposed establishment of a research center.

Establishment of a Center/Institute has implication for the Departments, Schools, and Colleges with participating faculty. Establishment, therefore, of such an entity requires the approval of all involved Chairs and Deans. Since establishment of a Center/Institute also confers University endorsement, approval is also required from the Vice President for Research, the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the University President. After the Chairs have signed off, the person proposing the Center/Institute will schedule a meeting to be held with the relevant Deans, Provost, and Vice President for Research to discuss prior to signing.

At least once each calendar year, every center will be reviewed by the Vice President for Research.

01/17/2017 - Annual Review: To reflect current procedures removed "faculty member to serve as the center" from "E. Centers normally have a faculty member to serve as the center director." Changed "recommend establishment of a research center." to "proposed establishment of a research center."
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: To reflect current procedures for establishment and review of Michigan Tech Research Centers & Institutes.
01/27/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. No changes made to content.
02/13/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners, no changes made to content.
03/21/2013 - Annual Review: Added item "F. Research centers and institutes help to promote interdisciplinary work which involves faculty from several different departments on and off campus. Center Directors who are also tenure track faculty are expected to spend a minimum of 20% of their time during the academic year in support of center activities and administration. This effort is recognized as part of their service and research effort, and should be reflected appropriately in the departmental index." and the sentences that read: "If approved, the proposal is forwarded to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs with a recommendation for center director. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the proposal and approve it, send it back for revision, or reject it." now read as: "If approved, the proposal is forwarded to the University President and Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval, revision, or rejection."
06/13/2011 - Annual Review: to reflect current University titles and practice,
MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
