Michigan Technological University is committed to providing a work environment that is supportive of employees' work and personal life obligations. The purpose of the Parental Leave Benefit is to give parents additional flexibility and time to bond with their new child, adjust to their new family situation, and balance their professional and home obligations. This benefit supports goal 1.2 of the University's Strategic Plan —"enhance work-life blending for all members of our community". The associated cost for eligible persons on parental leave will be covered by Michigan Tech as outlined in the Parental Leave Benefit information located on the Human Resources website.
10/14/2021 - Updated link to Parental Leave Policy.
03/06/2017 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice changed "Maternal" to "Parental".
removed " Michigan Tech recognizes the need to support employees as they balance career,
childbirth, and family obligations. Eligibility Applies to employees eligible for
full benefits. Policy is intended to provide paid time off after the birth of a baby.
If medical conditions arise prior to the birth, maternity leave may be taken before
the birth. Policy includes an adoption (primary caregiver) for children under 7 years
old not attending school full-time. Employee must certify that they are the primary
caregiver. Maternity leave should be taken within 12 months from the birth of the
baby. Leave with pay will run concurrent with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Full benefits will continue during leave of absence. Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty.
Will receive one semester at full pay while being relieved from teaching duties for
the duration of the leave of absence but continuing to perform their other duties
at 50% in a research capacity including graduate student supervision. Can choose to
be relieved of all duties while on leave of absence; however, leave of absence with
pay will follow the parameters given to staff (full pay for up to 6 weeks; see below).
Can only receive leave with pay for semesters normally paid (summer excluded). Non-Tenure-Track
Faculty, Research Faculty, and Staff. Will receive full pay for up to 6 weeks; any
additional time will be without pay (employee can use earned sick/vacation time (if
eligible). Staff may work out a part-time return to work that equates to the full
6 weeks paid. This arrangement must be approved by the employee's supervisor. Lecturers
can choose a leave of absence for one semester at 1/2 pay while being relieved from
all duties. Application Process. For tenured/tenure-track faculty, as far as it is
possible, the commencement of a maternity leave shall coincide with the beginning
of a semester. The faculty member shall submit a written request to her Department
Chair (the Dean in case of schools). The chair and/or dean shall attach the memo request
to a status change form (gold) and forward to the Dean and Provost as far in advance
as possible but at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester during which
the leave is to be taken. Professional staff shall submit written notice to their
supervisor who shall then attach request to a completed status change form (gold)
and forward to the Director and appropriate Executive Team Member. The completed gold
form shall then be forwarded to the Benefits office for review and approval. Funding
The associated costs for eligible persons on maternity leave will be covered by Michigan
Tech's retirement and insurance fund."
02/22/2017 - Annual Review: To reflect current numbering system, renamed from "
Paid Maternity Leave" to " Paid Maternity Leave."
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: No changes made to content.
01/28/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions
is now policy@mtu.edu. No changes made to content.
02/20/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners. Deleted the
following sentences in the first paragraph: "This document outlines parameters for
a maternity leave to be applied within our current policy Approved Absences
with Pay which allows the President to approve a leave of absence with pay for specific
occasions." Under Eligibility, in the fourth item, the sentence read: "Maternity leave
should be taken ....", now reads "Maternity leave will be taken ....." In the Application
Process paragraph, the sentence read: "... and appropriate Executive/CFO/CIO.... "
and now reads ".... and appropriate Executive Team Member ...."; the last sentence
in the paragraph read: "The completed gold form shall then be forwarded to the Benefits
office for review and subsequent approval by the president" now reads: "The completed
gold form shall then be forwarded to the Benefits office for review and approval."
Deleted: "Per, Approved Absences with Pay requires the approval of the president."
06/13/2012 - Revised entire policy to reflect current practice.
06/21/2011 - Annual Review: To reflect current University titles and practice, the
email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
02/09/2011 - New policy.