Forest Ecology and Management—MS

Canopy photosynthesis in temperate deciduous forest. Case studies of high-performing contract loggers with distinct harvest systems. Interpreting stand structures. Communicating with private forest landowners. Forests provide an array of ecological services—from recreational, to watershed protection. We seek to understand ecological effects and processes, and the impact our management has, from the impacts of bioenergy production on bird habitat to frameworks for coupled social-ecohydrological systems.

General Requirements

For specific requirements of this graduate program please see the CFRES Graduate Handbook | Printable.

Program Strengths and Opportunities

  • Understand ecosystem and organism functions in natural and managed forest landscapes, from invasive worms to beech reintroduction.
  • 6,500 feet of lab space, 2,000 of greenhouse, 5,397 acres of research forest.
  • Learn to balance forest management objectives for a variety of interests, from forest health to industrial and recreational needs.
  • Tap into the wide breadth of expertise within our small, friendly academic community. Get to know us, and find who you want to work with.
  • Research degrees are non-specific, and we intentionally set a low number of required classes, unless your committee requires them.
  • Explore your interests with your committee and your advisor to define the optimal educational experience.
"The relationships I've built between office mates, individuals in classes, and while conducting field research are the highlight of my graduate program. The people I've met at Tech have become more of a close community than just teachers, researchers, and staff.  "Karen Cladas, 2016 Master's Defense on Emerald Ash Borer

Funding Opportunities

  • We work diligently to continuously acquire research funding—and we are successful. Our research expenditures total more than $300,000 per faculty member, the highest external funding level of any academic unit at Michigan Tech.
  • Research the researchers. Match your area of interest with a faculty member, and contact him or her directly—your best chance to be matched with an assistantship and research project.
  • Check our open research positions often, where you will also find a listing of fellowships, jobs, and other funding opportunities.