University Travel

Individuals traveling or moving for University-related business may be reimbursed. 

Concur is used for employee travel expense reports, international travel  requests and travel (cash) advance requests. All Faculty and Staff should submit the following through Concur: Travel Expense Reports, Business Meal Reports reimbursements, International Travel Requests, Cash Advances and monthly purchasing card allocations. Payments for business meals directly to an external vendor/entity are processed on the Business Meal Reports form.  Visit the Concur webpage for more information.

Travel Expenses and Reporting

Individuals traveling or moving for University-related business may be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred.

Air Transportation

Commercial airlines and chartered aircraft

Ground Transportation

Rental cars, personal vehicles, mileage allowances and Husky Motor vehicles


Hotel payments, reimbursements, and private-residence allowances


Travel Allowance (Per Diem) and business meal expenses

Dependent Care and Miscellaneous Expenses

Dependent care reimbursement, telephone, and other miscellaneous travel expenses

Registration Fees

Conference and seminar registration fees

International Travel Requests

All International University Travel must be approved at least 30 calendar days before travel.

International travel includes any travel outside of the 50 states that comprise the United States of America. International travel includes travel to Canada, Mexico, and to U.S. territories and freely associated states.

Moving and House Hunting

Policies, procedures and instructions for new and active employees moving or house hunting.

Purchasing Card

Employees who travel on University business are encouraged to charge airline tickets, car rentals, gas for rental cars, lodging, and registration fees to the University Purchasing Card. An employee may charge University-related travel expenses to the purchasing card when making travel arrangements.

The cardholder is responsible for all charges made to the purchasing card and also for obtaining a receipt of purchases. When using the card to make travel arrangements online, you should print the summary page before submitting the order, print the confirmation email showing the itemized purchase, or contact the company to request a receipt, if necessary.

In the event that the purchasing card is not accepted or the vendor merchant codes are blocked by the University to prevent specific goods/services from being charged, contact the Purchasing Department for assistance.

Cash Advances

A cash advance may be requested for expenses incurred during University travel. Cash advances should not be used for reimbursement of expenses incurred prior to travel. These expenses should be charged to a University Purchasing Card or claimed on a Concur Travel &/or Business Meal Expense Report.

Unused cash advances should be paid back to the University via theNon-Student Payment Portal. Choose the “Travel Repayment” selection and enter all required information (i.e. index, travel start date, and travel destination). The receipt or confirmation email from the payment portal will be needed for upload to Concur to clear the cash advance. For questions regarding repayment of cash advances, please call Accounts Payable-Travel at 487-2373.