Master of Business Administration

People interacting at a career fair

Tech MBA

The Michigan Tech MBA program with a focus in innovation and technology management is an easy choice for students who want to gain a competitive edge while working or before entering the workforce. Earn a BS and MBA in just five years or earn your degree while working with flexible course options, including evening classes. After completing the MBA, graduates will be well equipped to take on positions in management, entrepreneurial endeavors, and make challenging decisions in a global economy.

For information about course scheduling, visit the program page on the College of Business website. Current students should become familiar with the necessary forms and deadlines for degree completion.

Master’s Path Program—See additional details about program requirements.

Residency Requirements

  • Tech MBA: A minimum of 20 of the required credits required for the degree must be taken through Michigan Tech.

Courses which meet the "at Michigan Tech" requirement are defined as courses listed in the course catalog and taught by Michigan Tech faculty either on campus, at field locations, or through distance learning.

Degree Completion Timeline

The degree completion timeline shows a list of items needed to complete the degree.

Students can view their Degree Progress Checklist for a list of items that are complete or pending for each degree they are pursuing. See the Graduate School's online tutorial for help with their Degree Progress Checklist.

Credit Requirements

Minimum Requirements

Programs may have stricter requirements than listed here and may require more than the minimum numbers of credits listed here.

  • Thirty credits beyond the bachelor’s degree are required for a master’s degree.
  • Thirty credits beyond the master’s degree are required for a PhD.
  • Maximum of 12 credits may be at the 3000 or 4000 level (with program approval).
    • MEng allows a maximum of 14 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
  • One-third of the non-research credits may be transfer credits as long as they were not applied toward another degree.
  • Research credits are the only non-graded classes that may be counted toward a degree.
  • All credits must meet the Scholastic Standards of the Graduate School in order to be counted toward the credit requirements.

Unallowable Credits

  • Courses numbered below 3000.
  • Audited courses.
  • Continuous enrollment courses (ex: UN5951, UN5953).
  • Non-research courses taken for pass/fail courses.
  • Credits applied toward another degree (see exceptions below).
  • Undergraduate credits (see exceptions below).

Special Exceptions

  • A portion of the non-research/non-practicum credits earned at Michigan Tech may be reused to earn an additional master's degree in accordance with Graduate School policy.
  • Students in an accelerated master’s program may apply up to nine approved credits earned while an undergraduate toward both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accordance with University policy. Each program may set limits on the type and number of credits.

Academic Progress

Students must be in good standing to earn a graduate degree.

Time Limits

All work must be completed within the specified time frame starting from the first enrollment in the degree program or earliest course listed on the degree schedule, whichever is earliest.

  • Master’s degree must be completed within five (5) calendar years.
  • PhD must be completed within eight (8) calendar years.

Requests for extension must be made by the advisor to the Graduate School.

MBA students are advised by the graduate program director.


Each student must submit any necessary forms for their degree option to document their progress with the Graduate School. Individual option requirements are as follows.
