Sulihat Aloba
- Research Engineer
- Laboratory Manager, Environmental Biotechnology Lab
- soaloba@mtu.edu
- GLRC 112
Areas of Interest
- Sustainable Materials Conversion
- Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation
- Experimental Design and Implementation
- Biofuels and Biomaterials Development
- Process Optimization and Validation
- Project Management and Coordination
- Assistant Director, Marine Operations
- Manager, Marine Research Assets Shared Facility
- jameya@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2914
- GLRC 309
- Oversee research buoys
- Maintain and repair Remote Operated Vehicles
- Maintain R/V Agassiz to USCG standards
- Maintain and operate survey vessels
- Provide electrical and mechanical support of specialized research equipment
- Expanded Biography
- Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Business
- Director of MS in Applied Natural Resource Economics
- jlapries@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2223
- Academic Office Building 123
Teaching Interests
- Principles of Economics
- Microeconomics
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Research Interests
- Coupled human and environmental systems
- Fishery economics and management
- Computable General Equilibrium Modeling
- Regional economic modeling
- Research Engineer
- Underwater acoustic remote sensing
- Design, fabrication, testing & utilization of prototype field deployable instruments
Application and deployment of advanced technologies and integrated observing systems
Quality assurance and control of in-situ data
- Provide strategic scientific and engineering support to partners
- Scientific scuba diving
Research Interests
- Surface and underwater autonomous or remotely operated research platforms
- Acoustic signal processing
- Optical engineering
- Marine engineering
- Business water risk
- Professor Emeritus, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Surface water quality engineering
Research Interests
- Limnology
- Engineering approaches to lake and river management
- Mathematical modeling of surface water quality
- Emeritus Research Professor, Biological Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Fish Biology
- Zooplankton ecology
- Limnology
- Conservation Biology
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
- bae@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1416
- R. L. Smith 1015
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Robotics, Multi-robot systems
- Coordination of Heterogeneous Robot Systems
- Vehicle Routing Problems
- Multi-robot System Control and Optimization
- Autonomous Navigation
- Operational Research for Autonomous Vehicles

Melissa F. Baird
- Associate Professor, Anthropology
- On leave 2024-25
Research Interests
- Extractive zones
- STEMM Higher ED

Jim Baker
- Senior Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation
- jrbaker@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3459
- Lakeshore Center 303
- Intellectual property/patents
- Technology licensing
- Corporate research
- Spin-off/start-up business development
- Assistant Professor, Forest Health
- Master of Forestry Degree Program Director
- Wood Protection Group, Microbiology/Pathology Lab Leader
- tlbal@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1898
- Noblet Building 115
Teaching Interests
- Forest Health
- Forest Entomology
- Forest Pathology
- Wild Foods, Maple Syrup & Culture
- Professionalism
Areas of Expertise
- Forest Health Management and Monitoring
- Forest Education, Diversity and Inclusion in Forestry and Natural Resources
- Invasion Ecology
- Wood Decay Testing and Pathology
- Insect, Fungi, and Environmental Education, Pedagogy
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- barkdoll@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1981
- Dow 807
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Dam Decommissioning
- Environmental Engineering
- Hydraulic Structures
- River Mechanics
- Sediment Transport
- Stream Rehabilitation
- Sustainability
- Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- jgbecker@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2942
- Dow 864
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Water and wastewater treatment
- Biological treatment processes
Research Interests
- Bioremediation of Contaminated Groundwater Environments
- Microbial Ecology and Kinetics of Chlorinated Aliphatic Solvent Biodegradation
- Conversion of Organic Solid Wastes and Cellulosic Feedstocks to Electricity via Microbial Fuel Cells
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- lanrong@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1868
- Chem Sci 620A
Links Of Interest
Research Interests
- Chemical biology: development of novel molecular probes for DNA sequencing analysis and disease gene discovery
- Medicinal chemistry: development of new imaging and therapeutic agents towards cancer and cardiovascular disease; Design and synthesis of novel prodrugs of peptides and peptide mimetics.
- Chair and Distinguished Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Clean Snowmobile Team Faculty Advisor
- jrblough@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1020
- R. L. Smith 808
Areas of Expertise
- Vibrations
- Unique Instrumentation/Data Acquisition
- Digital Signal Processing
- Noise Control
Research Interests
- Dynamic Measurement Problems
- Developing new digital signal processing algorithms to understand NVH type problems
- Ways to improve the NVH characteristics of virtually any machine

Gregg Bluth
- Mi-STAR Senior Research Scientist: Assessment and Curriculum
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering
Links of Interest
- Science Education
- Science Assessment Development
- Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Faculty Advisor, Robotic Systems Enterprise
- jpbos@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3161
- EERC 236
Links of Interest
Areas of Interest
- Atmospheric optics
- Statistical optics
- Quantum optics
- Image and Signal Processing
- Autonomous vehicles and vehicular networks
- Industrial automation and controls
- Senior Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (SFRES)
- lchavez@mtu.edu
- 734-913-6873
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Areas of Expertise
- Remote Sensing
- Radar
- Lidar
- Multispectral
- Forest and Wetland Ecology of
- Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands
- Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Regions
- Wildfire
- Boreal Fuel Moisture and Fire Danger
- Boreal Wildfire Effects and Carbon Emissions
Research Interests
- Characterize and Measure Landscape Ecosystems
- Fusion of SAR and Multispectral Data For Mapping and Monitoring Wetlands and Monitoring Soil Moisture For Fire Danger Prediction in Boreal Regions
- Assistant Teaching Professor Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Recruiting Coordinator
- Curriculum Development Assistant
- ljbowman@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2582
- Dow 206

Jessica Brassard
- Director of Research Development and Communication
- jnbrassa@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3104
- Lakeshore Center 320F1
- Part of Jess' time is dedicated to supporting research development and research communication in the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC)
- Working with the Research Development Network across campus
- Pre-submission assistance for proposals (federal, state, foundation, and others)
- Supporting and innovating Research Communication efforts
- Research visualization (e.g. proposal graphics, data visualization, figure, and graph formatting)
- Assist investigators with funding strategy
- Large proposal development assistance: writing, editing, and assistance with submission logistics
- When not at work, Jessica enjoys spending time with her family, drawing, and being outdoors.
- Senior Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- Adjunct Lecturer, Biological Sciences
- cnbrooks@mtu.edu
- 734-913-6858
- Cell: 734-604-4196
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Areas of Expertise
- Transportation Applications Including Road and Bridge Condition Assessment
- Mapping of Changing Ecosystems
- Agricultural Remote Sensing
- Geohazard Evaluation
- Invasive Species Mapping With a Focus on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Developing Unmanned Aerial System Capabilities
- 3D Optical, Multispectral, Thermal, and LiDAR Sensing
- Decision Support System and App Development
- Integration of Remote Sensing Technologies Into Sponsor Workflows
- Research Project Management
Research Interests
- Aquatic and Landscape Ecology
- Invasive Species Mapping
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Monitoring
- Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Assessment of Transportation Infrastructure Condition Using Remote Sensing
- Automated Road and Bridge Condition Analysis
- Multispectral Sensing
- Development and Deployment of Decision Support Systems
- Land Cover Change Mapping and Monitoring
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- Associate Dean of Data Science Initiatives, College of Computing
- Director, Data Science, M.S. and B.S. Programs
- lebrown@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3472
- Rekhi Hall 307
Area of Expertise
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Data Mining and Data Science
- Applications of AI and ML to Energy (microgrids, power systems), Health, and other domains
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Links of Interest
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
- Thermodynamics I.
- Material Science
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Research Interests
- Giant planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) atmospheric dynamics
- Convection and storm dynamics in planetary atmospheres
- Remote sensing of planets (telescopic and spacecraft imaging)
- Lake effect snow storms
- Turbulence
- Spacecraft mission development and design
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Remote sensing for amphibian population studies.
- Associate Dean, College of Business
- Professor of Management Information Systems, College of Business
- Affiliated Professor, Data Science
- mwbuche@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3440
- Academic Office Building 105
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Information Systems/Technology Management
- IT Project Management
- Business Intelligence
- User-Centered Design
Research Interests
- Impact of IS/IT change on end users
- Management of IS/IT workers
- Computer Anxiety and Computer Self-Efficacy
- Mentoring using Information Communication Technology (ICT)
- Various de facto Standards (i.e. Information Technology Infrastructure Library – ITIL)
- Associate Dean, College of Computing
- Professor, Applied Computing
- Affiliated Professor, Computational Science and Engineering
- cai@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1471
- Rekhi Hall 110
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Cybersecurity
- Computer Network
- Machine Learning
- Computing Education
- Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
- Interim Chair, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Professor, Physics
- cantrell@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3007
- Admin 413A
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Atmospheric Science
- Cloud and aerosol physics and chemistry
- Nucleation
- Associate Professor, Environmental/Energy Justice
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental & rural sociology
- Community-based and participatory research
- Agrifood systems
- Associate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Witte Family Endowed Faculty Fellow in Mining Engineering
- schatte1@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2516
- Dow 625
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Generative AI for mine safety
- Remote sensing for critical mineral exploration
- InSAR for mining hazards
- Geophysical inversion using deep learning
- Stochastic resource modeling and stochastic optimization in mining
Teaching Interests
- Mine Planning and Design
- Mineral Resource Estimation
- Mining System Reliability and Optimization
- Geostatistics and Data Analysis
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- bchen@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3149
- Rekhi 301
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Mobile Device Security
- Cloud Computing Security
- Internet of Things Security
- Cyber-Physical Systems Security
- Blockchain
- Visiting Scholar
- ychen25@mtu.edu
- GLRC 210
Research Area
Utilizing machine learning techniques for the Great Lakes system, particularly for the projections of water levels, waves, and coastal flooding regions
- Professor
- rchimner@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1464
- Noblet Building 114
Areas of Expertise
- Peatland and wetland restoration
- Peatland and wetland carbon cycling
- Mountain wetlands
- Tropical peatlands
- Ecosystem carbon cycling
- Wetland ecohydrology
- Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Business
- leconn@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2809
- Academic Office Building 125
Teaching Interests
- Labor Economics
- Economic Decision Analysis
- Microeconomic Theory
Research Interests
- Labor Economics
- Economics of Gender
- Public Policy
- Applied Microeconomics
- GIS Data Librarian
- rcowling@mtu.edu
- GLRC 303/Library 102B
Areas of Expertise
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Geospatial Metadata
- Cartography
- Web-based GIS application development
- Geospatial data management, discovery, and dissemination
- Assistant Professor of Accounting Information Systems, College of Business
- Richard and Joyce Ten Haken Faculty Fellow in Accounting/Finance
- judai@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3267
- Academic Office Building 126
Teaching Interests
- Accounting Systems
- Accounting Analytical Methods
- Business Database Management
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Associate Chair for Research, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- qingdai@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2620
- Dow 805
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Matrix structural analysis
- Finite element analysis
- Concrete Materials
- Pavement design
- Timber design
Research Interests
- Low-carbon cementitious materials; SCM; LCA and EPD; durability performance
- Design and performance of concrete pavement and structures
- Mechanics-based computation; Data-driven performance evaluation
- NDE techniques (acoustic, ultrasonic and eddy current systems)
- Structure resilience subjected to extreme weather conditions
- Active-material actuator design, wind-structure interaction, vibration reduction

Fengying Dang
- Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- fdang1@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2040
- EERC711
Research Interests
- Robotics Sensing and Perception
- Data-Driven Modeling
- Perception in Complex Environment
- Robotics and Control
- Learning-based Control
- Environmental Info Aided Control
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- ydaresta@mtu.edu
- Dow 811
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Structural Analysis
- Structural Reliability
Research Interests
- Risk and Reliability of Infrastructure Systems
- Life Cycle Resilience Enhancement
- Community Resilience Assessment
- Machine Learning
- Network Analysis
- Wind Engineering
- Professor, Biological Sciences
- rupdatta@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1783
- Dow 530
Links of Interest
- Plant Biochemistry
- Environmental Remediation
- Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- jmdegraf@mtu.edu
- Cell: 281-923-1122
- Dow 402
Research Interests
- Structure and tectonics of the Midcontinent Rift System
- Structural discontinuity formation in the shallow crust
- Relative and absolute timing of rock deformation events
- Fractured reservoir characterization, analysis, and modeling
- Fluid flow through single fractures and fracture networks
- Automated acquisition and analysis of geologic data from the Earth’s surface and drill core
- Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Graduate Program Director
- caduncan@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2147
- H-STEM 136, Lab 156, Teaching Lab 159
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Mobility and postural control in aging and special populations
- Ergonomics and design of built environments for special populations
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Associate Research Director, Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience (CISR)
- Advisor, Outdoor Venture Crew
- adyreson@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1173
- R. L. Smith 930
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Solar photovoltaic and thermal power plants
- Electricity grid operational modeling
- Energy-water nexus
Research Interests
- Impacts of climate change on electric power systems
- Energy transitions in cold climates
- Solar photovoltaic design for cold climates
- Heat pump performance
- Thermal power plant modeling
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Endowed Faculty Fellow
- Director, Graduate Programs, Chemical Engineering
- tceisele@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2017
- HSTEM 237
Research Interests
- Particulate processing
- Chemistry and thermodynamics of metals extraction; physical separation processes,
- Sustainable raw materials production
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- aerfani@mtu.edu
- Dillman 301I
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Construction Economics
- Data-driven Infrastructure Management
- Project Delivery and Procurement
- Smart Construction
- Workforce Development
- Equity and Diversity
- Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence Modeling
- Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Public Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Policy Process
- Advocacy Coalition Framework
- Rural-Urban Conflict
- Food, Agriculture, and Agricultural Policy
- Emotions in Policymaking
- Assistant Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Humanities
- vsgagnon@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2180
- Noblet Building 168
Research Interests
- University-Community Partnerships, research engagement, and equitable practice and design
- Environmental Justice and Policy, toxic substances, risk management, and promoting holistic health
- Indigenous / Native American Studies, treaties and the government-to-government relationship, food sovereignty, and Indigenous wisdom in the Great Lakes region
- Environmental Stewardship and the Seven Generations Philosophy

—Five Agreements of Organizational Sensitivity
Jackie Gebhardt, PMP
- Institute Manager, Great Lakes Research Center
- jjgebhar@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3586
- GLRC 319
Roles and Areas of Responsibility
- Pre-Award Proposal Development and Budgeting Support
- Post Award Project Management
- Implementation of Institute Initiatives
- Website Development

Chris Geerer
- Mi-STAR Professional Learning Coordinator
- Associate Research Scientist
- K-12 Educational Leadership
- K-12 Professional Development
- K-12 Science Education
- Vice President for Community Engagement
- Professor of Practice, Psychology and Human Factors
- engagement@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1599
- Administration Building 502
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Affiliated Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- jsgierke@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2535
- Dow 405
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Hydrogeology
- Ground water Engineering
- Contaminant Transport
- Subsurface Remediation
Research Interests
- Field performance of air sparging for removing volatile organic chemicals from ground water
- Volatile organic vapor transport in unsaturated soils
- Sulfur dioxide interactions with volcanic ash

Ronald Gnadinger
- Research Technician I
- rong@mtu.edu
- 906-370-8733
- GLRC B001
Links of Interest
Roles and Responsibilities
- Support GLRC research programs
- Support design, fabrication, testing & utilization of prototype field deployable instruments
- Associate Research Scientist, Great Lakes Research Center
- Instructor, Psychology and Human Factors
Areas of Expertise
- Design and implementation of professional development for K-12 and undergraduate STEM teachers
- K-12 STEM education research
- Program evaluation
Research Interests
- Instructional practices that support environmental literacy and stewardship
- Integration of computing into STEM education
- Teachers beliefs about reforms-based science instruction including nature of science, inquiry, engineering, Next Generation Science Standards, and technology integration
- Professional development elements (remote and face-to-face) that support instructional change, teacher leadership and reforms-based science instruction
- Using levels of inquiry to support teachers' understanding and integration of mathematical and scientific inquiry in k-12 education
- Teachers' understandings regarding key concepts in science including respiration and photosynthesis
- Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- jeremyg@mtu.edu
- 734-913-6849
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Areas of Expertise
- Spatial Analysis
- Geographic Information Systems
- Remote Sensing
- Python
- Data Visualization
- Ecology and Plant Physiology
- Statistics
Research Interests
- Computer Vision
- Geospatial Algorithm Development and Task Automation
- Landscape Level Wetland and Fire Ecology
- Time-Series Analysis
- Efficiency in Transportation Systems
- Sensor Fusion
- Swarm Intelligence
- Broadly Understanding Processes and Patterns From the Cellular Scale to Global Scale

Katie Gray
- Logistics Coordinator, Great Lakes Research Center
- kmrichar@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3504
- GLRC 318
Roles and Areas of Responsibility
- Safety Liaison
- Pre-award Proposal Development Support
- Facility Space Coordination
- Event Planning and Management
- Professor Emerita, Chemistry
- sgreen@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2048
- Chemical Sciences 607
Research Interests
- Climate change communication
- Science-policy interface
- Youth engagement in climate policy
- Response of aquatic systems to climate change
- Great Lakes
- Fluorescence-based analytical methods
- Aerosol chemistry
- Origin and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in terrestrial, lake, and marine environments
- Methods for detection of free radicals, photochemical transformations of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in the environment
- Integration of biological, geological, physical, and chemical data for understanding global cycles.
- Professor, Biological Sciences
- Director, Chemical Advanced Resolution Methods Laboratory
Research Interests
- Algal Extracellular Polymers and Biocomposites - Regulation of Biogenesis
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- jiehongg@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3533
- Dow 861
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Qualitative and quantitative mass spectrometry application
- Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic pollutants (PBTs) monitoring
- Fate and transport of PBTs in aquatic environment
- Biomarkers of DNA damage induced by carcinogens
- Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, CEGE and Social Sciences
- Faculty Advisor, Green Campus Enterprise
- rhandler@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3612
- H-STEM 235
- ENG 4515/5515 Introduction to Sustainability and Resilience
- ENG 4525/5525 Systems Analysis for Sustainability and Resilience
- CM 3980 Sustainable Chemical Engineering
- Green Campus Enterprise
Research Interests
- Life-cycle assessment
- Sustainability and resilience
- Food, Energy, and Water systems
- Sustainable materials and manufacturing
- Ecosystem services
- Aquaponics and hydroponics
- Assistant Teaching Professor
- Coordinator of Student Programs
- Policy and Community Development Program Advisor
Research Interests
- National Identity
- Migration and Diaspora
- Sociolinguistics
- Memorial Landscapes
- Geographies of Sport
Regional Focus
- The Hispanic World
- Spain
- Argentina

Nagesh Hatti
- Director, The Enterprise Program and Chair, Enterprise Governing Board
- Advisor, ITOxygen
- nhatti@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2633
- M&M 722F
- Corporate/Industry Sponsorship
- Program Management
- Director, Great Lakes Research Center
- Director, Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
- William and Gloria Jackson Professor
- thavens@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3115
- GLRC 307
Links of Interest
Areas of Interest
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Signal and Image Processing
- Sensor and Data Fusion
- Heterogeneous Data Mining
- Senior Research Engineer
- Relief Captain
- hmhender@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1584
- GLRC 305
Areas of Expertise
- Limnology and physical oceanography
- Application, fabrication, and deployment of advanced technology and integrated observing systems
- Surface and underwater autonomous or remotely operated research platforms
- Meteorological and biogeochemical sensor instrumentation
- Quality assurance and control of in-situ data
- USCG 100 GRT Master Captain
Research Interests
- Establishment of long-term climate observations
- Great Lakes acidification
- Ship based flow-through systems
- Nutrient cycling and subsequent productivity
- Advanced technologies for increasing public safety
- Data science and tool building
- Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- eherschg@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3351
- Dow 730
Current Research Interests
- Plant Evolutionary Ecology
- Ecological and Community Genetics
- Genome Size and Polyploidy Evolution
- Invasive Species Biology and Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems
- Professor of Practice, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- jphollin@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2445
- Dow 809
Research Interests
- UAV Uses and Geomatics Applications
- Spatial Data Adjustments
- Multibeam/Single Beam Hydrographic Surveying and Bathymetric Surveys
- Boundary Determinations and Legal Principles
- Terrestrial LiDAR integration and GIS

Elizabeth Hoy
- Director, Business and Program Development
- Great Lakes Research Center
- elizabeth@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1208
- GLRC 321
- Pre-award Proposal Development and Budgeting Support
- Post Award Project Administration
- Institute and Department Budget Administration
- Institute and Department Reporting
- Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
- Assistant Research Scientist, Great Lakes Research Center
Area of Expertise
- Hydrodynamic modeling
- Regional climate modeling
- Physical limnology
- Nearshore processing
Research Interests
- Great Lakes cross-scale hydrodynamics
- Integrated Earth modeling system
- Long-term climate change and projection over the Great Lakes
- Short-term hydrodynamic forecasting in the Great Lakes
- Interactions between atmospheric and lake processing

Kaiwu Huang
- Research Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
- kaiwuh@mtu.edu
- Chem Sci 401B
Research Interests
- Flotation
- Process Simulation
- Copper Concentration
- Tailing Management
- Rare Earth Extraction
- Recycling
- Colloid and Surface Chemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Surface Forces
- Hydrophobic Interactions
- Interfacial Phenomena
- Coal Beneficiation
- Department Chair, Biological Sciences
- Professor, Biological Sciences
- cjhuckin@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2475
- Dow 741
Links of Interest
Research Expertise
- Ecology of lakes, streams, and their riparian interface with terrestrial systems
- Fish ecology, biology, functional morphology
- effects of land use on ecological systems
- Biomonitoring for research and restoration
- Effects of Invasive Species
- Assistant Professor, Engineering Fundamentals
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
Links of Interest, Publications
Research Interests
- Technology Adoption
- Online Learning
- Service Learning
- First-year Engineering
- Sustainability
- Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Endowed Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
- kbkamm@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1039
- H-STEM 135, Lab Chem Sci 111
Research Interests
- Rural health
- Maternal and child health
- Breastfeeding
- Care-seeking behaviors
- Hand hygiene
- Social determinants of health
- Professor
- eskane@mtu.edu
- 906-482-6303 x1318
- USDA Northern Research Station Forest Service Building room 123
Areas of Expertise
- Soil carbon
- Plant/soil relationships
- Decomposition
- Dissolved organic carbon
- Wildfire
- Black carbon
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- imkeenum@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2208
- Dow 862
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Antibiotic resistance dissemination and treatment in engineered and agricultural environments
- Establishing standards for microbiome research
- Pathogen detection and control
- Microbial ecology and molecular epidemiology

Erik Keranen
- Assistant Research Scientist
- edkerane@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2960
- Noblet Building 110
Areas of Expertise
- Wood protection
- Wood composites
- Physical and mechanical properties testing of wood and wood composites
- Field-testing of wood products for decay and insect resistance
- Emeritus Research Professor, Biological Sciences
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Aquatic Ecology
- Paleoecology
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- jaesungk@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3419
- Dow 812
Courses Taught
- SU 4140 - Photogrammetry and UAV Mapping
- SU 5541 - Close-range Photogrammetry
- SU 5998 - Practical Experience in Integrated Geospatial Technology
Research Interests
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Sensing
- Geodesy
- Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure
- Application of geospatial technology to agriculture and environmental science
- Assistant Research Scientist, Great Lakes Research Center
- bkopec@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1144
- GLRC 221
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Arctic water cycle
- Water isotope geochemistry
- Ice-ocean/lake-atmosphere interactions
- Ocean/lake water mass partitioning
Impacts of changing cryosphere on hydrologic systems
- Professor of Geography and GIS
- Graduate Director
- Director, Geospatial Research Facility
Research Interests
- Children's Health and Lifecouse Epidemiology
- Urban Environments and Population Health
- Public Participatory GIS
- Historical GIS & Deep Mapping
- Deindustrialization and Shrinking Cities
- Time-Space Integration and Modeling in GIS
- Demography and Historical Record Linkage
- Community Development

—The Economist
- Associate Professor
- fliu7@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1089
- Noblet 171
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Ecohydrology and forest hydrology
- Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in snowmelt-dominated watersheds
- Black ash wetland ecosystem processes
- Geospatial Research Scientist
- djlizzad@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3418
- GLRC 303 and 318
Areas of Expertise
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geostatistical Analysis
- Lake Superior Geology, Coastal Geomorphology, and Geoheritage
- GPS, GIS Data Collector Applications, and Mapping Technologies
- Web-based GIS Data Dissemination and Applications
- Interdisciplinary GIS Project Management
- Research Scientist
Language model watermarking
Social impacts of artificial intelligence
Text segmentation
Image enhancement
Neural radiance fields
3D Gaussian splatting
Efficient computer vision
- Professor Emerita of Anthropology, Social Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Environmental anthropology/political ecology
- Anthropology of industry (mining, sugar)
- Hawai`i and the Pacific
- Anthropology of public policy
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- smalladi@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3503
- R. L. Smith 933
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Vibrations; Modal Testing
- Anechoic Traveling Waves
- Digital Signal Processing
- Data-Analytics
- Smart Materials
Research Interests
- Adaptive Systems and Meta-structures
- Internet-of-Vibrations
- Environmental Testing
- Human-structure Interaction
- Piezoceramics and SMAs
- Wave Propagation
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Bio-inspired Dynamics
- Professor, Biological Sciences
- Director, Ecosystem Science Center
- Director, Aquatic Analysis (AQUA) Shared Facility
- ammarcar@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2867
- Dow 528
Research Interests
- Limnology
- Ecosystem Ecology of Streams and Rivers
- Biogeochemistry

Tony Matthys
- Research Scientist, Mi-STAR Curriculum
- K-12 NGSS curricular design
- Problem Based Learning
- Development of Interactive Models and Simulations
- Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
- Assistant Professor, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
- amazen@mtu.edu
- EERC 223
Areas of Research/Expertise
Autonomous Robots/Vehicles
- Mobile Robots
- Manipulators
- Autonomous Vehicles
Machine Learning
- Robotics
- Healthcare
- Image Forensic
- Energy Management
Teaching Interests
- Robotics and Mechatronics Senior Design
- Manipulator Robotics
- Digital Twins
- Hardware and Software Integration
- Control System Design
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Computational Intelligence Techniques
- Professor, Physics
- Director, Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D. Program
- cmazzoleni@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1226
- Fisher 112
- Atmospheric Science
- Aerosol properties (optical, physical and morphological) and effects on clouds and climate
- Instrument development and environmental optics
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- lrmazzol@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1853
- Chem Sci 402D
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Understanding the identities, occurrence, and transformation of aerosol organic compounds
- Identifying organic aerosol constituents from a variety of atmospheric environments
- Exploration of new LC column chemistries with ultrahigh pressure pumps for fast and thorough separations
- Aqueous reaction pathways
- Director, Marine Engineering Laboratory
- Research Professor, MAE, and Adjunct Professor, GMES
Research Interests
- Large scale field experimentation in the Inland Seas of the Great Lakes and coastal oceans
- Nearshore hydrodynamics and prediction
- Autonomous and semi-autonomous environmental monitoring platforms (surface and sub-surface)
- Underwater acoustic remote sensing
- Marine engineering

Jay Meldrum
- Executive Director, Michigan Tech Traverse City Research Center
- jmeldrum@mtu.edu
- 906-281-1969
- Traverse Connect Building
Teaching Interests
- Renewable and Alternative Energy
- Solar
- Pumped Hydro
- Heat Pumps
- Battery Storage
- STEM with Art (STEAM)
- Sustainability
- Competition-based Engineering Education
Research Interests
- Electrification of Vehicles
- Boats
- Snowmobiles
- Off-Road and Utility Vehicles
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Charging Systems
- Solar Energy
- Community Solar
- Snow Shedding
- Improving Production in Snowy Climates
- Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business
- Richard and Joyce Ten Haken Faculty Fellow in Business
- jmin@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2885
- Academic Office Building 112
Teaching Interests
- Marketing Principles and Management
- Marketing Data Analytics
- Personal Selling and Sales Technology
- B2B Digital Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Relationship Governance Value Analysis
- Unstructured Data Analysis
- Brand strategy and Consumer's digital experiences
- Behavioral Economics
- Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Physics
- dminakat@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1830
- Dow 801
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Physical-Chemical Treatment Processes
- Environmental Process and Design
- Computational Environmental Engineering and Chemistry
Research Interests
- Sustainable water and wastewater treatment and management
- Development of assessing and predicting tools for water treatment technologies
- Innovative water and wastewater treatment technologies for energy saving and harvesting
- Systematic and integrated understanding of water and wastewater reuse
- Application of computational chemistry and molecular modeling
- Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Affiliated Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- President, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- minerick@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2796
- HSTEM 259
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Microdevices
- Medical diagnostics
- Nonlinear electrophoresis
- Research Engineer
Areas of Interest
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Image Processing
- Data Science and Analytics
- Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Affiliated Associate Teaching Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- smmorse@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3241
- R. L. Smith 820
Research Interests
- Window Glass Strength Design
- Wind loads on Structures
- Finite Element Modeling of Brittle Materials
- Large Scale Data Processing and Data Mining
- Chair, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- anmorse@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3240
- Dow 871
Faculty Advisor
Research Interests
- Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Water reclamation systems and Fate of personal products in treatment systems
- Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
- jaolin@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1121
- GLRC 206
Research Interests
- Community Ecology
- Trophic Interactions
- Marine Ecology
- Ecogeochemical Tracer Techniques
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
- rgong1@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2662
- Chem Sci 717A
Links of Interest
Courses Taught
- CM5300 – Advanced Transport Phenomena
- CM3979/ENT3979 – Alternative Energy Processes and Technologies
- CM4125 - Bioprocess Engineering Lab
Research Interests
- Lignocellulosic-Based Biofuels and Biomaterials
- Sustainability of Bioenergy Production Systems
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
- leipan@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2569
- HSTEM 236
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Particulate Separation
- Surface Chemistry
- Process Modelling
- Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- mkpark@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2661
- R. L. Smith 822
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Multi-Robot System Control
- Robot/Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
- Control of Large Scale Stochastic Process
- System Modeling and Optimization
- Design of Automated Material Handling
- System in Smart Factory
- Reinforcement Learning
- Data Analytics
- John and Cathi Drake Endowed Chair in Mechanical Engineering
- ggparker@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1850
- R. L. Smith 803
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Nonlinear and Optimal Control
- Modeling and Simulation
- Real-Time Embedded Systems
Research Interests
- Wave Energy Converter (WEC) modeling, control, and experimental validation
- Point absorber nonlinear response shaping
- Passive and active vibration control
- Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
- gpaterso@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1120
- GLRC 205
Areas of Expertise
- Legacy and emerging pollutants
- Ecotoxicology
- Great Lakes fisheries
- Multiple stressors
- Fisheries bioenergetics
Research Interests
- Using pollutants as ecological tracers
- Overwintering bioaccumulation and bioamplification
- Energy dynamics in Great Lakes food-webs
- Energetic costs of multiple stressors
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Professor, Chemistry
- jperl@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3641
- Dow 863
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Environmental Engineering
- Transport & Transformation of Organic Chemicals
- Boundary Layer Meteorology
- Sustainability
Research Interests
- Air and Water Quality
- Atmosphere-biosphere Exchange of Chemicals
- Micrometeorology
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Sustainability
- Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- smithar@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3230
- H-STEM 338
Links of Interests
Research Interests
- Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nanotechnology
- Microfluidics for cancer research
- Microenvironment platforms to characterize cellular interactions
- Sensors and devices for biomedical sensing and implantable devices
- Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Member, Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC) and Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC)
- narawash@mtu.edu
- Tel. 906-487-1611
- Office: EERC 411
Teaching Experience
- Programmable Logic Control (PLC)
- Digital Electronics
- Analog Electronics
- Image Processing
- Automatic Control Systems
- Instrumentation & Measurement
- Mechatronics Senior Design
- MATLAB Programming
Research Interests
- Image Processing;
- Autonomous Vehicles Perception;
- Mobile Robot Applications;
- Mechatronics;
- Applied Machine Learning.

—Paul Robeson, 1958, Here I Stand
- Assistant Professor of Geography
- marhodes@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2459
- Schedule an Appointment
Research Interests
- Post-Industrial Geographies & Heritage
- National Identity in the 21st Century
- Cultural Sustainability and Sustainable Tourism
- Political Ecology, Place, & Memory
- Critical Geographies & Memorial Landscapes
Areas of Expertise
- Memory and Memorialization
- Heritage Institutions
- Cultural Landscape
- Welsh Studies
- Historical Geography
- Cultural Geographies
- Interim Chair, Social Sciences
- Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Research Interests
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Social simulation (agent-based modeling)
- Policy analysis
- International relations
- Sustainability assessment
- Complex adaptive systems
- Norm evolution and social influence
- STEM education evaluation
- Research design and methods
- Professor of Practice in Forest Biomaterials
- Coordinator of Industrial Research, Innovation, and Commercialization
- Director of Ford Center and Forest
- mrudnick@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2603
- Noblet Building 175
Areas of Expertise
- Forest Biomaterials
- Tree biomechanics
- Wind and trees
- Dendrochronology
- Extension and Outreach

Rachel Rulison
- Department Coordinator, Great Lakes Research Center
- rmhether@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2043
- GLRC 320
Roles and Areas of Responsibility
Department Payroll and Timesheets
- Financial Transactions
- Website Maintenance
- Purchase Requisitions and Invoices
- Department/Shared Facilities Data/Reports
- GLRC Events
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- msadeghi@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3420
- Dillman 201G
Links of Interest
Courses Taught
- Soil mechanics and foundation design
- Advanced soil mechanics
- Applied Machine Learning
- Mechanics of materials
Research Interests
- Soil and rock mechanics
- Ground improvement and foundation design
- Bio inspired Geotechnics/Foundations
- Geomaterial behavior and testing
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning in geotechnical engineering
- Measurement While Drilling (MWD) in geotechnical engineering
- Slope stability and debris flow hazards
- Stability of underground structures
- Mine tailings and abandoned mines geohazards and remediation
- Intellectual, numerical and analytical modeling
- Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- tsain@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2977
- R. L. Smith 921
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Multiscale, multiphysics modeling of aging in polymers & polymer composites
- Degradation of metallic implants in physiological environment
- Fracture, damage and impact behavior on materials
- Analysis, design and testing of novel multifunctional lightweight polymer composite materials
- Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
- Affiliated Faculty, Computational Science & Engineering
- ashraf@mtu.edu
- (906) 487-2384
- EERC 312
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Image Enahancment
UAV-based Remote Sensing
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Remote Sensing
Computer Vision and AI
- Data acquisition and real-time control

Malik Sankofa
- Laboratory Technician, Environmental Biotechnology Lab
- msankofa@mtu.edu
- GLRC 114
Areas of Interest
- Bioinformatics
- Microbial ecology
- Plant-microbe interactions
- Community structure
- Associate Professor of History
Research Interests
- Spatial, material, and experiential aspects of social power in industrial communities
- Historical GIS for Community-Engaged Scholarship
- American Vernacular Architecture and Material Culture Studies
- Public History, Historic Preservation, and Museums
- History of Design, Craft, and Production in the United States
- Cultural Landscapes and Historic Architecture of the Keweenaw

—Elizabeth Hallam and Tim Ingold (2007) Creativity and Cultural Improvisation. Berg, New York.
- Associate Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology
Links of Interest
- Industrial Archaeology Graduate Program
- Society for Historical Archaeology
- Society for Industrial Archaeology
- The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage
- Historical Archaeology Group on LinkedIn
- Register of Professional Archaeologists
- Academia.edu
- ResearchGate
- Google Scholar
- Digital Commons
Research Interests
- Historical and Industrial Archaeologies
- Heritage and Energy Systems, Sustainability and Development
- Creativity and Work Process
- Remote Sensing, Survey, and Geospatial Sciences
- Heritage, Placemaking, and Culture Building
- Archaeometry and Conservation Sciences
- Community-based scholarship, public science/humanities
- Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences
- Affiliated Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- Director of Research, Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience
Research Interests
- Socio-technological systam transitions
- Technology adoption
- Energy policy
- Energy practices
- Sustainable communities
- Self-provisioning
- Environmental education
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Professor, Biological Sciences
- eseagren@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2614
- Dow 859
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Environmental biotechnology, including in situ bioremediation of contaminated subsurface environments, monitoring and evaluation of the performance of biological treatment processes, development of in situ biological treatment systems for urban storm water runoff, innovative reuse of waste materials, and in situ improvement of soils properties via microbially-mediated processes.

Marianne Semones
- Mi-STAR Program Director and Senior Research Scientist
- Research Engineer, Great Lakes Research Center
- sasenczy@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1064
- GLRC 317
- Program Management
- Proposal Development
- Technology Commercialization
Research Interests
- Acoustics and Vibrations
- Thermoacoustics
- Carbon Nanotube Speaker Design and Fabrication
- Underwater Acoustics
- Active Noise Control
- Image and Signal Processing
- Autonomous Vehicles

Dre Senyk
- Laboratory Technician, Environmental Biotechnology Lab
- asenyk@mtu.edu
- GLRC 112
Areas of Interest
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Material Upcycling
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Environmental Remediation
- Apiculture and Pollinator Health
- Research Facility Organization
- Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering
- Research Professor, Chemical Engineering
- drshonna@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3468
- Dow 840A
Research Interests
- Bioprocess engineering
- Alternative energy/Biofuels
- Sustainability
- Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Health
Research Interests
Natural hazards and disasters
Environmental planning and response
Sustainability and mental health
Socio-environmental complexity
- Environmental regulation
Areas of Expertise
Environmental sociology
Urban sustainability
Qualitative and mixed methods
Planning for complexity
- Associate Professor, Energy Policy
Research Interests
- Sustainable Energy Systems
- Energy Security and Justice
- Risk Governance of the Energy Sector
- Arctic Energy Development
- Russian Energy Policy
- U.S. Energy Policy
Areas of Expertise
- Energy and Environmental Policy
- Comparative and International Energy Law
- U.S. Energy Law
- U.S. Environmental Law
- Russian Energy and Environmental Law
- Energy Geopolitics
- Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- annastu@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2342
- EERC 503
Links of Interest
Courses Taught
- Electrical Energy Systems
- Power System Optimization
- Distributed Energy Resources
Areas of Interest
- Power Systems
- Distributed Energy Resources
- Optimization
- Interconnected Critical Infrastructure Systems
- Professor, Biological Sciences
Links of Interest
- Gene Silencing
- RNA Interference (RNAi)
- MicroRNA (miRNA) and miRNA Eveolution
- RNA Silencing in Plant Germ Extract and Drosophila Embryo Lysate.
- Fungal RNAi and microRNA
- MicroRNA Technologies: Small Tandem Target mimic (STTM) and MicroRNA Array
- Plant Electrophysiology in Plant microRNA STTM lines and Venus flytrap.
- Wild Blueberry Improvement

Beth Techtmann
- Research Communications Coordinator
- Great Lakes Research Center
- Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
- btechtma@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2713
- GLRC 312
Roles and Areas of Responsibility
- Research Communications
- Graphic Design Support
- Marketing Materials
- Content Development for Social Media
- Pre-Award Proposal Development Support
- Website Development
- Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- Associate Director, Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC)
- smtechtm@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3250
- Dow 531
Research Interests
- Environmental Microbiology
- Next-generation sequencing technology and bioinformatics/computational biology
- Microbial physiology and biochemistry
- Microbes as sensors for the environmental impacts of oil and gas production
- Microbially-mediated remediation of crude oil contamination
- Sustainability and plastic biodegradation
- Senior Geospatial Research Scientist
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
- djtrepal@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3580
- GLRC 303
- PhD, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, Michigan Technological University
- MS, Industrial Archaeology, Michigan Technological University
- BS, Anthropology and History, Cleveland State University
Research Interests
- Industrial and Urban Archaeology
- Historical GIS
- Deindustrialization
- Industrial Landscapes
- The Archaeology of Brownfields
- Spatial Analysis of Historical Industrial Pollutants
- Big Data Approaches to Archaeology
- Publicly-engaged Scholarship

Stephanie Tubman
- Mi-STAR Senior Research Scientist
Research Interests
- Teacher leadership development
- Science teacher beliefs, attitudes, and practices around effective science instruction
- Decision-making and power sharing in instructional and organizational settings
- Design of curriculum for Next Generation Science Standards in the middle (6-8) and high school (9-12) gradebands
- Design and evaluation of inquiry-based curriculum for grades 6-12
- Environmental and place-based education
- Integration of Next Generation Science Standards into place-based educational frameworks
- Design and implementation of professional learning for STEM educators
- Coaching and facilitation of teacher leaders
- Earth science, water resource, and natural hazards education
- Project Management
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- roger@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1784
- Dow 624
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- nurban@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3640
- 306 GLRC
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Environmental cycles of major and trace elements
- Sediment diagenesis and stratigraphy
- Chemistry of natural organic matter
- Wetland biogeochemistry
- Environmental impact and fate of pollutants
- Influence of organisms on the chemical environment
- Role of chemical environment in controlling populations
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science
- Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- Coordinator, College of Computing Learning Center
- ureel@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1816
- Rekhi Hall 209
Links of Interest
Area of Expertise
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science Education
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
- tjvickma@mtu.edu
- GLRC 220
Research Interests
- Microbial Ecology
- Biogeochemistry
- Limnology
- Cryosphere
- Geosciences Research Scientist, Great Lakes Research Center
- ecvye@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1581
- GLRC 213
Areas of Interest
- Geosciences Education
- Geoconservation
- Geoheritage
- National Marine Sanctuary
- Great Lakes Indigenous Knowledge
- University-Indigenous Community Partnerships
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- gpwaite@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3554
- Dow 428
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Seismic source mechanisms of tectonic and volcanic earthquakes
- Mantle and crustal-scale seismic tomography
- The relationship of seismic anisotropy to fluids and strain
- Active-source investigations of magmatic systems
- Triggering of earthquakes by magmatic and hydrous fluid migration
- Relationship between shallow syneruptive volcanic earthquakes and degassing

—Richard Feynman
- Professor, Computer Science
- Affiliated Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- wallace@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3431
- Rekhi Hall 205
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- software usability & accessibility
- gerontechnology
- smart & connected communities
- communication in software development
- agile development methods
- applied formal methods
- computing ethics
- sustainable computing
- computer science & software engineering education

Lindsey M Watch
- Mi-STAR Research Scientist
Research Interests
- STEM/CS/CT K-12 curricular integration
- STEM educator professional development
- K-12 NGSS curricular design
- Professional development for STEM educators
- Place-based environmental education
- Distinguished Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- dwatkins@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1640
- Dow 806
Links of Interest
AmeriCorps and VISTA Master’s Programs
Teaching Interests
- Water resources planning and management
- Environmental systems analysis
- Hydrologic and hydraulic engineering
- Optimization methods
- Learning through service
Research Interests
- Integrated water resources planning
- Hydrologic modeling and forecasting
- Flood risk management
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation planning
- Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- Systems optimization under uncertainty
- Sustainable development engineering
- Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- ajwebb@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2483
- Houghton, MI
Areas of Expertise
- Physics Based Modeling
- Electromagnetic Analysis
- Signal and Image Processing Techniques
Research Interests
- Applications in Remote Sensing and Imaging Systems
- Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- vlweb@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1079
- Dillman 201D
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Probability and statistics
- Stochastic hydrology
- Numerical methods
- Water resources
- Risk analysis and management
Research Interests
- Water resources
- Uncertainty analysis
- Flood frequency and analysis of extreme events
- Impacts of climate and land use changes
- Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- wwei4@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3405
- R. L. Smith 923
Areas of Interest
• Advanced Power Systems
• Sustainable Manufacturing and Design
• Mechanics of Multi-scale Materials
Link of interest
Research Interests
• Additive manufacturing
• Advanced materials for electrochemical applications
• Nanotechnology
• Renewable energy conversion and storage
• Clean fuel production

—Sidney Verba
- Professor of Public Policy, Social Sciences
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Anglo-American policy advisory systems
- Governance and political mechanisms
- Survey research
- Policy process frameworks
Areas of Interest
- Energy policy
- Oil Sands Development
- Forest Policy
- Policy Innovation Labs
- Policy Design
- Research Engineer, Great Lakes Research Center
- Relief Captain, Great Lakes Research Center
- tmwhite@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2877
- GLRC 310
- Responsible for administration of the Marine Autonomy Research Site and Smart Ships Coalition and coordination with the Marine Research Assets Shared Use Facility (MRAF) in support of client needs.
- Provide scientific and engineering support to faculty, staff, partners, and sponsors with expertise in design, manufacturing, and integration of marine systems. Support budget and proposal development, project management, and strategic planning.
- Over 10 years' experience as a licensed captain on the Great Lakes with expertise in navigation systems, marine electronics, mechanical systems, and maintenance, repair, and operations.
- Expanded Biography.
- Assistant Director, Geospatial Research Facility
- rywillia@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1485
- GLRC 313
Areas of Expertise
- Geographic Information Systems
- Database Development
- GIS Tool and Process Development
- Integrating Web, GIS, Database and Analytics Tools

Christopher Wojick
- Senior Researcher, Program Evaluation
- Great Lakes Research Center
- clwojick@mtu.edu
- Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Research Engineer, Advanced Power Systems Research Center
- Director, Michigan Tech Mobile Lab
- jjworm@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2686
- R. L. Smith 709
Research Interests
- High-Performance Engines (SI and CI)
- Direct Injection
- Compressed Natural Gas
- Alternative Fuels
- Energy Efficiency
Areas of Expertise
- Internal Combustion Engines Combustion System Development Variable Valve Lift / Timing Powertrain Calibration Alternative Fuels Engine Integration
- Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Instrumentation & Testing Ground Vehicle Systems Powertrain Systems
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- slwu@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2590
- Dow 429
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Interactions among climate, atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and land use/land cover
- Impacts of global change on atmospheric chemistry and long-range transport of air pollution
- Anthropogenic perturbations to the atmosphere and implications for environmental sustainability
- Atmosphere-biosphere interactions, especially in the context of global change
- Impacts of aerosols on the global hydrological cycle
- Assistant Professor, Construction Management
- Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Faculty, College of Business
- boxiao@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2804
- Dillman 301G
Links of Interest
Teaching Experience
- Advanced technologies in construction (e.g., BIM)
- Project management
- Construction methods
- Structural analysis
Research Interests
- Construction informatics
- Computer vision-based site monitoring
- Construction robotics
- Natural language processing in construction
- Blockchain-enabled contract management
- Cybersecurity in construction management
- Associate Professor of Forest Biomaterials
- xinfengx@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2294
- Noblet Building 110
Areas of Expertise
- Carbon materials derived from wood, lignin, and cellulose
- Integrated thermochemical conversion and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
- Carbon-polymer composites and hybrid materials
- Wood protection and preservation
- Wood properties, quality, and modification
- Associate Director, Great Lakes Research Center
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Director, Numerical Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Great Lakes Research Center
- pexue@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1837
- GLRC 208
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Introductory Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Water Resources Engineering
- Ecosystem Dynamics Modeling
Research Interests
- Hydrodynamic modeling
- Regional climate modeling
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics
- Data assimilation and machine learning
- Biophysical processes in the Great Lakes
- Estuary and coastal ocean processes
- Research Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- xinyuy@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3138
- GLRC 116
Research Interests
- Hydrodynamic Models in the Great Lakes
- Regional-scale Climate Modeling
- Distinguished Professor, Transportation Engineering
- zyou@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1059
- Dillman 301A
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Road design and analysis
- Civil engineering materials
- Sustainable pavement engineering
- Advanced asphalt materials
- Pavement mechanics
Research Interests
Design, construction, and maintenance of pavements
Micromechanics for road materials
- Discrete element modeling and finite element modeling techniques
Construction materials: asphalt, aggregate, asphalt concrete
Alternative materials for civil engineering
- Recycled materials for civil engineering
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- czhao4@mtu.edu
- GLRC 210
Research Interests
- Great Lakes hydrodynamic modeling and data assimilation
- Coastal disaster prevention and mitigation
- Waves and currents interaction with vegetation
- Sediment transport in vegetated regions