Our Educational Priority
At Michigan Tech Residential Living, we believe that what you learn in the classroom
is just one aspect of your complete college experience. Whether you are in the classroom
or in the residence halls, learning is everywhere! Within our on-campus housing, Huskies
are able to build community, undergo challenges and celebrate successes together.
College requires persistence, determination and dedication to reach graduation. It
also requires a solid foundation of support from fellow students, staff and faculty!
The on-campus residential community provides a structured and well-researched curriculum
designed to support our Huskies as they reach their educational goals and beyond.
Through various initiatives, students are encouraged to expand their horizons, cultivate
essential life skills, and develop a strong sense of self. By participating in extracurricular
activities, leadership programs, and community service, students are provided with
opportunities to enhance their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.
On-campus living provides access to support services, such as leadership opportunities,
mental health support, mentorship and comradery. Students grow as individuals and
as a community to become conscientious and resilient members of society.