
"The true picture of the past whizzes by. Only as a picture, which flashes its final farewell in the moment of its recognizability, is the past to be held fast."
—Walter Benjamin “On the Concept of History”
—Walter Benjamin “On the Concept of History”
- Associate Professor of Digital Media, Humanities
- PEC Tech Forward/IPEC Director
- Faculty in Communication, Culture, and Media
- 906-487-1084
- Walker 308
- Visual Studies
- Algorithmic Culture
- Photography
- Critical Theory
Executive Committee
- Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business
- IPEC Associate Director
- 906-487-2285
- Academic Office Building 113
Teaching Interests
- Consumer behavior
- Global Marketing
- Branding
- Marketing ethics and Sustainability
Research Interests
- The polysemic nature of consumer-market dynamics in association with (pop)culture, technology, and institutions as key drivers of varied manifestations of consumer identity.
- Consumers as self-emancipating and self-contradicting agents in the market
- Sustainable lifestyles.
- Postcolonialism and globalization
- Alternative food systems and cultures
- Algorithmic consumer culture
- Assistant Professor, Communication and Media Technologies
- Director of Communication, Culture, and Media
- IPEC, Human Machine Culture Lead
- Walker 328
Research Interests
- Communication, Culture, and Technology
- Human Machine Communication
- Haptic Media Studies
- Science and Technology Studies
- Sensory Studies
- Assistant Professor, Communication, Culture, & Media, and Humanities
- Walker 326
Current Projects
The Evolution of Social Media-Based Resistance in the Russia-Ukraine War
The Experiences, Values, and Missions that Underlie Opposition to Right-Wing Populism
Positions Held
- Assistant Professor of Communication, Culture, and Media
- Research Area Lead, Social Media and Society, Institute for Policy, Ethics, and Culture
Research Interests
- Resistance and Activism
- Politics, Social Media, and Technology
- Peace and Conflict
- Teaching Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
- Director, Music Composition Program
- 906-487-3015
- Rozsa 206
Links of Interest
- Classical music composition
- Violin/viola performance, instruction
- Associate Professor of Philosophy, Humanities
- Ethics and Philosophy Minor Advisor
- 906-487-2612
- Walker 302
Research Areas
- Continental Philosophy (especially Phenomenology and Existential Thought)
- Social and Political Philosophy (including Feminist Philosophy)
- Philosophy and Art (including Literature)
- Ethical Philosophy
- Philosophy of Technology
- Engineering Ethics
- Interim Chair, Social Sciences
- Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Research Interests
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Social simulation (agent-based modeling)
- Policy analysis
- International relations
- Sustainability assessment
- Complex adaptive systems
- Norm evolution and social influence
- STEM education evaluation
- Research design and methods
- Associate Professor, Energy Policy
Research Interests
- Sustainable Energy Systems
- Energy Security and Justice
- Risk Governance of the Energy Sector
- Arctic Energy Development
- Russian Energy Policy
- U.S. Energy Policy
Areas of Expertise
- Energy and Environmental Policy
- Comparative and International Energy Law
- U.S. Energy Law
- U.S. Environmental Law
- Russian Energy and Environmental Law
- Energy Geopolitics

"I do not believe that what one gives to the sciences is taken from philosophy."
—Maurice Merleau-Ponty
—Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Scott Marratto
- Associate Professor of Philosophy, Humanities
- 906-487-2613
- Walker 303
Research Interests
- Continental Philosophy (especially phenomenology)
- Political Philosophy
- Ethics
- Philosophy of Science and Technology
General Membership
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- Associate Dean of Data Science Initiatives, College of Computing
- Director, Data Science, M.S. and B.S. Programs
- 906-487-3472
- Rekhi Hall 307
Area of Expertise
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Data Mining and Data Science
- Applications of AI and ML to Energy (microgrids, power systems), Health, and other domains

Sue Collins
- Associate Professor of Communication, Culture, & Media, Department of Humanities
- Associate Chair, Department of Humanities
- 906-487-3260
- Walker 305

Laura E. Connolly
- Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Business
- 906-487-2809
- Academic Office Building 125
Teaching Interests
- Labor Economics
- Economic Decision Analysis
- Microeconomic Theory
Research Interests
- Labor Economics
- Economics of Gender
- Public Policy
- Applied Microeconomics

Mary Cyr
- Assistant Teaching Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
- 906-487-3222
- Walker 204A

Jun Dai
- Assistant Professor of Accounting Information Systems, College of Business
- Richard and Joyce Ten Haken Faculty Fellow in Accounting/Finance
- 906-487-3267
- Academic Office Building 126
Teaching Interests
- Accounting Systems
- Accounting Analytical Methods
- Business Database Management
- Associate Professor of Technical & Professional Communication
- 906-487-2574
- Walker 345
Links of Interest
- Technical Communication
- STS (Science and Technology Studies; Science, Technology, and Society)
- Science Communication
- History and Philosophy of Science and Math
- History of Higher Education
- Assistant Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Humanities
- 906-487-2180
- Noblet Building 168
Research Interests
- University-Community Partnerships, research engagement, and equitable practice and design
- Environmental Justice and Policy, toxic substances, risk management, and promoting holistic health
- Indigenous / Native American Studies, treaties and the government-to-government relationship, food sovereignty, and Indigenous wisdom in the Great Lakes region
- Environmental Stewardship and the Seven Generations Philosophy

Kimberly Geiger
- Director of Communications, College of Engineering
- 906-487-4317
- M&M 708
- Professor Emerita, Chemistry
- 906-487-2048
- Chemical Sciences 607
Research Interests
- Climate change communication
- Science-policy interface
- Youth engagement in climate policy
- Response of aquatic systems to climate change
- Great Lakes
- Fluorescence-based analytical methods
- Aerosol chemistry
- Origin and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in terrestrial, lake, and marine environments
- Methods for detection of free radicals, photochemical transformations of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in the environment
- Integration of biological, geological, physical, and chemical data for understanding global cycles.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy
- Walker 344
Research Areas
- Ethics
- Biomedical Ethics
- Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Philosophy of Love
- Feminist Philosophy

James Hammond
- Assistant Professor, Rhetoric and Composition
- Academy of Teaching Excellence
- Walker 320

Kalvin Hartwig
- Anishinaabemowin Gikinoo’amaagewin Weninang / Anishinaabe Language-Culture Coordinator
- Director, Health Research Institute
- James and Lorna Mack Endowed Chair in Continuous Processing
- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- 906-487-1134
- Chem Sci 301
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Bioseparations
- Virus removal and detection
- Biosensors

Robert Hutchinson
- Professor of Accounting, College of Business
- 906-487-2140
- Academic Office Building G110
Teaching Interests
- Managerial accounting
- Cost accounting
Research Interests
- Cost accounting system design
- Transfer pricing
- Industrial dynamics
- Simulations
- Semiotics

Nicholas Kwiek
- Advisor for Cooperative Education and Professional Development
- 906-487-2313
- Administration Building 220

Mark Lounibos
- Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
- Walker 303
- Professor, Biological Sciences
- Director, Ecosystem Science Center
- Director, Aquatic Analysis (AQUA) Shared Facility
- 906-487-2867
- Dow 528
Research Interests
- Limnology
- Ecosystem Ecology of Streams and Rivers
- Biogeochemistry
- Associate Teaching Professor
- Social Sciences Program Advisor
- University Ombuds
Areas of Interest
- Resource Economics
- Cyberlaw
- Intellectual Property
- Constitutional Law
- Orientation to Legal Careers
- American Government
- Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
- Vice President, Michigan Tech Fund
- 906-487-2921
- ATDC 210
- Professor of Practice in Forest Biomaterials
- Coordinator of Industrial Research, Innovation, and Commercialization
- Director of Ford Center and Forest
- 906-487-2603
- Noblet Building 175
Areas of Expertise
- Forest Biomaterials
- Tree biomechanics
- Wind and trees
- Dendrochronology
- Extension and Outreach
- Director of Foundation Relations, Office of Advancement
- Department Chair and Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Computer Science
- 906-487-2792
- Meese Center 107
Research Interests
- Basic and applied attention
- Models of attention
- Human performance in aviation
- Display design
- Tech adoption
- Technology training
- Interim Department Chair, Humanities
- Associate Professor of Diversity and Literature, Humanities
- Director, Diversity Studies Minor
- 906-487-3251
- Walker 301B
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science
- Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- Coordinator, College of Computing Learning Center
- 906-487-1816
- Rekhi Hall 209
Links of Interest
Area of Expertise
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science Education
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Dana Van Kooy
- Associate Professor, English in Transnational Literature, Literary Theory and Culture
- Director, RTC Graduate Program
- Walker 319B

Marcelino Viera
- Associate Professor of Spanish and Culture Studies
- Walker 321
- Distinguished Professor
- 906-487-1711
- Noblet Building 186
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Demographic and genetic elements of population biology
- Ecology of wolves and moose
- Environmental ethics
- Geosciences Research Scientist, Great Lakes Research Center
- 906-487-1581
- GLRC 213
Areas of Interest
- Geosciences Education
- Geoconservation
- Geoheritage
- National Marine Sanctuary
- Great Lakes Indigenous Knowledge
- University-Indigenous Community Partnerships

Jeffrey Wall
- Associate Professor of Management Information Systems & Analytics, College of Business
- 906-487-1707
- Academic Office Building G010
Teaching Interests
- Business Process Analysis
- AI and machine learning for business
- Information Security
- Systems analysis and design
Research Interests
- Information security behavior
- Power and control
- Individual and organizational deviance
- Business applications for AI and machine learning

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool."
—Richard Feynman
—Richard Feynman
- Professor, Computer Science
- Affiliated Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- 906-487-3431
- Rekhi Hall 205
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- software usability & accessibility
- gerontechnology
- smart & connected communities
- communication in software development
- agile development methods
- applied formal methods
- computing ethics
- sustainable computing
- computer science & software engineering education
Student Membership

Ayodele James Akinola
- PhD Student, Department of Humanities
- Walker 140

Genius Amaraizu
- PhD Student, Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture, Department of Humanities
- Walker 314

Aritra Chakrabarty
- PhD Student, Environmental and Energy Policy
- AOB 202

Emma Johnson
- PhD Student, Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture, Department of Humanities
- Walker 312

Tucker Nielsen
- MS Student, Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture, Department of Humanities
- Walker 141

Favour Esinam Normeshie
- PhD Candidate, Department of Humanities
- Walker 332

Cassandra Reed-VanDam
- Essential Education Experience Manager
- 906-487-3458
- M&M 727
- Student-led experiential education
- Community-based and participatory research
- Facilitation for social change
- Environmental justice and food sovereignty