
Campus Resources

Campus Garden

Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being

Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being offers a wide variety of services to Michigan Tech students, aiming to provide the most effective care to students.

Husky Statue

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students Office is a resource center for all Michigan Tech students. Our goal is to guide, support, and, on occasion, challenge students in their academic and personal endeavors. Student success is at the heart of our work.

EMS vehicle


Michigan Technological University Emergency Medical Services, as part of the Department of Public Safety and Police Services, provides free, reliable, timely, and quality first medical response 24 hours a day, seven days a week to the Michigan Tech community and its visitors.

Grad Faculty Staff

Graduate School

Graduate student life is about more than just classes and research. Michigan Tech and the local community have many opportunities for grad students to get involved, find support, stay informed, and explore. Take advantage of the resources your new community offers you!


Husky Food Access Network

No one in the Husky family should ever be concerned about when or where they get their next meal. The Husky Food Access Network (FAN) is an on-campus resource to ensure no Husky ever goes hungry.


Ombuds Office

The Ombuds Office provides confidential and informal problem solving for members of the Michigan Tech academic community, including conflict resolution and mediation services.

Library Study Area

Office of Academic and Community Conduct

The Office of Academic and Community Conduct continually strives to support a culture of integrity at Michigan Tech. All participants in the conduct process are treated fairly and with respect to resolve issues in an atmosphere of honesty and trust.

Residence Education and Housing Services

Residence Education and Housing Services

The residence halls at Michigan Technological University are a place to build relationships, learn life skills, and develop your world view. Students in the residence halls will build an inclusive and supportive community. All members will become conscientious, resilient, and prosperous through active engagement in their own progression.

Title IX

Title IX Coordinators - Resources for Sexual Assault or Violence

Information and resources to help with incidents of sexual misconduct and behavior that violate Title IX. This may include, but is not limited to, the following: sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner/dating violence, and domestic violence.

Waino Wahtera Center

Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success

The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success encourages the growth of Michigan Tech students through the development of relationships, attitudes, values, and skills. We support students and their families with the transition to University life and the navigation of its many challenges and opportunities.

Community Resources

Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home

Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home

The Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home offers a safe place for victims of domestic violence and their children. If you’re in immediate danger, call 911. We work to provide ways to access safety and support when escaping violence and abuse.

Dial Help

Dial Help

The mission of Dial Help is to promote the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our communities. We accomplish this goal by providing problem assistance, crisis intervention, referrals, education, and training.

Community Resources

Local Community Health Resources

Students have access to several local community health resources, including walk-in clinics, primary care clinics, an on-campus pharmacy, sports medicine centers, and local hospitals.

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


Michigan Crisis and Access Line (MiCAL) staff will provide Michiganders with crisis and warm line services, informational resources, and facilitated coordination with local systems of care such as community mental health services programs (CMHSPs), prepaid inpatient health plans (PIHPs), and other applicable entities. MiCAL will be staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will offer support through phone, text, and chat.

Substance Abuse Resources

Great Lakes Recovery Center

Great Lakes Recovery Center

The Great Lakes Recovery Center is a nonprofit CARF-accredited agency specializing in substance abuse and mental health treatment for youth, families, and adults. We offer treatment services by certified counselors and licensed professionals in many communities across Michigan’s picturesque Upper Peninsula.



Al-Anon Family Groups are for families and friends who have been affected by a loved one’s drinking. Nearly 16,000 groups meet weekly throughout the US, Canada, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Al-Anon Family Groups meet in more than 130 countries, and Al-Anon literature is available in more than 40 languages.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Emergency Resources

If this is an emergency or someone is in danger, please call 911.

Public safety

Emergency - Public Safety and Police Services

The Department of Public Safety and Police Services at Michigan Technological University is staffed by trained, certified State of Michigan police officers who have full law enforcement authority (including the power of arrest) throughout Houghton County.

report a concern

Report a Concern

Michigan Tech is committed to providing an environment that is respectful and supportive. If you have witnessed or experienced behaviors or events that you believe impede these efforts for you personally, or for a friend or colleague, please report them to the University using one of our Report a Concern forms.

tip line

Tip Line

Members of the Michigan Tech community may report items of concern using this anonymous tip form.
Appropriate reasons to use this tip form include concern about someone's well-being or observations of unusual behavior.