Materials Science and Engineering Bachelor's Degree

Fuse your creativity and interest in materials to mold a rewarding career.

Prostheses, automobiles, and mountain bikes allow us to go where we want and do what we want. Computers and cell phones are products that touch our everyday lives. Learn to create and innovate these products. Get a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering.

Materials scientists work at the forefront of technology. They apply physics, chemistry, and biology to compose new products. Using methods in materials science and engineering, they improve our quality of life.

These professionals have contributed to major scientific breakthroughs, including:

  • New materials that allow energy conversion for a cleaner environment
  • Artificial skin for burn victims
  • Nanotechnologies that make computers smaller, faster, and more economical
  • Tough new composites that enable mountain bikers to climb higher and faster
  • Microscopic silicon chips that rewire themselves to conform to users’ needs
  • Medical diagnostic equipment such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
  • 12
    out of 20 universities with the greatest salary impact
  • 2
    out of 38 best colleges in Michigan
  • A
    for value and professors
  • 2x2
    double wage, double growth for STEM occupations

Tomorrow Needs Science and Engineering on Many Scales

At Michigan Tech, you can explore a wide variety of materials. Imagine studying objects ranging in scale from the nano- to the macro-scale. Find out what controls their properties and behaviors.

Examine the performance of metals, plastics, ceramics, biomaterials, electronic materials, and more. Take an active role in their development and production.

Engineering Enterprise Concentration

You can pursue an Enterprise concentration by taking part in Michigan Tech's award-winning Enterprise program. It's a great way to enhance your undergraduate degree. Enterprise is when students work in teams on real projects, with real clients, in an environment that's more like a business than a classroom. Choose from among 25 Enterprise teams on campus to invent products, provide services, and pioneer solutions. Tackle real-world design projects for industry sponsors or take part in a national competition (or both). This concentration can add courses in business and entrepreneurship.

Katie Amar-Fox on the Career Fair

I was able to speak with Nucor when I was a second year here at Tech. Then, I did a few different internships with them down in Alabama and over in Illinois, then landed a full-time spot down in Arkansas.

Katie Amar-Fox
Katie Amar-Fox ’19
materials science and engineering

Be Career-Ready

Graduate with a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering. Prepare to transition directly to entry-level jobs in industry. Gain a position in process engineering, quality control, and materials design. Go into the electronics, auto, and foundry industries. An advanced degree is desirable for research positions.

Explore career opportunities for materials science and engineering majors.

  • Reliability engineer
  • Composites engineer
  • Research engineer
  • Semiconductor processing engineer
  • Failure analysis engineer
  • Materials engineer
  • Quality assurance engineer

$72,492 mean entry-level salary
Figures from, accessed May 2024.

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about studying materials science and engineering at Michigan's flagship technological university.


Connected, innovative.

Build real skills at Michigan Tech. Become an engineer.

Gain diverse experience.

Engage in design and research.

Leap forward in your program.

Connect with students and industry.

“My favorite thing about materials science is how many paths you can take in a career. You can specialize in polymers or metals or ceramics.”Madi Kehoe, undergraduate materials science and engineering student

Be an MTUengineer

Join the LEAP leaders, wow the elementary students, and attend the AIPG National Conference.

Teach coding and circuitry. Research combustion and nanotechnology. Do a co-op with Kimberly-Clark. Show us how to slurry sand and complete miners training.

Tell us how important wetland mitigation is to you.

This is what we're all about.

Read Student Stories


A Professional Start

Materials science and engineering majors have great peers.

  • Materials United
  • MTU Society of Women Engineers
  • Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration

Compete in Enterprise. Join an ASM undergraduate design project.

Begin your networking journey here.

Join clubs and groups.

Beyond Engineering

Engineering majors cultivate their interests and talents at Michigan Tech. Join Superior Wind Symphony, follow military service, and be active in local politics.

Dive into Yucatan Culture.

Attend GeekU.P., become a lifeguard, and do a Canal Run. Be a musher. Set a Guinness World Record. Take part in Parade of Nations.

Let yourself shine.

Go Beyond

The MSE Department

  • Our facilities include a full suite of labs for characterizing and making new materials.
  • Faculty mentor students in many research areas, such as nanomaterials, energy, battery technology, biomaterials, the environment, and failure analysis.
  • Get unique training in electron microscopy.
  • Funding is available through the Charles and Carroll McArthur Undergraduate Research Endowment.
  • Our department specialty is working in metals.
  • We give you the personal attention and support necessary for academic success and a positive overall undergraduate experience.

MTU engineering

Real Engineering. Meaningful Work.

We are committed to inspiring students, advancing knowledge, and innovating technological solutions to create a sustainable, just, and prosperous world. With an entering engineering class of about 1,000 students, 18 degrees to choose from, and 160+ faculty in the College of Engineering alone, we provide a world-class education with the trusted reputation of Michigan Tech.

As a student at Michigan Tech you’ll work closely with faculty mentors, immerse yourself in experience-powered learning, and gain a thorough understanding of engineering practice. Collaborate and innovate in laboratories, coursework, Enterprise, and Senior Design—you'll work with industry partners on real engineering projects and develop strong skill sets for your future.

You could study abroad, with engineering opportunities ranging from a few weeks to one full year. Or focus on problems facing disadvantaged communities in countries around the world. Michigan Tech’s Global and Community Engagement program offers you a range of options.

More than 400 employers regularly recruit our students for internships, co-ops, and full-time employment. Engineering students average seven interviews, and 98 percent are employed within their field of study, enlist in the military, or enroll in a graduate school within six months of graduation. A degree in engineering from Michigan Tech can take you anywhere.

Tomorrow Needs You

Engineers do a lot of things, but there's one thing we do first and foremost: we help people. We use creative ideas and technologies to solve problems in health care, energy, transportation, hunger, space exploration, climate change, and more—much more. Become an engineer who is ready for what tomorrow needs.

Student Stories

Bringing Industry to Students

During Foundry Fest at Michigan Tech, Materials Science and Engineering students had to the unique opportunity to design their own cast iron molds, see live metal casting demonstrations, and connect with engineers, metallurgists, and skilled craftsman to learn more about careers in metal-working and engineering.

Watch Waupaca Foundry at MTU video
Preview image for Waupaca Foundry at MTU video

Waupaca Foundry at MTU

“I was inspired to become an MSE because this type of engineering is really fundamental. We connect to chemistry. We connect to physics. We connect to mechanical engineering.”Mieka Clark '23, BS in Materials Science and Engineering with a minor in physics