Fuse your creativity and interest in materials to mold a rewarding career.
Prostheses, automobiles, and mountain bikes allow us to go where we want and do what we want. Computers and cell phones are products that touch our everyday lives. Learn to create and innovate these products. Get a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering.
Materials scientists work at the forefront of technology. They apply physics, chemistry, and biology to compose new products. Using methods in materials science and engineering, they improve our quality of life.
These professionals have contributed to major scientific breakthroughs, including:
- New materials that allow energy conversion for a cleaner environment
- Artificial skin for burn victims
- Nanotechnologies that make computers smaller, faster, and more economical
- Tough new composites that enable mountain bikers to climb higher and faster
- Microscopic silicon chips that rewire themselves to conform to users’ needs
- Medical diagnostic equipment such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
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Tomorrow Needs Science and Engineering on Many Scales
At Michigan Tech, you can explore a wide variety of materials. Imagine studying objects ranging in scale from the nano- to the macro-scale. Find out what controls their properties and behaviors.
Examine the performance of metals, plastics, ceramics, biomaterials, electronic materials, and more. Take an active role in their development and production.
Engineering Enterprise Concentration
You can pursue an Enterprise concentration by taking part in Michigan Tech's award-winning Enterprise program. It's a great way to enhance your undergraduate degree. Enterprise is when students work in teams on real projects, with real clients, in an environment that's more like a business than a classroom. Choose from among 25 Enterprise teams on campus to invent products, provide services, and pioneer solutions. Tackle real-world design projects for industry sponsors or take part in a national competition (or both). This concentration can add courses in business and entrepreneurship.
Katie Amar-Fox on the Career FairI was able to speak with Nucor when I was a second year here at Tech. Then, I did a few different internships with them down in Alabama and over in Illinois, then landed a full-time spot down in Arkansas.