Education Preparation Concentration

Prepare for a Fulfilling Career as a Teacher

Get the mathematical background essential to teaching high school and college mathematics. With a Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences and a concentration in general education, you’ll be on the way to a rewarding career—High School Teacher is the #1 Best Education Job according to US News and World Report.

The general education concentration lays a broad foundation in modern mathematics including calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and modeling, statistics, geometry, and number theory. You’ll be introduced to the theory of algebra and calculus and learn the history of the development of mathematics, as well as the fundamentals of computer programming. You’ll graduate prepared to teach in private schools, enroll in teaching credentialing programs, or obtain graduate degrees and teach at public high schools, community colleges, and universities.

Why is Teacher Development Important?

Education Preparation programs provide you, the educator-to-be, with the tools, mentors, and hands-on experience you'll need once you begin your career. Work alongside peers seeking similar careers in education and begin building your network today.

Get The Most From Education Preparation

Degree requirements in education preparation are intentionally kept low to maximize the flexibility of the program. Contact your advisor to talk about your options and read these tips to help you prepare for your career.

Use Free Electives To Customize Your Education

Use your free electives wisely to get the strongest possible degree. Free electives allow you to pursue an area of interest. A minor in psychology or leadership can help prepare you to better deal with students, parents, and colleagues. Adding science minors could help you to expand your teaching into other subject areas. Speak to your advisor about the best way to use your free credits.

Get Summer Research Experiences

There are many summer undergraduate research opportunities to explore. Besides gaining experience, participation in undergraduate research is a great way to decide if you want to go to graduate school (and it looks great on a graduate school application)! Consider:

Complete an Internship or Participate in Enterprise

An internship or Enterpriseexperience helps you to build communication, teamwork, and critical thinking skills you will need as an educator. For information about internships, contact University Career Services or your advisor.

Join a Student Organization

Get involved with any number of student organizations on campus. There’s over 215, like Mind TrekkersQuiz BowlUndergraduate Student Government and more


In addition to your core mathematics degree requirements, the following courses are required to complete your concentration in applied and computational mathematics:


You must complete each of the following required 12 credits:


You must complete two 4000 level math courses (6 credits) to meet this requirement. Speak to your advisor about the best electives to choose for you.

Tomorrow Needs Math Teachers

As the rate of teacher retirements increases at alarming rates, the need to fill the backlog is great. Plus, the students of tomorrow are motivated and inspired to master mathematics in order to compete for 21st-century jobs in emerging fields like artificial intelligence, business analytics, data science, to name a few. A concentration in education preparation starts you on a pathway to a challenging, successful, and rewarding career.

The mathematics degree with a secondary education concentration provides fantastic preparation for careers in teaching and education. In addition to the option of teaching high school mathematics, options for jobs in diverse fields include business, finance, industry and technology. Graduates can also choose to pursue graduate studies in mathematics or mathematics education.

Career Opportunities

Your future career options are unlimited with a degree in mathematics with a concentration in education preparation. You’ll graduate prepared to teach in private schools. You will need to enroll in teaching credentialing programs, or obtain a graduate degree in order to teach at public high schools, community colleges, and universities. Career opportunities include:

  • Data Analytics Manager
  • Financial Advisor
  • Mathematician
  • Math Lecturer
  • Math Professor
  • Math Specialist
  • Math Tutor
  • Postsecondary Math Instructor

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about studying Education Preparation at Michigan's flagship technological university.

Study Mathematics With an Eye to Education Preparation at a Technological University

As a student, you work alongside future scientists and engineers; helping to solve real-world problems. You’ll have an insiders views of the challenges they face and are seeking to solve, giving you insight into the mindsight of what your future students will need.

  • Customize Your Education: The concentration in education preparation provides you with plenty of free credits to pursue minors to give you the specialization you want, like psychology or leadership.
  • Get personalized attention: Our smaller department ensures your academic advisors and professors know you and understand your interests and needs. You can receive the guidance you need in a timely fashion.

Undergraduate Concentrations in Mathematics

Not sure which concentration is the right fit? No problem.
Speak to an academic advisor.

Undergraduate Advising

A positive and productive advising relationship is a key component of your success at Michigan Tech. You and your academic advisor will develop your academic plan, and your advisor will help you follow and complete your plan to ensure your success at Michigan Tech.

Tomorrow Needs You

Mathematicians who work as teachers help guide future generations. Tomorrow's scientists, technicians, and leaders will be tasked with innovating and solving our world's most complex problems—and a strong foundation in mathematics will be critical. Become a teaching professional who is ready for what tomorrow needs.