Please select your audit year (the year you started at Michigan Tech or changed to your current major), then your major.
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Chemistry (SMBC)
- Biological Sciences (SBL)
- Business Analytics (SBA)
- Chemistry BA (SCA)
- Chemistry-Pre-Pharmacy (SCA1)
- Chemistry BS (SCH)
- Chemistry-Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry-Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry-Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry-Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication, Culture, and Media (SCCM)
- Computational Biology (SCB)
- Computational Chemistry and Chemical Informatics (SCCC)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SEEB)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Human Biology (SHB)
- Human Factors (SHF)
- Human Factors-Systems Thinking and Design (SHF1)
- Human Factors-Human-Computer Interface Design (SHF2)
- Human Factors-Innovation and Human-Centered Design (SHF3)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Mathematics-Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics-Applied/Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics-Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics-Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics-Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics-General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)
- Medical Laboratory Science 3+1 (SML8)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 (SML9)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SCMC)
- Nursing (SNUR)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Policy and Community Development (SPCD)
- Policy and Community Development-Law (SPC1)
- Policy and Community Development-Environment (SPC2)
- Policy and Community Development-Health (SPC3)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Psychology-Clinical/Counseling Psychology (SPS1)
- Psychology-Cognitive Psychology (SPS2)
- Psychology-Social Psychology (SPS3)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communications BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences-Policy, Law, and Society (SSS5)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Chemistry (SMBC)
- Biological Sciences (SBL)
- Business Analytics (SBA)
- Chemistry BA (SCA)
- Chemistry-Pre-Pharmacy (SCA1)
- Chemistry BS (SCH)
- Chemistry-Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry-Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry-Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry-Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication, Culture, and Media (SCCM)
- Computational Biology (SCB)
- Computational Chemistry and Chemical Informatics (SCCC)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SEEB)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Human Biology (SHB)
- Human Factors (SHF)
- Human Factors-Systems Thinking and Design (SHF1)
- Human Factors-Human-Computer Interface Design (SHF2)
- Human Factors-Innovation and Human-Centered Design (SHF3)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Mathematics-Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics-Applied/Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics-Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics-Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics-Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics-General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)
- Medical Laboratory Science 3+1 (SML8)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 (SML9)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SCMC)
- Nursing (SNUR)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Policy and Community Development (SPCD)
- Policy and Community Development-Law (SPC1)
- Policy and Community Development-Environment (SPC2)
- Policy and Community Development-Health (SPC3)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Psychology-Clinical/Counseling Psychology (SPS1)
- Psychology-Cognitive Psychology (SPS2)
- Psychology-Social Psychology (SPS3)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communications BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences-Policy, Law, and Society (SSS5)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Chemistry (SMBC)
- Biological Sciences (SBL)
- Business Analytics (SBA)
- Chemistry BA (SCA)
- Chemistry-Pre-Pharmacy (SCA1)
- Chemistry BS (SCH)
- Chemistry-Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry-Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry-Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry-Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication, Culture, and Media (SCCM)
- Computational Biology (SCB)
- Computational Chemistry and Chemical Informatics (SCCC)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SEEB)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Human Biology (SHB)
- Human Factors (SHF)
- Human Factors-Systems Thinking and Design (SHF1)
- Human Factors-Human-Computer Interface Design (SHF2)
- Human Factors-Innovation and Human-Centered Design (SHF3)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Mathematics-Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics-Applied/Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics-Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics-Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics-Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics-General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)
- Medical Laboratory Science 3+1 (SML8)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 (SML9)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SCMC)
- Nursing (SNUR)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Policy and Community Development (SPCD)
- Policy and Community Development-Law (SPC1)
- Policy and Community Development-Environment (SPC2)
- Policy and Community Development-Health (SPC3)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Psychology-Clinical/Counseling Psychology (SPS1)
- Psychology-Cognitive Psychology (SPS2)
- Psychology-Social Psychology (SPS3)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communications BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences-Policy, Law, and Society (SSS5)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Chemistry (SMBC)
- Biological Sciences (SBL)
- Business Analytics (SBA)
- Chemistry BA (SCA)
- Chemistry-Pre-Pharmacy (SCA1)
- Chemistry BS (SCH)
- Chemistry-Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry-Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry-Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry-Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication, Culture, and Media (SCCM)
- Computational Biology (SCB)
- Computational Chemistry and Chemical Informatics (SCCC)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SEEB)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Human Biology (SHB)
- Human Factors (SHF)
- Human Factors-Systems Thinking and Design (SHF1)
- Human Factors-Human-Computer Interface Design (SHF2)
- Human Factors-Innovation and Human-Centered Design (SHF3)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Mathematics-Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics-Applied/Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics-Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics-Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics-Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics-General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)
- Medical Laboratory Science 3+1 (SML8)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 (SML9)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SCMC)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Policy and Community Development (SPCD)
- Policy and Community Development-Law (SPC1)
- Policy and Community Development-Environment (SPC2)
- Policy and Community Development-Health (SPC3)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Psychology-Clinical/Counseling Psychology (SPS1)
- Psychology-Cognitive Psychology (SPS2)
- Psychology-Social Psychology (SPS3)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communications BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences-Policy, Law, and Society (SSS5)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Electronic Media Performance (SEMP)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Chemistry (SMBC)
- Bioinformatics (SBI)
- Biological Sciences (SBL)
- Chemistry BA (SCA)
- Chemistry BS (SCH)
- Chemistry-Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry-Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry-Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry-Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication, Culture, and Media (SCCM)
- Computational Chemistry and Chemical Informatics (SCCC)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SEEB)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Human Biology (SHB)
- Human Factors (SHF)
- Human Factors-Systems Thinking and Design (SHF1)
- Human Factors-Human-Computer Interface Design (SHF2)
- Human Factors-Innovation and Human-Centered Design (SHF3)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Mathematics-Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics-Applied/Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics-Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics-Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics-Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics-General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)
- Medical Laboratory Science 3+1 (SML8)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 (SML9)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (SCHP)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Psychology-Clinical/Counseling Psychology (SPS1)
- Psychology-Cognitive Psychology (SPS2)
- Psychology-Social Psychology (SPS3)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communications BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences-Policy, Law, and Society (SSS5)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Electronic Media Performance (SEMP)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Chemistry (SMBC)
- Bioinformatics (SBI)
- Biological Sciences-Ecology (SBL3)
- Biological Sciences-General (SBL1)
- Biological Sciences-Preprofessional (SBL5)
- Cheminformatics (SCHI)
- Chemistry (SCH)
- Chemistry-Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry-Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry-Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry-Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication, Culture, and Media (SCCM)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SEEB)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Human Biology (SHB)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Liberal Arts (SHU)
- Mathematics-Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)
- Mathematics-Applied Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics-Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics-Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics-Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics-General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Medical Laboratory Science-3+1 Cytotechnology (SML4)
- Medical Laboratory Science 3+1 (SML8)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 Cytotechnology (SML6)
- Medical Laboratory Science 4+1 Histotechnology (SML7)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 MLS (SML9)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (SCHP)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communications BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences-Policy, Law, and Society (SSS5)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Electronic Medica Performance (SEMP)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Chemistry (SMBC)
- Bioinformatics (SBI)
- Biological Sciences - Ecology (SBL3)
- Biological Sciences - General (SBL1)
- Biological Sciences - Pre-Professional (SBL5)
- Cheminformatics (SCHI)
- Chemistry (SCH)
- Chemistry - Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry - Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry - Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry Polymers (SCH1)
- Communication Culture and Media (SCCM)
- English (SEN)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Liberal Arts (SHU)
- Mathematics - Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics - Applied Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics - Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematic - Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics - Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics - General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Medical Lab Science 3+1 Cytotechnology (SML4)
- Medical Lab Science 3+1 MLS (SML8)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 Cytotechnology (SML6)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 Histotechnology (SML7)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 MLS (SML9)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (SCHP)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences - Law and Society (SSS4)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Electronic Media Performance (SEMP)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)
- Anthropology (SANT)
- Applied Physics (SAP)
- Audio Production and Technology (SFAT)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Biological Sciences (SMBB)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Chemistry (SMBC)
- Bioinformatics (SBI)
- Biological Sciences - Ecology (SBL3)
- Biological Sciences - General (SBL1)
- Biological Sciences - Pre-Professional (SBL5)
- Biological Sciences - Secondary Education (SBL7)
- Cheminformatics (SCHI)
- Chemistry (SCH)
- Chemistry - Biochemistry (SCH2)
- Chemistry - Chemical Physics (SCH4)
- Chemistry - Environmental (SCH5)
- Chemistry - Polymers (SCH1)
- Chemistry - Secondary Education (SCH3)
- Communication Culture and Media (SCCM)
- English (SEN)
- English Secondary Education (SEN1)
- Exercise Science (SESC)
- History (SSH)
- Humanities (SAH)
- Liberal Arts (SHU)
- Mathematics - Actuarial Science (SMA6)
- Mathematics - Applied Computational (SMA8)
- Mathematics - Business Analytics (SMA0)
- Mathematics - Discrete Mathematics (SMA5)
- Mathematics - Education Preparation (SMA9)
- Mathematics - General Mathematics (SMA2)
- Mathematics - Secondary Education (SMA7)
- Medical Lab Science 3+1 Cytotechnology (SML4)
- Medical Lab Science 3+1 MLS (SML8)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 Cytotechnology (SML6)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 Histotechnology (SML7)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 MLS (SML9)
- Medical Lab Science 4+1 Secondary Education (SML0)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (SCHP)
- Physics BA (SPA)
- Physics BS (SPH)
- Physics Secondary Education BA (SPA1)
- Physics Secondary Education BS (SPH1)
- Psychology (SPSY)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BA (STA)
- Scientific and Technical Communication BS (STC)
- Social Sciences (SSS)
- Social Sciences - Law and Society (SSS4)
- Social Sciences - Secondary Education (SSS2)
- Sound Design (SFSD)
- Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM)
- Statistics (SST)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSU)
- Theatre and Electronic Media Performance (SEMP)
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology (SFET)