Our graduate students are constantly making groundbreaking discoveries and important advances in physics. From studies on the universe's largest galaxies to the smallest of subatomic particles, read more about the cutting-edge projects being conducted in our department.
PhD Dissertations
2024 Eggart, Lisa PhD SPH
The Influence of Chlorine In Corrosion Initiation on Alumina
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2024 Allwayin, Nithin PhD SPH
Investigating Microphysical Variability and Entrainment in Clouds Using Airborne Digital
Holography, Machine Learning, and Large Eddy Simulations
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2024 Groetsch, Samuel PhD SPH
Constructing the 4th HAWC Catalog of Very-High-Energy Sources Using an Automated Likelihood
Pipeline Search
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2024 Cassell, Justin PhD SAP
Dependence of Energy Transfer on Curvature Similarity in Collisions Involving Curved
Shock Fronts
Advisor: Alexander Kostinski
2024 Babu, Rishi PhD SPH
Study of Particle Accelerators in the Universe with the HAWC Observatory
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2023 Kestner, Daniel PhD SPH
Applications of Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) Random Processes in
Polarimetry and Climatology
Advisor: Alex Kostinski
2023 Boora, Manpreet PhD SAP
Fabrication and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Advisor: Jae Yong Suh
2023 Rosky, Elise PhD SPH
Large cloud droplets and the initiation of ice by pressure fluctuations: Molecular
simulations and airborne in-situ observations
Advisors: Will Cantrell and Raymond Shaw
2023 Mathai, Susan PhD ATM
Physical, Optical, and Chemical Properties of Light Absorbing Aerosols and Their Climatic
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2023 Shock, Cameron PhD SPH
On Examining Solvation and Dielectric Constants of Polar and Ionic Liquids using the
Stockmayer Fluid Model
Advisor: Issei Nakamura
2023 Mukherjee, Oindabi PhD SPH
A Search for Compact Object Dark Matter in the Universe Utilizing Gravitational Millilensing
of Gamma-ray Bursts
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2023 Huang, Dezhi PhD SPH
Tracing the Most Powerful Galactic Cosmic-ray Accelerators with the HAWC Observatory
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2023 Dash, Sushree PhD SAP
Surface Reconstruction in Iron Garnets
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2023 Pant, Dharmendra PhD EPD5
Study of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Bilayer Graphene Nanoflakes and Bimetallic
Chalcogenides Using First-Principles Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2022 Kaushal, Neerav PhD SAP
Toward Deep Learning Emulators For Modeling The Large-scale Structure Of The Universe
Advisor: Elena Guisarma
2022 Sharma, Sambhawana PhD SPH
Boron Nitride Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in Photovoltaics
and Biomedicine
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2022 Gao, Tong PhD SAP
Machine Learning-Driven Surrogate Models for Electrolytes
Advisor: Issei Nakamura
2022 Anderson, Jesse PhD ATM
The Variability of the Saturation Ratio in Clouds
Advisor: Will Cantrell
2022 Sachdeva, Geeta PhD SAP
Theoretical Investigation on Optical Properties of 2D Materials and Mechanical Properties
of Polymer Composites at Molecular Level
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2022 Puyleart, Andrew PhD SAP
Searching for Anomalous Extensive Air Showers Using the Pierre Auger Observatory Fluorescence
Advisor: Brian Fick
2021 Md Shawon, Abu Sayeed PhD SAP
Activation Scavenging of Aerosol: Effect of Turbulence and Aerosol-Composition
Advisor: Will Cantrell
2021 Lata, Nurun PhD ATM
Physiochemical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols and Their Effect on Ice Cloud Formation
Advisor: Will Cantrell
2021 Aryal, Sandip PhD SPH
A Computational Study of Properties of Core-Shell Nanowire Heterostructures Using
Density Functional Theory
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2021 Thomas, Subin PhD ATM
Modeling and Numerical Simulations of the Michigan Tech Convection Cloud Chamber
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2021 Guo, Qing PhD SPH
Application of Graphene-Based 2D Materials and Exploration of Lithium Polysulfides
Solid Phases β First-Principles Study Based on Density Functional Theory
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2021 Acharya, Amit PhD SPH
Van der Waals Quantum Dots: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2021 Capek, Tyler PhD SPH
Understanding the Effects of Water Vapor and Temperature on Aerosol Using Novel Measurement
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2020 Hona, Binita PhD SPH
Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in the Cygnus OB2 Stellar Association
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2019 Packard, Corey PhD ATM
Investigation of Light Transport and Scattering in Turbulent Clouds: Simulations and
Laboratory Measurements
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2019 Zhang, Jinlin PhD SPH
Light-matter interactions in plasmonic arrays, two-dimensional materials and their
hybrid nanostructures
Advisors: Jae Yong Suh and Yoke Khin Yap
2019 Zhong, Qi PhD SPH
Physics and applications of exceptional points
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy
2019 Chandrakar, Kamal PhD ATM
Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Turbulent Clouds: A Combined Cloud Chamber and Theoretical
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2019 Brisbois, Chad PhD SPH
Understanding the Very High Energy Ξ³-ray Emission From A Fast Spinning Neutron Star
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2019 Tangmatitham, Matipon PhD SPH
Location, Orbit and Energy of a Meteoroid Impacting the Moon During the Lunar Eclipse
of January 21, 2019 and Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle with Cosmological Gamma
Ray Bursts
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2018 Bhandari, Janarjan PhD IAS
Morphology and Mixing State of Soot and Tar Balls: Implications for Optical Properties
and Climate
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2018 Desai, Neel Uday PhD IAS
Investigation of Microphysical Properties of Laboratory and Atmospheric Clouds Using
Digital In-Line Holography
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2018 Karki, Dolendra PhD SPH
Magnetless and Topological Edge Mode-Based On-Chip Isolators and Spin-Orbit Coupling
in Magneto-Optic Media
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2018 Waters, Kevin PhD SPH
First-Principles Investigation of Interfacial Properties of Boron-Nitride
Advisor: Ravi Pandey
2018 Ye, Mingxiao PhD SPH
Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2018 Jaishi, Meghnath PhD SPH
Probing Quantum Transport in Three-Terminal Nanojunctions
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2018 Muqri, Aeshah Khudaysh PhD SPH
Angle-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of Plasmonic Resonances
Advisor: Jae Yong Suh
2018 Wilson, Teresa A. PhD SPH
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Atmospheric Refraction Models in Predicting
Sunrise and Sunset Times
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff and Jennifer Bartlett
2018 Bhandari, Shiva PhD SPH
Synthesis & Applications of One & Two-Dimensional Boron Nitride Based Nanomaterials
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2017 Teimourpour, Mohammad Hosain PhD SPH
Quantum Inspired Symmetries in Laser Engineering
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy
2017 Yang, Fan PhD IAS
Laboratory, Computational & Theoretical Investigations of Ice Nucleation & its Implications
for Mixed Phase Clouds
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2017 Wang, Gaoxue PhD SPH
First-Principles Studies of Group IV and Group V Related Two Dimensional Materials
Advisor: Ravi Pandey
2017 Tiwari, Bishnu PhD SPE
CVD Synthesis, Processing, Quantification, and Applications of Boron Nitride Nanotubes
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2017 Solares, Hugo Alberto Ayala PhD SPH
Search for High-Energy Gamma Rays in the Northern Fermi Bubble Region with the HAWC
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2016 Li, Jie PhD SPE
Investigation of the Resistance to Demagnetization in Bulk Rare-Earth Magnets Comprised
of Crystallographically-Aligned, Single Domain Crystallites with Modified Intergranular
Advisor: Peter D. Moran
2016 Niehaus, Joseph Daniel PhD IAS
Laboratory Measurements of Contact Nucleation by Mineral Dust, Bacteria, and Soluble
Advisor: Will Cantrell II
2015 Zhou, Hao PhD SPH
Search for TeV Gamma-Ray Sources in the Galactic Plane with the HAWC Observatory
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2015 Abdalmoneam, Marwa Hefny PhD SPH
Relativistic Configuration Interaction Calculations of the Atomistic Properties of
Selected Transition Metal Positive Ions: Ni II, V II and W II
Advisor: Donald R. Beck
2015 Sharma, Noopur PhD ATM
Laboratory and Field Investigation of Mixing, Morphology and Optical Properties of
Soot and Secondary Organic Aerosols
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2015 Hao, Boyi PhD SPE
Functionalized Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Electronic Applications
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2015 Chakravarty, Ashim PhD SPH
Geometry Induced Magneto-Optic Effects in LPE Grown Magnetic Garnet Films
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2015 Yapici, Tolga PhD SPH
A Method for Determining the Mass Composition of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic-Rays by
Predicting the Depth of First Interaction of Individual Extensive Air Showers
Advisor: Brian Fick
2015 Banyai, Douglas R. PhD SPH
Multiscale Examination and Modeling of Electron Transport in Nanoscale Materials and
Advisor: John Jaszczak
2015 Dhital, Niraj PhD SPH
Search for Long-Lived Weakly Interacting Particles Using the Pierre Auger Observatory
Advisor: Brian Fick
2015 Dhungana, Kamal B. PhD SPH
Understanding Electronic Structure and Transport Properties in Nanoscale Junctions
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2014 Gurganus, Colin PhD ATM
Investigating the Role of the Contact Line in Heterogeneous Nucleation with High Speed
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2014 China, Swarup PhD ATM
Morphology and Mixing State of Atmospheric Particles: Links to Optical Properties
and Ice Nucleation
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2014 Sua, Yong Meng PhD SPH
Quantum Correlations of Lights in Macroscopic Environments
Advisors: Kim Fook Lee and Jacek Borysow
2014 Liu, Chunhui PhD SPH
Interaction of Nanomaterials With Biomolecules and Lipid Membranes
Advisors: Ravi Pandey
2013 Savaikar, Madhusudan PhD SPE
Stochastic Charge Transport in Multi-island Single-electron Tunneling Devices
Advisors: John Jaszczak and Paul Bergstrom
2013 Beals, Matthew PhD ATM
Investigations of Cloud Microphysical Response to Mixing Using Digital Holography
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2013 Dissanayake, Neluka PhD SPE
Magneto-Photonic Crystals for Optical Sensing Applications
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2013 Zhong, Xiaoliang PhD SPH
Electronic Transport in Low-Dimensional Nanostructures - Theoretical Study With Application
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2013 Kumar, Pradeep PhD SPE
Nonlinear Effects in Magnetic Garnet Films and Nonreciprocal Optical Bloch Oscillations
in Waveguide Arrays
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2012 Mukhopadhyay, Saikat PhD SPH
Quantum Modeling of Bioconjugated Nanomaterials
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2012 Mandal, Subhasish PhD SPE
Charge and Spin Transport in Nanoscale Junction from First Principles.
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2011 Prasad, Abhishek PhD SPE
Functional ZnO Nanostructures for Electronic and Energy Application.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2011 Anderson, Amalia PhD SPH
Development of Record-Breaking Statistics for Climatological Time-Series Analysis.
Advisor: Alex Kostinski
2011 Pal, Partha PhD SPH
Quantum Transport in a Single Molecular Junction.
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2010 Lee, Chee Hui PhD SPH
Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Synthesis, Functionalization and Potential Applications.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2010 Pandey, Archana PhD SPE
PMMA-CNT Matrix for Vacuum Electronics, Biosensing and Energy Applications.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2010 Lu, Jiang PhD SPH
Dynamics of Settling Charged Particles in Turbulence: Theory and Experiments.
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2010 Wu, Zhuoyuan PhD SPE
Planar Magneto Photonic and Gradient Photonic Structures: Crystals and Metamaterials.
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2010 Moscatello, Jason P. PhD SPE
Growth, Modification and Integration of Carbon Nanotubes into Molecular Electronics.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2010 Xie, Ming PhD SPE
Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Nanomaterials for Energy Applications.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2009 Kar, Parimal PhD SPH
Proteins in Silico-Modeling and Sampling.
Advisor: Ulrich Hansmann
2009 Panigrahi, Puspamitra PhD SPH
Controlling Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Ultra Narrow Multilayered Nanowires.
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2009 Zhou, Ziyou PhD SPE
Metal-Oxide Film and Photonic Structures for Integrated Device Applications.
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2009 He, Haiying PhD SPH
Electron Transport in Molecular Systems.
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2008 Saw, Ewe Wei PhD SPH
Studies of Spatial Clustering of Inertial Particles in Turbulence.
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2008 Pan, Lin PhD SPH
Ab Initio RCI Calculations of Atomic Properties of Selected Transition Metal Ions.
Advisor: Donald Beck
2008 Patla, Bijunath PhD SPH
Mapping the Sun as a Transparent Gravitational Lens.
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2008 Ochshorn, Eli PhD SPH
Studies of Thin Water Films and Relevances to the Heterogeneous Nucleation of Ice.
Advisor: Will Cantrell
2008 Vanga, Raghav PhD SPH
Relaxor Piezoelectric Film Actuators, Waveguides, and Photonic Crystals: Fabrication
and Characterization.
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2007 Gowtham, S. PhD SPE
Development of A High Performance Parallel Computing Platform and Its Use in the Study
of Nanostructures: Clusters, Sheets and Tubes.
Advisor: R. Pandey
2007 Wei, Yanjie PhD SPH
On Side-Chain and Backbone Ordering in Polypeptides.
Advisor: Ulrich Hansmann
2007 Huang, Xiaoyue PhD SPE
Dimensional Effects on the Magnetic Domains in Planar Magneto Photonic Magnetophotonic
Crystal Waveguides.
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2007 Younk, Patrick PhD SPH
Cosmic Rays at the Ankle, a study using the Pierre Auger Observatory.
Advisor: Brian Fick
2007 Chye, James PhD SPH
Determining Primaries in the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Utilizing Surface Detector
Signal Trace Analysis.
Advisor: David Nitz
2007 Fugal, Jacob PhD SPE
In-situ Measurement and Characterization of Cloud Particles with Digital In-line Holography.
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2007 Wang, Jiesheng PhD SPH
Phase Control of Boron Nitride Thin Films and Nanostructures.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2007 Lau, Kah Chun PhD SPH
First-Principles Studies of Boron Nanostructures : Clusters, Sheets and Nanotubes.
Advisor: R. Pandey
2007 Kayastha, Vijaya Kumar PhD SPE
Catalytic Growth of Single-, Double-, and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Studies
of their Potential Applications.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2006 Zhou, Changgong PhD SAP
Aperture Assisted Laser Direct Write.
Advisor: Edward Nadgorny
2006 Larsen, Michael PhD SPH
Studies of Discrete Fluctuations in Atmospheric Phenomena.
Advisor: Alex Kostinski
2005 Dorofeev, Alexei PhD SPH
Simulation of Inclined Air Showers.
Advisor: David F. Nitz
2004 Gao, Da PhD SPH
Monte Carlo Simulations of Surface Phase Transitions and Morphology Dynamics.
Advisor: John A. Jaszczak
2004 Yang, Weidong PhD SPH
Pupil Phase Apodization for Achromatic Imaging of Extra-solar Planets.
Advisors: Alexander B. Kostinski and Christ Ftaclas
2004 Yang, Qiang PhD SPH
The Curvature Adaptive Optics System Modeling.
Advisors: Christ Ftaclas and R. J. Nemiroff
2003 Peng, Yong PhD SPH
Helix Formation and Folding in Biological Macromolecules.
Advisor: Ulrich Hansmann
2003 Jiang, Hutian PhD SPH
Theoretical Study of Scintillating Fluoride Crystals - Methodology and Application.
Advisor: R. Pandey
2003 Pereira, Wellesley PhD SPH
The CONCAM Global Sky Monitoring Network. Its Evolution and the Creation of a Performance
Advisor: R. J. Nemiroff
2002 Kandalam, Anil PhD SPH
Electronic Structure Calculations of Group III Nitride Clusters.
Advisor: R. Pandey
2001 Norquist, Peggy PhD SPH
Relativistic Configuration Interaction Calculations for Au LXVII, Br XXIII, Ta II,
and the negative ions of Ru, Os, and Ba.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
2001 Prasad, Raghava PhD SPH
The Effects of Motion on Magnetic Resonance for Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
2000 Leckenby, Henry (Harry) J. PhD SPH
Full Wilson-Devinney Analysis of Cataclysmic Variables Through the Computer Modeling
of the Accretion Disks.
Advisor: J. B. Rafert
2000 Hiratani, Masato PhD SPH
Theoretical Study of Dislocation Motion in Metals.
Advisor: E. M. Nadgorny
1999 Xiang, Kai-hua PhD SPH
A Theoretical Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of H-silsesquioxanes.
Advisor: R. Pandey
1999 Underdown, Frank PhD SPH
Laser Guidance of Mesoscopic Particles
Advisor: M. Renn
1999 Koivunen, Alan PhD SPH
The Feasibility of Data Decorrelation to Improve the Performance of Doppler Weather
Radar: Computational Studies.
Advisor: A. B. Kostinski
1999 O'Malley, Steven PhD SPH
Relativistic Configuration Interaction Calculations of Atomic Properties of Cs II,
Sn- and La-.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1998 Sampath, Suresh PhD SPH
Synthesis and Study of Oxide Spinels.
Advisor: R. Pandey/J. C. Cordaro
1998 Fu, Yi PhD SAP
Collision Induced spectra in Gases.
Advisor: A. Borysow/J. B. Rafert
1998 Seng, William F. PhD SPH
Scattering and Absorption in Complex Systems: The Electro-Optics of Zn-Doped Magnesium
Orthosilicates, Aircraft Coatings, and Satellite Standards.
Advisor: J. Cordaro/J. B. Rafert
1998 Pati, Bhabana PhD SPH
Single-Mode Tunable Ti:Sapphire Laser and Its Application to Generate Coherent UV
Advisor: J. Borysow
1998 Swaminathan, Srirama V PhD SPH
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Materials with Large Quadrupolar Interaction.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1998 Zapol, Peter PhD SPH
Calculations of Bulk and Defect Properties in Binary and Ternary Semiconductors.
Advisor: R. Pandey
1997 Woodraska, Donald L. PhD SPH
Monte Carlo Simulation of Diamond-Cubic {111} Surfaces.
Advisor: J. Jaszczak
1997 Pawse, Archana PhD SAP
Use of Hysteresis Parameters and Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for Identifying
Volcanic Ash.
Advisor: S. Beske-Diehl (Geology)
1997 Zheng, Chunguang PhD SAP
Computational Study of Collision-Induced Dipole Moments and Absorption spectra of
Advisor: A. Borysow
1997 Apte, Palash PhD SPH
NMR Study and Hardness Behavior of Nanophase Al/Al-Oxide Consolidated Composite.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1997 Gruszka, Marcin P. PhD SAP
Computational Study of Rotational-Translational Collision-Induced Absorption spectroscopy
of Gaseous CO2.
Advisor: A. Borysow/J. B. Rafert
1996 Krishnan, Ajit PhD SPH
Positron Annihilation Studies of Ferroelectrics and Related Perovskite Oxides.
Advisor: D. J. Keeble/J. B. Rafert
1996 Pakhomov, Andrew V PhD SPH
Time Resolved Laser spectroscopy for Detection of Environmentally Hazardous Metals:
Kinetic Approach.
Advisor: J. Borysow
1996 Bashyam, Ramakrishnan PhD SAP
Growth and Characterization of Diamond Films Fabricated Using Hot Filament Chemical
Vapor Deposition.
Advisor: D. J. Keeble
1996 Umlor, Michael T PhD SAP
A Positron Annihilation Investigation of Open Volume Defects in GaAs Grown by Molecular
Beam Epitaxy.
Advisor: D. J. Keeble/R. Pandey
1996 Veliah, Sundar PhD SAP
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Metal Oxide Clusters.
Advisor: R. Pandey
1995 Sutjianto, Amin PhD SPH
Study of Dissociative Hydrogen Adsorption on Lithium Oxide Terraces and Steps.
Advisor: R. Pandey/S.-W. Tam
1995 Kwiatkowski, John PhD SAP
Applications of Polarized Waves in Radar Sensing of Precipitation: Computational Studies.
Advisor: A. B. Kostinski
1995 Dinov, Konstantin PhD SAP
Rare Earth Relativistic Configuration Interaction Calculations.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1994 Filimonov, Serguei PhD SPH
Laser Diagnostics for Plasma Processes.
Advisor: J. Borysow/E. Nadgorny
1994 Datta, Debasis PhD SPH
Ab Initio MR-RCI Calculations of [(n - 1)d + ns]N Atomic Bound States: Application
to Hyperfine Structure and Electron Affinity Studies.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1994 Coke, Larry PhD SAP
A Computational Study of Time-Dependent Driven Cavity Flow.
Advisor: A. B. Kostinski
1994 Augustyniak, Edward PhD SPH
Kinetics of A, B, and C Triplet States of Molecular Nitrogen in the Pulsed Discharge
and Afterglow.
Advisor: J. Borysow
1993 Yang, Xiaoyang PhD SAP
Structures and Stability of Alkali Fluoride Micro-Clusters.
Advisor: R. Pandey
1993 Wilken, Douglas Edward PhD SAP
A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Surface Oxides on Aluminum Metal Particles.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1991 Zuo, Jun PhD SAP
An ICECAP Study of the Lithium Trapped-Hole Center in Magnesium Oxide.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1991 Zhang, Yuenian PhD SAP
An EPR and ENDOR Investigation of the Vk-Centers in Single Crystal Potassium Chloride.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1991 Yu, Cheng PhD SAP
An EPR Investigation of Ag0 and Ag2+ in Irradiated Single Crystal of Potassium Fluoride
Doped with Silver Fluoride.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1991 Gay, David Howard PhD SAP
Ab Initio Intermolecular Potentials for CH4 and H2O Including Fourth Order Many-Body
Effects with Monte-Carlo Simulations.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1990 Hill, Susan Ellen PhD SAP
An Ab Initio Investigation of Poly(ethylene oxide) and its Interactions with Poly(ethylene
oxide) and the alpha-Alumina (0001) Surface.
Advisor: M. J. Seel
1990 Cai, Ziyong PhD SAP
An Ab Initio Relativistic Many-Body Calculation of Hg 6p2 Resonance States, Including
Continuum Effects.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1989 Woon, David Evan PhD EMY
Ab Initio Intermolecular Potential Energy Surfaces for the Hydrogen Sulfide Dimer,
Including Studies of the Third-Order Many-Body Perturbation Theory Correction and
Nonadditive Effects.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1989 Kaldon, Philip Edward PhD SAP
Ab Initio Studies of the Dissociation of an Energetic Solid (Nitromethane) in the
Presence of Neighboring Charge Defects.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1989 Gao, Guang PhD EMY
Implementation of the KKLP Procedure to the Study of Electronic Structure of Molecular
Crystals and Its Application to RDX.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1987 Meng, Jie PhD EMY
The optical transition of the impurity copper ion in alkali halides.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1986 Lucas, David PhD EMY
The Electronic Structure of Nitromethane (CH3NO2).
Advisor: D. R. Beck
MS Theses and Reports
2024 Downs, Reed MS SPH
2D Direct Numerical Simulation of Low-Prandtl Number Rayleigh-BΓ©nard Convection
Advisor: Kartik Iyer
2024 Yeager, Dan MS SPH
Coursework masters
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2024 Kerr, Aleister MS SAP
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2024 Balasubramaniam, Vinaayak Sivam MS SPH
Halide-Assisted Growth of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2023 Kuntzleman, Jacob MS SPH
An exploration of cloud droplet growth by condensation and collision-coalescence in
a convection-cloud chamber
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2021 Morgenstern, Megan MS SAP
Optical and Single Particle Properties of North Atlantic Free Tropospheric Aerosols
and Implications for Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2021 Mohan, Sonali MS SPH
Preliminary Studies of Background Rejection Capabilities for the Southern Wide-field
Gamma-ray Observatory
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2021 Hjorth, Zackerie MS SPH
A Surrogate Model of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Polar Fluids: Supervised Learning
Methods for Molecular Polarization and Unsupervised Methods for Phase Classification
Advisor: Issei Nakamura
2021 Herzog, Ian MS SPH
A Combined Spectral and Energy Morphology Analysis of Gamma Ray Source HAWC J2031+415
in the Cygnus Constellation
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2021 Groetsch, Samuel MS SPH
Application of Argon Pressure Broadened Rubidium Vapor Cells as Ultra-Narrow Notch
Advisor: Jacek Borysow
2021 Buiciuc, Alex MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2021 Rosky, Elise MS SPH
Investigating Ice Nucleation at Negative Pressures Using Molecular Dynamics: A First
Order Approximation of the Dependence of Ice Nucleation Rate on Pressure
Advisors: Raymond Shaw and Will Cantrell
2021 Rezaei, Mostafa MS SAP
Radial Basis Function Method for Computational Photonics
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy
2021 Hashemi, Amin MS SAP
Control of Spontaneous Emission Dynamics in Microcavities with Chiral Exceptional
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy
2021 Babu, Rishi MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2021 Simonson, Lucas MS SAP
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy
2020 Dahiwale, Aishwarya MS SPH
Phase Resolved Analysis of PSR J2032.2+4126
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2019 Rodriguez-Feo, Eduardo MS ATM
Light Propagation Through A Turbulent Cloud: Comparison of Measured and Computed Extinction
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2019 Kalita, Armin MS SAP
Synthetic Saturable Absorber
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy
2019 Shock, Cameron MS SPH
The Solvation Energy of Ions in a Stockmayer Fluid
Advisor: Issei Nakamura
2019 Bertschinger, Kevin MS SAP
Energy Transfer of π¬ππ+ and π΄ππ+ in Nπ(πΊπ,π©π)π·πΆπ and π©πππ΄π(π©πΆπ)π
Advisor: Jae Yong Suh
2019 Videtich, Nicholas S. MS SPH
Laser Induced Phase Transformations and Fluorescence Measurements from Nanodiamond
Advisor: Jae Yong Suh
2018 Blasiola, Brandon D. MS SAP
Novel Faraday Rotation Effects Observed in Ultra-Thin Iron Garnet Films
Advisor: Dr. Miguel Levy
2018 Qian, Ziwei MS SPH
Effects of Ionic Liquid on Lithium Dendrite Growth
Advisor: Dr. Issei Nakamura
2018 Robare, Andrew MS SPH
Study of The Cygnus Region with Fermi and HAWC
Advisor: Dr. Petra Huentemeyer
2018 Coel, Matthew MS SPH
Effects of Mass & Distance Uncertainties on Calculations of Flux from Giant Molecular
Advisor: Dr. Petra Huentemeyer
2017 Rahman, Ashfiqur MS SAP
Synthetic Saturable Absorber Using Non-Uniform Jx Waveguide Array
Advisor: Dr. Ramy El-Ganainy
2017 Karki, Sarita MS SAP
Laboratory Studies of the Interstitial Aerosol Removal Mechanisms in a Cloud Chamber
Advisor: Dr. Will Cantrell
2017 Anderson, Jesse MS SAP
The Variability of the Water Vapor Saturation Ratio Due to Mixing
Advisor: Dr. Will Cantrell
2017 Gerhardt, Michael MS SPH
Gamma/Hadron Separation with the HAWC Observatory
Advisor: Dr. Petra Huentemeyer
2017 Sadatgoltabarestani, Mehdi MS SAP
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Dr. Yoke Khin Yap
2016 Gona, Lokesh MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Dr. Jae Yong Suh
2016 Shaw, Mary Amanda MS SAP
Testing Lidar-Radar Derived Drop Sizes Against In SITU Measurements
Advisor: Dr. Alexander Kostinski
2016 Rahman, Md Mahfuzur MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Dr. Warren Perger
2015 Spirito, Kiley J. MS SPH
Barium Concentrations in Rock Salt by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Advisor: Jacek Borysow
2015 Majumdar, Anindya MS SPH
Study of Non-Reciprocal Dichroism in Photonic Structures
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2014 Woodward, Xinxin MS SPH
The Three Dimensional Shape and Roughness of Mineral Dust by Atomic Force Microscope
Advisor: Will Cantrell
2014 Gurganus, Renee MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Aleksey Smirnov, GMES
2014 Gurganus, Colin MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2013 Mongkolsittisilp, Ajaree MS SPH
Optimal Shape in Electromagnetic Scattering by Small Aspherical Particles
Advisor: Alex Kostinski
2013 Joshi, Ravi MS SPH
Adventures in Friedmann CosmologiesβInteraction of Positive Energy Densities with
Negative Energy Densities and Curvature of the Universe
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2013 Black, Nick MS SPH
Quadrupole Levitation of Particles in a Thermodynamically Realistic Cloud Environment
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2013 Kantamneni, Abhilash MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2012 Bunker, Kristopher MS SPH
Measurements of Ice Nucleation by Mineral Dusts in the Contact Mode
Advisor: Will Cantrell
2012 Zhao, Haiqing MS SPH
Stability and Properties of Di-phenylalanine Peptide Nanotube Studied by Molecular
Dynamics Simulation
Advisor: Ulrich H.E. Hansmann
2012 Kelley-Hoskins, Nathan MS SPH
Calibration of the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2011 Shahmoradi, Amir MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2011 Blaser, Rachel MS SPH
Four-Window Technique for Measuring Optical-Phase-Space-Time-Frequency Tomography.
Advisor: Kim Fook Lee
2011 Hollinger, Mathew MS SPH
Development of a Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Instrument for the Characterization
of Aerosol Optical Properties.
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
2011 Tewary, Mukul MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
2011 Galbraith-Frew, Jessica MS SPH
Measuring Energy Spectra of TeV Gamma-ray Emission from the Cygnus Region of our Galaxy
with Milagro.
Advisor: Petra Huentemeyer
2011 Rojas, Paul MS SPH
Characterizing a Single Photon Counter.
Advisor: Kim Fook Lee
2010 Karna, Sanjay MS SPH
Synthesis of Graphene Sheeets by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2009 El-Houssieny, Ehab E. MS SPH
Continuous Monitoring of Comet Holmes from Before the 2007 Outburst.
Advisor: Robert Nemiroff
2009 Singh, Abhay P MS SPH
Synthesis and Characterization of Pure and Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanostructures.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2009 Kim, May E. MS SPH
A Survey of Thermodynamic Properties of Supercooled Water.
Advisor: Alex Kostinski
2009 Brickman, Aaron MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Peter Moran
2008 Valavala, Pavan Kumar MS SPH
A First-Principles Study of Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes.
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2008 Domeier, Eric MS SPH
RCI Techniques for Calculating Energy Levels and Oscillator Strengths: Application
to Gd IV and Yb I.
Advisor: Donald Beck
2007 Han, Liang MS SPH
Report Title: Replica Exchange Aided Wang-Landau Algorithm For Protein Folding.
Advisor: Ulrich Hansmann
2007 Wu, Shun MS SPH
Report Title: Growth and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes and Quantum Dots.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2007 Giri, Gouri Shankar MS SPH
Report Title: Magnetron Sputter Fabrication of Magnetic Garnet Thin Films and Their
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2007 Panigrahi, Puspamitra MS SPH
Report Title: Magnetic Properties of One Dimensional Fe/Pt/Fe Multilayer Nanowire.
Advisor: Ranjit Pati
2007 Ulmen, Benjamin MS SPH
Growth of Vertically-aligned Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application as Electron Field
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2006 Verma, Himanshu MS SPH
Report Title: Optical and compositional Characterization of RF Magnetron Sputtered
Garnet Thin Films.
Advisor: Miguel Levy
2006 Shet Tilvi, Vithal MS SPH
Detection of Micro-Gamma Ray Bursts And Test of Lorentz Invariance.
Advisor: Alex Kostinski
2006 Mensah, Sam MS SPH
Growth and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2006 Roy, Ankita MS SPH
Hyperspectral Imaging: Correlation Formalism and Application for Diagnostics of RF-Plasma
used for Growth of Carbon Nanotubes.
Advisor: Jacek Borysow
2005 Menda, Jitendra MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2005 Webb, Adam J MS SPH
A Performance Analysis of NQR Gradiometers in Non-Ideal Conditions.
Advisor: B H Suits
2005 Aleksenko, Vasyl MS SPH
Hydrophobic Scoring of Proteins.
Advisor: Ulrich Hansmann
2004 Wilson, Aaron MS SPH
Time Independent Fourier Transform Spectrometer.
Advisor: J. B. Rafert
2004 Roland, Teboh MS SPH
Surface Enhanced Isotope Exchange Reactions Between Water and Gaseous Deuterium.
Advisor: Jacek Borysow
2004 Vanga, Lakshman Kumar MS SPH
Growth and Processing of Vertically Aligned Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes.
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
2004 Mi, Youshi MS SPH
Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Volcanic Ash.
Advisor: Raymond Shaw
2004 Vutukuri, Sreenivasulu MS SPH
First-Principles Studies of the Crystal and Vibrational Structure of Pentaerythritol
and PETN under Hydrostatic Pressure.
Advisor: Warren F. Perger
2004 Sergeyev, Alex MS SPH
Generation and Characterization of Laboratory Aerosol Particles.
Advisors: Raymond Shaw and Jacek Borysow
2002 Ghimire, Shankar MS SAP
Coursework Masters
Advisor: M. Levy
2002 Lu, Zhaolin MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: M. Levy
2002 Darling, Joe MS SPH
Coursework Masters
Advisor: D. F. Nitz
2001 Chen, Chen MS SPH
Fabrication, Stoichiometry and Structural Analysis of Single-Crystal PZN-PT Films.
Advisor: M. Levy
2001 Chye, James MS SPH
Automated Edge Detection for Remotely Sensed Imagery.
Advisors: J. B. Rafert and J. Wells Budd
2000 Che, HaiHong, MS SPH
Source Density Evolution and Luminosity Function of Gamma-ray Bursts.
Advisor: R. J. Nemiroff
2000 Tews, Michael MS SPH
Methodology of Relativistic Autoionization, Application to the Lifetime of the 5d6s6p
4F9/2 State in Ba-.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1998 Hart, Christopher L. MS SPH
The MTU Visible Hyperspectral Instrument (VHSI) Basic Design, Theory, Operation, and
Proof of Concept.
Advisor: J. B. Rafert
1997 Cunningham, Robert MS SPH
The Use of Time Domain ESR Spectroscopy for Obtaining Density Profiles of a Compressible
Advisor: J. Borysow
1997 Park, Yongtae MS SPH
Parity Non Conservation in Ba+ Atoms via CI/MBPT Method and Fine-Structure Splitting
of Some High-L States of Helium
Advisor: W. Perger
1996 Huang, Jinming MS SPH
Dislocation Motion and Multiplication in Ordered Intermetallics.
Advisor: E. Nadgorny
1996 Rathor, Manuj MS SPH
Electrical Characterization of MBE Grown Ge1-xCx Thin Films
Advisor: M. Krishnamurthy/R. Pandey
1996 Dong, Chun MS SPH
Monte Carlo Study of the Square-Well Fluid.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1996 Kroner, Philipp MS SPH
Polarization of a High Frequency Modulated Laser Diode for a Multiplexed Optical Communication
Advisor: J. Borysow
1995 Puntambekar, Upendra MS SPH
Simulation of Point-Defects in Magnesium Sulfide.
Advisor: R. Pandey/S. Seidel
1995 Kulkarni, Manish MS SPH
Signal Processing of Random Phasors: Remote Sensing Applications.
Advisor: A. B. Kostinski
1995 Hoin, Francis A. MS SPH
Emission Spectrometry for the Qualitative Determination of Atomic Oxygen Densities
in an Oxygen Plasma.
Advisor: J. Borysow
1993 Jackson, Robert D. MS SPH
Development of a Time-Domain ESR Spectrometer.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall/L. Leifer
1992 Zhang, Yajing MS SPH
Selective Etching of Intermetallics.
Advisor: E. Nadgorny
1992 Zhong, Zhong MS SPH
An Experimental Study of a GEC Reference RF Plasma Cell: Set Up, Electrical Characterization
and Plasma Properties.
Advisor: E. Nadgorny
1992 Wang, Rhonghai MS SPH
Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy on Selected Polymers.
Advisor: J. Waber
1992 Sood, Sanjay MS SPH
Ab Initio Hartree-Fock Calculations of Structural and Electronic Properties of Magnesium
Sulphide and Magnesium Selenide.
Advisor: R. Pandey
1992 Pearce, John P. MS SPH
An X-ray investigation of Zn1-xCdxSe / ZnSe Superlattice Crystals.
Advisor: D. Yoder-Short
1992 Liu, Yunyi MS SPH
An Investigation of the EPR Spectrum of Divalent Manganese in Zinc Selenide Powders.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1991 Yang, Xiaoyang MS SPH
Hartree-Fock and Monte Carlo Simulation of Alkali Halide Clusters.
Advisor: R. Pandey
1991 Witteveen, David M. MS SPH
Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Volcanic Plumes Using the Thematic Mapper Rapiometer.
Advisor: A. B. Kostinski
1991 Plude, Geralyn Y. MS SPH
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Imaging of Powdered Solids.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1991 Dai, Houfeng MS SPH
Ab Initio Potential Study of Methane Dimer, Methane Water Dimer and Water Dimer.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1990 Wang, Sha MS SPH
Calculation of Ground and Excited State Energies of Atomic and Molecular Systems Using
UHF Theory Coupled with KLP.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1989 Zhang, Yuenian MS SPH
Electron Spin Resonance Investigation of Magnesium Oxide Single Crystals Containing
Mn2+ and Fe3+ Impurities.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1989 Zeng, Peitao MS SPH
Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces for CH4-H2O and CH4-H2S.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1989 Yu, Cheng MS SPH
EPR Investigation of the Superconductor YBa2Cu3O7.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1989 Shi, Xiang Jun MS SPH
Study of Electronic Structure in Alkaline-Earth Oxides and Alkaline-Earth Sulfides.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1989 Lutz, Jerry L. MS SPH
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Defect Densities in Solids.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1989 Lu, Jianhua MS SPH
Crystal Growth of Cd1-xMnxS by Chemical Vapor Transport.
Advisor: D. Yoder-Short
1989 Huang, Kanglin MS SPH
Computer Simulation of Sintering by Surface Diffusion.
Advisor: J. Jaffe
1988 Zuo, Jun MS SPH
Simulation of Isovalent Impurities in Magnesium Oxide Using Hartree-Fock Clusters.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1988 Wilken, Douglas E. MS SPH
An Analysis of Magnetic Field Gradient Coils for NMR Imaging.
Advisor: B. H. Suits
1988 Shen, Wei MS SPH
Study of Sintering Mechanism of Ice.
Advisor: S. M. Lee
1988 Kaldon, Philip Edward MS SPH
An Ab Initio Study of the K-alpha Spectra of Lithium Ions in Lithium Halides (LiX).
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1988 Cai, Ziyong MS SPH
A Non-Relativistic Study of the Electron Affinities of Bound States in Negative Transition
Metal Ions.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1987 Woon, David E. MS SPH
A Correlated Study of the Ground and Excited States of the Vk-center in Lithium Fluoride.
Advisor: D. R. Beck
1987 Umlor, Michael T. MS SPH
Imaging Electromagnetic Fields Using the Magnetic Resonance Absorption Spectrum of
a Paramagnetic Gas.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1987 Knivila, Allan R. MS SPH
A Correlated Ab Initio Study of Charged Defects in Crystalline Ammonium Perchlorate.
Advisor: A. B. Kunz
1985 Thode, Steven MS SPH
Determination of the Hall Coefficient Anisotropy Using Helicon Resonance.
Advisor: M. Huberman
1985 Parent, Mark G. MS SPH
Comments on the ESR Spectrum of the Tetragonally Distorted Cr+3 Ion in Magnesium Oxide
Single Crystals.
Advisor: S. A. Marshall
1984 Fernholz, Richard C. MS SPH
K-X-ray-gamma-gamma Directional Correlation in the Decay of Ba-133.
Advisor: G. P. Agin
1981 Wetzel, Robert Bruce MS SPH
Optical Phase Function Measurement for Snow Crystals.
Advisor: M. Gimmestad
1979 Fealko, Daniel Robert MS SPH
Measurements of Transition Probabilities in Argon.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1978 Reynolds, William R. MS SPH
Prediction Modeling of Surface Temperature of a Conducting Body Interacting with Non-Steady
State Ambient Conditions.
Advisor: S. M. Lee
1977 Mcewan, Charles J. MS SPH
An Absorption Fine Structure Study of the Cobalt K-Edge in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1977 Lucas, David J. MS SPH
A Gamma-Gamma Directional Correlation Study of the Cs-133 Levels from Ba-133 Electron
Capture Decay.
Advisor: V. R. Potnis
1976 Root, Joseph J. MS SPH
A Study of the Cobalt K-Absorption Edge in Some Spinels.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1976 Riedlinger, Beth A. MS SPH
Application of the Leopard-Spots Computer Code to the Spent Fuel Storage Problem.
Advisor: G. P. Agin
1976 Mania Jr, Robert C. MS SPH
The Accumulation and Testing of Apparatus for Gamma Ray Coincidence and Angular Correlation
Advisor: G. P. Agin
1976 Czuhai, Kirk G. MS SPH
A Study of Energy Converting Efficiencies in the United States with the Aid of a Set
of Digital Computer Programs to Portray the Future Energy Demands of the Household
and Commercial, Transportation, and Industrial Sectors During the Period 1980 to 1990.
Advisor: G. P. Agin
1975 Purdum Jr, Lewis E. MS SPH
Determination of Energies and Relative Intensities of Gamma Rays in the Decay of 111Ag.
Advisor: G. P. Agin
1974 Shiflet, Gary J. MS SPH
Analysis and Construction of a Thin Film Thermocouple.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1974 LaFleur, Keith G. MS SPH
A Normal Mode Vibrational Analysis of Linear Lattices using the Method of Extra Forces.
Advisor: S. M. Lee
1973 Gilbert, John Lee MS SPH
Evaluation of Theoretical Models for the Microwave Radiation from an Argon Induction-Coupled
Plasma using a Microwave Radiometer.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1972 Tauke, Glen John MS SPH
A Study of Twinning in Hematite.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1972 Hurlbut, Ronald Scott MS SPH
The Development and Application of an Instrument to Measure Transpiration from Individual
Advisor: D. G. Yerg
1972 Gekas, James Charles MS SPH
Measurement of the Fermi Neutron Age in Water using a Simulated Infinite Plane Source
of Plutonium Beryllium.
Advisor: D. A. Daavettila
1971 Van Dyk, David J. MS SPH
A Mossbauer Investigation of the Magnetic Properties of a Natural Crystal of Ilmenite-Hematite
Solid Solution.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1971 Rogow, Ricardo MS SPH
Measurement of Energies and Relative Intensities of Gamma Rays in the Decay of 169Yb.
Advisor: V. R. Potnis
1971 Franti, Glenn MS SPH
Electron Diffraction Studies of Twinning in alpha-Hematite.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1970 Marchi, Mark Louis MS SPH
The Design of a Vacuum Chamber for the Detection of Electrons Using a Si(Li) Semiconductor
Advisor: V. R. Potnis
1970 Lashmore, David S. MS SPH
An Investigation of Evaporation Techniques for Thin Film Multilayer Dielectric Mirrors.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1969 White, Thomas L. MS SPH
The Vibronics and Infrared Absorption Coefficient for the Finite Non-Symmetrical Diatomic
Linear Lattice.
Advisor: S. M. Lee
1969 Trapanese, Alfred J. MS SPH
Calibration of a Lithium-Drifted Germanium Detector.
Advisor: G. P. Agin
1968 Saunders, Ralph S. MS SPH
A Laser Interferometer for Measuring the Refractive Indices of Gases.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1968 Deyoung, Donald Bouwman MS SPH
Investigation of the Titanomagnetite Mineral Series by Mossbauer Spectroscopy.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1967 Lubaczewski Jr., Ladislaus S MS SPH
Determination of the Electron Density in an Argon Plasma Using a Laser Interferometer.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1967 Cupal, Jerry J. MS SPH
A Study of the Remanent Magnetization in the Basal Plane of Natural Hematite.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1967 Croy, Pamela Ann MS SPH
An Ultrasonic Measurement of Temperature in an Argon Plasma.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1967 Chen, Shou-Sun MS SPH
The Mossbauer Effect in Fe-57 on Silica and Alumina Surfaces.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1967 Barkalow, Bruce Harold MS SPH
A Differential Emissivity Thermopile Calorimeter for Measuring Radiant Heat Exchange.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1966 Stauffer, Donald Raymond MS SPH
Microwave Radiometric Investigations in an Induction-Coupled Argon Plasma at Atmospheric
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1966 Pohanka, Robert MS SPH
A Magnetohydrodynamic Measurement of the Boundary Layer Thickness in Mercury.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1966 Odell II, Jack L. MS SPH
Investigating the Magnetic Structure of alpha-Hematite by Mossbauer Spectroscopy.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1965 Sigamoney, Asai Kurugula MS SPH
An Investigation of an Induction-Coupled Argon Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure Using
Ultrasonic Probes.
Advisor: K. M. Baldwin
1965 Schramm, Raymond E. MS SPH
Mossbauer Analysis of the Magnetic Structure of Hematite.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1965 Murray, Peter R. MS SPH
On the Usefulness of Nonsystematic Zero Intensity X-ray Reflections in Crystal-Structure
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1964 Suppelsa, Anthony Bernard MS SPH
The Crystal Structure Analysis of Aluminum Nitrate Heptahydrate
1964 Johnson, James Donald MS SPH
A Partial Solution of the Structure of Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate.
Advisor: R. O. Keeling, Jr.
1964 Hill, Richard Warren MS SPH
A Study of the Crystal Structure of Aluminum Nitrate Nonahydrate.
1963 Nakayama, Takashi MS SPH
Structural Changes in the Transformation from Hematite to Magnetite.
1962 DeForest, Sherman Edward MS SPH
Energy Transfer in Jack Pine as Related to Infra-red Reflectivity on Cones, Bark,
and Needles.
Advisor: D. G. Yerg
1958 Daavettila, Donald A. MS SEP
Dynamic Steam Void Experiment in ZPR-VII.
Advisor: R. F. Makens
1957 Mattson, Rodney A. MS SEP
The Determination of Soluble Poison Concentrations in H2O.
Advisor: R. F. Makens
1954 Recksiedler, Arthur Lloyd MS SEP
Two-Step Capture Gamma-Ray Cascades in Cadmium-114 and Chlorine-36.
1954 Dahlberg, Duane Arlen MS SPH
Analyses of Neutron Resonances in the Isotopes of Zinc.
1953 Culp, Richard John MS SEP
A Determination of the Energy of Antimony-Beryllium Photoneutrons.
Advisor: T. C. Sermon
1974 Kelley, Gary M., MS Geophys
Audio-frequency magnetotelluric survey in Marquette County and Baraga County, Michigan.
1974 Philips, Gerald R., MS Geophys
Shallow resistivity survey of the north-central portion of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
1974 Rognerud, Walter N., MS Geophys
Geophysical investigation of a gravity anomaly in the central portions of Rockland
and Rousseau Quadrangles, Michigan.
1974 Stark, Paul, MS Geophys
Study of the correlation between apparent dynamic elastic moduli and rock grindabilities.
1971 Sweet, Kenneth O., MS Geophys
Velocity gated input for hammer seismic equipment.
1971 Street, Ronald L., MS Geophys
Variations in high frequency [sic] seismic noise spectrums near Houghton, Michigan.
1970 Murray, John C., MS Geophys
Investigation of the grain size dependence of the thermal remanent magnetization of
1970 Shoja-Taheri, Jafar, MS Geophys
Geophysical investigation along National Forest Highway 16, Houghton and Ontonagon
Counties, Michigan.
1969 Middleton, Robert S., MS Geophys
Remanent magnetism and magnetic susceptibility in the interpretation of ground magnetics,
Jamieson Township, District of Cochrane, Ontario.
1969 Aho, Gary Dennis, MS Geophys
Reflection seismic investigation of thickness and structure of the Jacobsville sandstone,
Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.
1964 Voorhis, Gerald D., MS Geophys
Method for computing the magnetization of two-dimensional structures.
1964 Schultz, Richard C., MS Geophys
Study of the apparent dynamic elastic moduli of some anisotropic rocks.
1964 Dzierwa, David John, MS Geophys
Qualitative and quantitative study of the induced polarization phenomenon.
1963 Johnson, William W., MS Geophys
Instrumentation for a practical laboratory method to determine the dynamic tensile
strength of rock.
1963 Finnegan, Stephan A., MS Geophys
Study of the effects of transient electromagnetic fields on conductive earth models.
1962 Reuss, Robert J., MS Geophys
Investigation of the use of seismic methods to track meteorological disturbances over
Lake Superior and to locate strain releases taking place in the Houghton-Hancock area.
1962 Bufe, Charles G., MS Geophys
Investigation of the remanent magnetization of the Covington Dike.
1961 Hussin, James J., MS Geophys
1959 Helicopter gravity survey in Western Queensland, Australia.
1960 Sterling, Donald L., MS Geophys
Model studies on the usefulness of Gauss' mechanical quadrature formula as a sampling
1958 Warren, Elmer J., MS Geophys
Investigation of electrical transient phenomena -- effects of copper content on dielectric
constant and resistivity.
1958 Tanis, James I., MS Geophys
Investigation of the elastic properties of longitudinal rock cores under dynamic conditions.
1958 Gendzwill, Don J., MS Geophys
Model study of effect of electrode configuration for detecting induced polarization
of vertical formations.
1957 Longacre, Thomas L., MS Geophys
Geophysical investigations in the Cornell area, Michigan.
1956 Herron, Thomas J., MS Geophys
Detection and delineation of subsurface subsidence by seismic methods.
1956 Durfee, George A., MS Geophys
Regional gravity survey of the Cuyuna Iron Range, Minnesota.
1955 Elliot, Charles L., MS Geophys
Study of the design of vertical loop medium frequency electromagnetic induction equipment
for geophysical prospecting.
1954 Frantti, Gordon E., MS Geophys
Geophysical investigations in the eastern half of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
1953 Broman, William H., MS Geophys
Geophysical investigation of the Bear Lake area, Houghton County, Michigan.
1952 Wilson, James G., MS Geophys
Geophysical investigations of Perkins Area, Michigan.
1952 Chapman, Rodger H., MS Geophys
Seismic depth to ledge studies as related to water problems at the Morris Mine, Ishpeming,
1952 Campbell, Robert E., MS Geophys
Geophysical investigation of the Silver mountain area - Houghton County.
1950 Wyble, D.O., MS Geophys
Study of the regional gravity of the southwestern end of the Iron River district,
Iron River Michigan.
1940 Longacre, William A., MS Geophys
Study of the problem of depth determination by means of earth resistivity measurements.
1938 Sermon, Thomas C., MS Geophys
Null current indicator.
1931 Knaebel, Carl H., MS Geophys
Observation and deduction applicable to measurement of electrical resistivity of large
volumes of earth in place.