3.01.1—Developing International Framework and Subordinate Agreements


There are four steps to developing an international agreement for education, scholarship, and/or research, whether it is a framework agreement or any subordinate agreements under the framework agreement:

  1. Consult with the IPS.
  2. Determine who within the PI's department will write a draft agreement.
  3. Route final draft for review and approval by IPS.
  4. Approval of agreement.

Any agreement involving study for academic credit must be signed by the executive director of IPS. Any agreement involving research must be signed by the vice president for research.

Process for Framework Agreements

  1. Consult with the IPS, by calling 7-2160, about a draft framework agreement. Example agreements are available from the Innovation and Commercialization website.
  2. Determine if the department will draft the agreement.
  3. The department should route two (2) copies of the agreement to the executive director of IPS for review and to initial or sign as appropriate.
  4. Once reviewed and approved, IPS forwards both copies of the agreement to Innovation and Commercialization to send to the provost and senior vice president for academic and student affairs and to the president for signature on each copy.
  5. Once signed by the provost and president, the agreements will be returned to Innovation and Commercialization, who will then forward both copies to the foreign university/organization for signature. The foreign university/organization signs both copies and returns one copy to Innovation and Commercialization.

Process for Subordinate Agreements

  1. Consult with the IPS, by calling 7-2160, to draft a subordinate agreement. Example agreements are available from Innovation and Commercialization.
  2. Determine if the department will draft the agreement.
  3. The department should route two (2) copies of the agreement to the executive director of IPS for review and to initial or sign as appropriate.
  4. Once reviewed and approved, Innovation and Commercialization:
    1. obtains the appropriate department chair/dean/director signature on each copy as necessary;
    2. forwards both copies of the agreement to the provost and senior vice president for academic and student affairs for signature on each copy.

Once signed by the provost and president, the agreements will be returned to Innovation and Commercialization, who will then forward both copies to the foreign university/organization for signature. The foreign university/organization signs both copies and returns one copy to IPS.


01/14/2019 Policy Review: Throughout the document, to reflect current practice, changed all instances of "Innovation and Industry Engagement" to "Innovation and Commercialization".
2/13/2018 Policy Review: Throughout document, to reflect current practice, changed all instances of "Center for International Education" to "International Programs and Services" or "Innovation and Industry Engagement" depending on application.
04/10/2017 Transfer of policy page from HTML to CMS. Academic numbers renamed from "2.3000" to "3. Academic". Specifically from "2.3001.1—Developing International Framework and Subordinate Agreements" to "3.01.1—Developing International Framework and Subordinate Agreements".