1.07—Record Retention

Effective: 07/01/2008
Last updated: 04/10/2017
Senate Proposal: No
Responsible University Officer: Vice President for Governmental Relations
Responsible Office: Library

Policy Statement

The University will follow a records retention schedule (refer to Appendix A) to provide a standard for maintaining necessary records as required by applicable state and federal law, and to the extent necessary for operational purposes. The retention periods listed on this schedule should be considered the minimum time for which a paper record must be held.

Policy Requirements

It is the responsibility of each department to develop an inventory of the records unique to that department. The paper records created by departments are known as the record copy.

Records that have been kept for the required length of time should be disposed of in the appropriate manner.

Reason for Policy

This policy was developed pursuant to an Internal Audit comment and suggestion to assist departments in determining the retention period for records created by departments at Michigan Tech. The record retention schedule is not all-inclusive. It is a guide to assist departments when making record disposal decisions.

Related Policy Information

The Records Retention Committee developed the record retention schedule with recommendations suggested by various departments and divisions. The schedule shall be updated from time to time and shall not be considered as obsolete at any time.


Office/Unit Name Telephone Number
Director, Library 7-2500
Vice President, Governmental Relations 7-2318
Chief Financial Officer 7-2642


Record Copy - The most complete or official copy of a paper document which is almost always the original document. The only exception is a copy of an original document that the department has filed with an agency elsewhere.


Department Dean/Chair/Director/Head - Maintains departmental record copies according to the record retention schedule.

Individual Departments - Reviews the changes in federal and state laws pertaining to record retention.

Record Retention Committee - Reviews the record retention schedule once per year and makes changes as applicable.


Appendix A - Record Retention Schedule

Adoption Date

09/22/2004 Approved by vice president for governmental relations


04/10/2017 Transfer of policy page from HTML to CMS. General Policy numbers renamed from "2.1000" to "1.00 General University". Specifically from "2.1007—Record Retention" to "1.07—Record Retention".
05/01/2012 To reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
07/01/2008 Changed the Record Retention Schedule for financial and tax records to the State Approved Records and Retention and Disposal Schedule.