1.10—Closure of University

Effective: 07/01/1999
Last updated: 02/14/2018
Senate Proposal: No
Responsible University Officer: President
Responsible Office: General Counsel

Policy Statement

The president, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, general counsel, or their designated representative may decide to declare University closure for a specified period of time (examples might include but are not limited to prolonged power outage, prolonged loss of heating capability, or closure of main highway due to inclement weather). You will be notified by your supervisor or through local media, i.e., radio and newspaper. Most employees will be allowed to go or stay home with pay. However, operational and other employees required to stay or report to work will receive equal time off at a later date at the convenience of their respective departments.


9.3 Working Conditions—Faculty Handbook


Office/Unit Name Telephone Number
General Counsel 906-487-2229

Adoption Date

07/01/1999 Approved by the Executive Council


2/14/2018 Added the "Procedures" section and a link to the Faculty Handbook section 9.3 Working Conditions.
04/10/2017 Transfer of policy page from HTML to CMS. General Policy numbers renamed from "2.1000" to "1.00 General University". Specifically from "2.1010—Closure of University" to "1.10—Closure of University".
05/03/2012 To reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.