6.07.1—Exemplary Performance Bonus Request

Effective: 03/01/2010
Senate Proposal: No
Responsible University Officer: Vice President for Administration
Responsible Office: Human Resources


Established to provide an incentive for and means of rewarding exemplary performance of faculty and staff. The bonus policy supports the University's Strategic Plan, Goal 1: 1.1, which states the University will "provide competitive compensation, recognize and reward successful faculty and staff."


The employee's primary department does the following:

  1. Complete the following on a Bonus Request Form, available from Human Resources, Forms and Information, Forms for Staff (Non-union) web site https://www.mtu.edu/hr/forms/ or by calling 7-2281:
    1. Enter the Employee Name and M Number
    2. Enter the Employee's Primary Department and Org number and Date of Request.
    3. Enter the Contact Person's Name and Phone Number.
    4. Enter the Index(es))/Account Code(s) and Effective Date.
    5. Enter the Bonus Amount.
    6. Select the "Exemplary Performance" bonus type.
    7. Enter a brief justification of the reason for the bonus in the Comments/Justification text box.
      • NOTE: A more detailed written justification must be attached.
  2. Obtain approval from the department chair/director or higher in supervisory chain of command, and a countersignature, if required.
    • NOTE: When an employee's time and payroll dollars are to be charged to an index under the control of a department other than the one initiating the request, the department head of the second department must also approve this request.
  3. Obtain approval from the next in line of the supervisory chain of command (form requires two signatures).
  4. Forward the Bonus Request Form to Human Resources for approval and processing.

Forms and Instructions

In support of this policy, the following forms/instructions are included:




04/10/2017 Transfer of policy page from HTML to CMS. Business and Finance numbers renamed from "2.6000" to "6. Human Resources". Specifically from "2.6007.1—Exemplary Performance Bonus Request" to "6.07.1—Exemplary Performance Bonus Request".