Michigan Transfer Agreement

The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) was developed to simplify the transferability of core college courses from Michigan community colleges to Michigan universities. Students who successfully complete the 30 credit hour MTA at a Michigan community college may transfer those credits to satisfy a portion of the general education requirements at Michigan Technological University.

Minimum Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 30 semester credit hours according to the following distribution:

  • 1 course in English Composition

  • A second course in English Composition or 1 course in Communications

  • 1 course in Mathematics from one of three pathways: College Algebra, Statistics or Quantitative Reasoning

  • 2 courses in Social Sciences (from two disciplines)

  • 2 courses in Humanities and Fine Arts (from two disciplines excluding studio and performance classes)

  • 2 courses in Natural Sciences including one with laboratory experience (from two disciplines)

If the total credit hours for these courses do not equal at least 30 semester credit hours, you must take an additional course from one of the areas.

A minimum grade of 2.0 is required for each course. Students may use courses transferred from more than one college to satisfy the MTA, including courses completed at MTU and transferred back to the community college. Students must have their transcripts evaluated and endorsed as "MTA Satisfied" by a community college. Check with your community college registrar's office or advising office to find out how to request a MTA transcript evaluation.  

General Education Area Michigan Tech Course

Michigan Transfer Agreement Course

Core: 12 credits UN 1015 Composition, 3 cr 1st course in English Composition

UN 1025 Global Issues, 3 cr

Modern Language Option

1st course in Social Sciences

Critical and Creative Thinking Core, 3 cr

1st course in Humanities and Fine Arts

Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning Core, 3 cr

2nd course in Social Sciences

HASS: 12 credits

  • At least 6 credits must be 3000- or 4000-level
  • No more than 3 credits from the HASS restricted list (non HU/FA/SS/PSY/EC)
Communications course, 3 cr minimum 2nd course in English Composition or Communications
HU/FA, 3 cr minimum 2nd course in Humanities and Fine Arts
SS/EC/PSY, 3 cr minimum  
3 cr from any HASS list  

STEM: 15 credits

  • No more than 4 credits from the STEM restricted list can be used to complete 15 credits
Mathematics, 4 cr minimum 1 course in quantitative reasoning
Science, at least 7 credits, 2 courses in 2 different disciplines, 1 must include an associated laboratory 2 courses in natural sciences (2 different disciplines) including one with a laboratory experience
Additional credits from any list to complete 15 credits  
Co-curricular: 3 credits FA/AF/AR/PE - See list  

How MTA applies at Michigan Tech

Students who transfer to Michigan Tech with the MTA endorsement from their community college will have those credits evaluated as applicable to the general education requirements of that academic year.

Credits awarded by another college for AP, IB, or CLEP exams—or other college placement exams—are not transferable. Please contact the appropriate testing agency to request to have your score(s) sent to Michigan Tech. Scores will be evaluated for credit or placement under the policies in place for the year you enroll. Other colleges may award credit for AP differently. As a result, they may consider the MTA satisfied but Michigan Tech may not. Contact Transfer Services with any questions.

Students who transfer to Michigan Tech having completed the MTA are expected to complete remaining general education and degree requirements as required for the completion of their program.

Students who do not complete the entire block of courses required for the MTA will receive credit for the courses they do complete on the basis of individual course evaluation and established transfer equivalencies.

Approved MTA courses by institution
