Two researchers with life vests lowering an instrument into the water from an MTU research vessel.
Technological Solutions for Tomorrow.

Michigan Tech's proving grounds provide results.

Researchers at Michigan’s R1 flagship technological university have incredible assets at their fingertips. The innovative prototypes and methods they pioneer impact environments reaching from the depths of Lake Superior—the world's largest freshwater lake by surface—to outer space. Ideas conceived in our 15 research centers and institutes become licensed life-changing technologies. Michigan Tech brings faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, community, government, and industrial partners together to create the future. Together, we explore creative research approaches and develop the technological solutions tomorrow needs.

  • 103.82

    million in research expenditures

  • $98.1
    external funding by source
  • 15
    research institutes and centers

Research News


Research Magazine

Aerospace engineering has become a Michigan Tech lodestar thanks to a group of dedicated students who compete in challenges sponsored by NASA—and win. Their goal? To send technology first engineered at Michigan Tech all the way to the moon. Read the 2024 Tech Magazine.

The cover of the latest Michigan Tech Research magazine.

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Watch The Changing Dynamics of the Isle Royale Wolves and Moose video
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The Changing Dynamics of the Isle Royale Wolves and Moose

When the wolf population rebounds, what happens to moose? MTU researchers have been studying the changing dynamics of Isle Royale wolves and moose for 62 years.


Meet a Center: Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC)

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Researchers at the Great Lakes Research Center