Forms, Agreements, Applications, and Worksheets

Proposal Preparation Information

All Principal Investigators planning to submit a proposal should complete a Notice of Intent to Submit a Proposal form.  This form requests a minimum amount of key information to coordinate support for the proposal.

An advance, two-week notification to the Sponsored Programs Office of your intent to submit a proposal is strongly encouraged.

Complete proposals are due to the Sponsored Programs Office prior to the Sponsor's deadline.  Please refer to the Internal Deadline Chart to determine your proposal's internal deadline.

The Vice President of Research Office has launched the Sponsored Projects (SP) module of Cayuse. Faculty and staff who intend to submit a sponsored project proposal should use the Cayuse system to create your proposal and route for internal reviews and approvals. This replaces the current PDF-based transmittal process.  To assist in proposal creation, we have created a manual to assist users.  Please work with your Sponsored Programs Analysts for any questions that you may have. More information including FAQ's can be found on the Cayuse Implementation page.

Budget Worksheets

Please note - all budget templates should be downloaded directly from this site and edited in Microsoft Excel.  Failure to do so may compromise the integrity of the budget.

Other Budgeting Tools

Intellectual Property

Research Integrity

Sponsored Project Administration

Expenditure Processing

Non-Monetary Agreement Processing

The Academic Agreement Request Form is used for requesting review and execution of any new agreements or renewal of an existing agreement that requires a signature on behalf of the University and relates to academic collaborations as listed on the header of the form. The individual requesting the proposed agreement or renewal is responsible for completing the form in its entirety and getting all necessary signatures before agreement review can be completed.  The process is explained in this flowchart.

Non-Funding Agreement Approval Form for non-monetary agreements, such as memos of understanding, collaborations, land use, international student exchange, dual degrees, etc. (Required for internal processing, approvals, and routing of proposed final agreements.)

Standard International Agreements

Standard Domestic Agreements

Supplementary Forms

Current Rate Agreements

Standard Sponsored Project Agreements

Service Order Agreements

Vice President for Research Office