Researcher in waders in a stream holding a pipe underwater
Life Sciences

Researchers at Michigan Tech have incredible regional assets.

From the depths of the world's largest freshwater lake by surface to 303,759 square feet of research space. From the first ideas scrawled on a whiteboard to licensed life-changing technologies. Clouds made to order, cold-weather performance testing, detecting vitamins in human tears—our proving grounds provide results. Research at Michigan’s flagship university for technological advancement brings faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, community, government, and industrial partners together to create the future.

  • 103.82

    million in research expenditures

  • $82.7
    external funding by source
  • 16
    research institutes and centers

Research News


Research Magazine

Aerospace engineering has become a Michigan Tech lodestar thanks to a group of dedicated students who compete in challenges sponsored by NASA—and win. Their goal? To send technology first engineered at Michigan Tech all the way to the moon. Read the 2024 Tech Magazine.

The cover of the latest Michigan Tech Research magazine.

Featured Videos

Watch The Changing Dynamics of the Isle Royale Wolves and Moose video
Preview image for The Changing Dynamics of the Isle Royale Wolves and Moose video

The Changing Dynamics of the Isle Royale Wolves and Moose

When the wolf population rebounds, what happens to moose? MTU researchers have been studying the changing dynamics of Isle Royale wolves and moose for 62 years.

Superior Ideas: Bringing University Research and Public Service Projects to Life

Featured Projects

Have a lot great ideas but no funding? Looking for a great small project to fund? Crowdfunding makes great ideas reality and is ideal for small projects that are not independently suitable for grant funding or other traditional scholarly support methods. Superior Ideas gets projects out there and the funding coming in.

Bringing Computer Science to K-12

Male student working on a drawing on the computer

Computer Science is essential for every 21st century student, yet K-12 teachers have little support for getting up to speed in this field. This program brings the teaching expertise of Michigan Tech's Computer Science Department to students in the Copper Country, and it nurtures a community of teachers helping one another bring coding experience to their classrooms.


Michigan Tech Great Lakes Buoy Network

Great Lakes Buoy

The goal of this project is to maintain and improve on Michigan Tech's life-saving buoy network on the Great Lakes. The buoys measure wave conditions, wind speed and direction, water temperature, water current speeds, and detailed meteorological information.



Meet a Center: Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC)

Learn More

Researchers at the Great Lakes Research Center