Research Development, in close collaboration with other units in the Office of the
Vice President for Research and research support professionals across campus, supports
Michigan Tech's growth as a premier technological research university. We provide
support and resources to help researchers engage successfully in research activities
at Michigan Tech; find and sustain collaborations; search and analyze funding opportunities;
learn about and connect with funding agencies; developm competitive proposals; and
evaluate reviewer feedback.
We encourage you to browse our online resources, participate in our events, workshops, and trips and contact us for an individual or research team consultation whenever you need proposal or research
In the Research Development (RD) Toolkit, you’ll find a wide variety of resources for proposal development, research capacity
building, and strategizing. This includes sample documents as well as recordings and
materials from recent events and informational sessions. Do you have a contribution
for the Toolkit? We’d love to curate and share your resources with others in the
Michigan Tech community! Browse the RD Toolkit
Since 2011, the VPR office has been supporting faculty and research staff to travel
to Washington DC. The organized trip helps make connections with relevant agencies
and program officers. The trip also builds connections and collaborations among faculty
and with external research partners including minority-serving institutions.
The trip began with a focus on early-career faculty. Now the trip is open to faculty
and researchers at any career stage.
Starting in 2024, the trip transitioned to smaller focused trips with the potential
to make trips multiple times per year. For planning resources and current trip details,
visit the DC mini website.
[Description of Research Day. Links to each Research Day’s content. ]
Research Day is an annual conference that provides dedicated time for networking,
learning, sharing, and celebration for the Michigan Tech research community. The Research
Day Steering Committee includes the RD team and volunteers from across campus. Follow
the links below to browse Research Day content. (Note: Some content is only accessible
if you are logged into Google with your login.)
Research Day 2024 2.0 (December 18, 2024) Site with Agenda, Slides, Recordings
Research Day 2024 (January 4, 2024) Agenda • Recordings
Research Day 2023 (January 5, 2023) Agenda
Research Day 2022 (January 6, 2022) Site with Agenda, Slides, Recordings
Research Day 2021 (January 7, 2021) Site with Agenda, Slides, Recordings
Research Day materials back to 2013 can be shared upon request.
We can provide funding consultations, help develop individual research plans that
align with your career goals, and help develop proposal ideas. Fill out RD Request form
We can draft supporting proposal documents, provide project management for large-scale
grant proposals, and edit grant proposals. Work with us early in your process for
the best service! Fill out RD Request form
Societal Impacts of Research
We can consult with you to connect your scholarship with publics and communities beyond
academia (e.g., “Broader Impacts” activities). We also can connect you with campus
and external resources to support your public impact goals. Fill out RD Request form
We can develop and deliver workshops and webinars that are tailored to the needs of
your faculty, postdocs, students and staff. We can present on a variety of research
funding- and impact-related topics, including research strategy, grant writing, understanding
review processes, connecting with program officers, science communication, developing
effective partnerships, articulating and assessing impact, developing research graphics,
and others. We can also get your research development initiatives in front of campus,
regional, or national audiences through our processes and networks. Talk with us!
Fill out RD Request form
Facilities and Team Science
We can facilitate ideation and strategic planning sessions for your teams or units.
Bring collaborators together to brainstorm in a "spark event," hone research questions
through workshopping practices, and develop proposal plans or collaboration plans.
Bring colleagues together to develop long-term research or public impact goals and
strategies for your unit. Bring stakeholders together to develop milestones and action
plans for your research initiative. Fill out RD Request form
We can support research grant proposals in any field. Please submit your request at
least 6 weeks in advance of the sponsor deadline. Fill out RD Request form
Our Team
Peter Larsen
- Associate Vice President for Research, Development
Jessica Brassard
- Director of Research Development and Communication
Sarah Atkinson
- Research Development Associate
Jacob Manchester
- Director of Research Development and Corporate Research