Limited Submission

In limited submission programs, the sponsor restricts the number of applications or proposals an institution can submit to the agency. The guidelines for these programs require institutions to screen proposals (including pre-proposals, white papers, concept papers, etc.—list may not be all inclusive) to determine which applications will be submitted for competition. The deadline for submission of internal proposals will be approximately eight weeks prior to agency due date (for large-scale proposals, such as the NSF-MRI and the NSF-NRT, the internal deadline will be 10 weeks prior to the agency due date). If the deadline for the internal proposal is on a weekend, it will be due the next business day. If there are less than eight weeks until the sponsor deadline, requests to reserve one of the limited submission places will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis (see full instructions below).

Due to the number of programs, it is not possible to provide an all-inclusive list. Here is a partial list of current known limited submission opportunities listing Michigan Tech's internal deadlines. Additional opportunities are provided in the "More Limited Submission Announcements" box on this website. Questions not addressed or opportunities not listed may be directed to the Vice President for Research office at

Procedures for Limited Submission Programs

  1. Announcing the funding opportunity to the campus community
    1. Current opportunities: The Vice President for Research will maintain a webpage posting internal submission procedures and deadlines.
    2. Last-minute opportunities: If individual faculty or staff become aware of limited submission opportunities that are not posted, they must immediately notify the Vice President for Research office with information to post on this website. Send information about the opportunity via email to
      1. If there is enough time for the normal selection process (i.e., eight or more weeks until the agency's deadline), the opportunity will be added to the limited submission website and normal limited submission program instructions will apply.
      2. If the information is received less than eight weeks prior to the deadline, permission to submit will be granted on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Interested teams may contact to determine if any submission spots remain for a particular opportunity. During this time, teams do not need to submit a full internal proposal (outlined in item 2 below); teams may simply email indicating an interest in submission. If any requests to submit come in after we have reached our maximum number of submissions, those teams will not be able to submit because the available opportunities will have already been assigned.
  2. Internal proposals must be submitted by 4 p.m. on the internal deadline date and must include the following information that are listed below (the approximate length of the internal proposal should be 1–2 pages. Investigators may also attach additional supporting information, but it is not required).
    1. Limited submission cover sheet (does not count towards the approximate length of the internal proposal).
    2. the project title
    3. the investigators (internal and external) and their affiliations
    4. a budget estimate (in a format of your choice, does not need to be reviewed by the Sponsored Programs Office).
    5. an accurate description of required cost share and source of funds (while firm commitments to provide cost sharing are not required for a limited submission proposal, documentation supporting any required cost sharing (from internal or external sources) is encouraged and may be included with your internal proposal).
    6. a project summary
    7. curriculum vitae (CV) for the PI and Co-PIs (does not count towards the approximate length of the internal proposal).
    8. submit to: 
  3. Determining the candidates. If, by the deadline:
    1. there are fewer internal applicants than the number of proposals that Michigan Tech can submit, all internal applicants shall automatically be selected as the candidates. After the deadline, additional applicants can be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis by inquiring with to determine if submission opportunities remain to be confirmed. An internal proposal (cover sheet and supporting information outlined in item 2 above) does not need to be included with this inquiry. 
    2. the number of internal applicants equals the number of proposals that Michigan Tech can submit, all will automatically be selected as the candidates and no further applicants will be considered.
    3. there are more internal applicants than the number of proposals allowed, the Vice President for Research office will distribute the internal proposals to the Deans of the Graduate School, College of Engineering, College of Sciences and Arts, College of Business, College of Computer Science, Pavlis Honors College, and the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, and convene a meeting of these deans (or their designees) to select the candidates.
  4. After the Selection:
    1. The Vice President for Research will notify the selected candidate(s) and request confirmation that they will submit proposals to the program in question. The selected candidate(s) must confirm their plan to submit the proposal by completing the Notice of Intent to Submit form and must adhere to the Sponsored Programs Office proposal submission policy, which specifies that all proposals must be submitted to the Sponsored Programs Office in accordance with its Internal Deadlines Chart.
    2. If selected to be a Michigan Tech candidate, the PI is responsible for obtaining all cost-share commitments, if applicable.
    3. After receiving confirmation from the selected candidates, the Vice President for Research shall notify the other applicants of the decision. If one or more of the selected candidates fails to confirm their intent in a timely fashion, the Vice President for Research, in consultation with the deans, shall identify an additional applicant from those not initially selected.
    4. If, after being selected or approved to move forward (whether there was an internal selection or not) and confirming an intent to submit, the project team decides not to submit a proposal for any reason, the PI must notify so that permission can be offered to another team, if applicable. Failure to follow through with submission may impact future limited submission decisions (see item e below).
    5. The Vice President for Research shall notify the deans and relevant chair(s) if a selected candidate fails to submit a proposal to the program in question.

Upcoming Internal Deadlines

Note: Due to the number of programs, it is not possible to provide an all-inclusive list. Pre-award questions not addressed or opportunities not listed may be directed to the Vice President for Research office at email

If the internal deadline is on a weekend, it will be due the next business day.

First-come, first-serve

First-come, first-serve

April 2025

May 2025

June 2025

September 2025

November 2025

January 2026

April 2026

May 2026

June 2026

September 2026

November 2026

January 2027

April 2027

May 2027

June 2027

September 2027

November 2027