Meeting 562 Agenda

The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

PDF version of Agenda 562

TO: Senators, Alternates, and Liaisons
FROM: Craig Waddell, Senate President
DATE: Mar. 30, 2015
SUBJECT: Agenda for University Senate Meeting #562
COPIES: President, Provost, Board of Control Secretary, Vice Presidents, Library, Staff Council Chair, Tech Today, Michigan Tech Lode, Michigan Tech Daily Bull

Meeting #562 of the University Senate of Michigan Technological University will convene at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday Wednesday April 1, 2015 in Room 642 in the DOW Building.

Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of the agenda for this meeting.

Senators who are unable to attend should arrange for their alternates to attend in their place.

1.  Call to Order  
2.  Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors 5
3.  Approval of Agenda 2
4.  Approval of Minutes from Meetings 561 2
5.  Presentations: 70-75
a. GSG President Sasha Teymorian: Food Insecurities: Survey Results and Sustainable Approaches (10-15 min.)  
b. Chief Information Security Officer Dave Hale: Anthem-BCBS security breach and identity theft (20 min.)  
c. Vice President for Administration Ellen Horsch: Rationale for disbanding and reassembling the Benefits Liaison Group (BLG) (20 min)  
d. Senate Finances and Institutional Planning Committee Chair Mike Mullins: University Finances (20 min)  
6.  President's Report 5
7.  Committee Reports 10
8.  Unfinished Business 20
a. Proposal 31-15: "Amending Senate Policy 210.1, Board of Control Policy 4.8, and Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Handbook Section 8.2: Office of the Ombuds"    
b. Proposal 32-15:  "Establishment of a Library Liaisons and a Library Advisory Committee"  
c. Proposal 16-15: "Annual Community Feedback to the University Leadership"  
d. "Sense of the Senate Resolution for Sufficient Notice of University Closure"  
9.  New Business 20
a. Proposal 33-15 "Academic Calendar for 2016-17 and Provisional Calendar for 2017-18"  
b. Proposal 34-15 "Restructuring the Benefits Liaison Group"  
c. Proposal 35-15: "Modify the Definition of the Term 'Adjunct' Faculty"  
d. Proposal 36-15: "Definition of 'Affiliated' Faculty Appointments"  
e. Proposal 37-15: "Revision of Graduate School Policy Regarding External Members of Graduate Committees"  
f. Proposal 38-15: "Policy on Accommodated Examinations"  
g. Proposal 39-15: "Amending Senate Policy 602.1: Final Exam Policy"  
h. Proposal 40-15: "Amending Senate Policy 312.1: Syllabus Requirement for All Courses at Michigan Technological University"  
i. Proposal 41-15: "Modify the University's Defined Contribution Retirement Benefit"  
j. Proposal 42-15: "Minors in Degree Programs"  
k. Proposal 43-15: Undergraduate Certificates"  
l. Proposal 44-15: "Proposal for a New Bachelor's of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management"  
10.  Public Comments  15
11.  Adjournment  