"Students should consider joining greek life at Michigan Tech to be a part of a family. College is hard, but it becomes a bit easier when you can walk across campus and see familiar faces from your chapter and the other chapters on campus."Becca Williams, Delta Zeta
"I joined my chapter to gain leadership skills and a support system that empowers me."Rachel Clayton, Alpha Sigma Tau
"Sororities open up many opportunities, you get exposed to a network of members and alumni that not only can help you in your career, but personal development, too."Jordan DeYonker, Alpha Delta Alpha
"By being a part of my sorority, I learned how to become a leader by committing to my positions and coming up with ideas for the sorority to bring us closer and grow academically, socially, and personally."Megyn Ostrom, Delta Zeta
"Being in sorority life gives you a lot of opportunities including leadership, philanthropy, and friendship. There's always volunteer opportunities to help with and other community events to be taking part in."Rachel Welter, Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Delta Alpha
- Nickname: ADA
Local Founding Date: September 27, 1980
Motto: Strong, Independent, & Beautiful.
Values: Sisterhood, Integrity, Perseverance, Community
Colors: Blue and Gold
Symbol: Crescent Moon and Flame
Flower: Daisy
Local Philanthropy: Big Brothers Big Sisters
Alpha Delta Alpha is a local sorority at Michigan Technological University. Our sisterhood was created to provide an opportunity for female students to participate in Greek only events on campus. Our sisterhood prides itself on our uniqueness and individuality, as well as strong relationships with each other and the local community. We strive to build strong young women who are able to handle anything life may throw.
Additionally, we encourage and maintain a level of idealism, balanced with the responsibilities of academics and daily life. Our members develop a focus on serious pursuits while enjoying a light-hearted attitude towards life. Civic awareness and philanthropy are key aspects of Alpha Delta Alpha as well. Some of our sister-wide philanthropy projects include Bowl4Kids and Adopt-A-Highway.
Since our founding over forty years ago we have welcomed home over three hundred sisters and continue to raise over $1000 every year for various causes. Finally, members of Alpha Delta Alpha are accepting of all people, regardless of their age, race, gender, orientation, theology, etc.

Alpha Gamma Delta
- Nickname: Alpha Gam
International Founding Date: May 30, 1904
Local Founding Date: May 4, 1979
Motto: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.
Values: Loving, Leading, Lasting
Colors: Red, Buff, and Green
Mascot: Squirrel
Flower: Red and buff rose with green asparagus plumosa fern
Jewel: Pearl
International Philanthropy: Feeding America and Meals on Wheels
Local Philanthropy: 31 Backpacks and Copper Country Senior Meals on Wheels
Alpha Gamma Delta is an international women's fraternity that promotes academic excellence, philanthropic giving, ongoing leadership and personal development and above all, a spirit of loving sisterhood. Guided by our Purpose, Alpha Gamma Deltas strive to attain a higher standard, thereby improving their lives, the lives of those around them and the communities in which they live. As a chapter, we seek to foster an environment that champions academic success. We encourage one another to utilize campus resources for academic assistance and provide study plans, incentives, and several programs to ensure members are realizing their academic goals. Members contribute different qualities to our sisterhood that helps our Chapter become more well-rounded. Whether it be exploring the Keweenaw, going out for coffee, or working on homework together, we take time to develop relationships with our sisters that will last for a lifetime. Alpha Gamma Delta’s philanthropic focus is to Fight Hunger. We aspire to fulfill the need through both service and fundraising opportunities. Together, we continually work to: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.

Alpha Sigma Tau
- Nickname: AST
National Founding Date:November 4, 1899
Local Founding Date: December 6, 1980
Motto: Active, Self-Reliant, and Trustworthy.
Values: Graciousness, Respect, Intellect, Connections, Excellence
Colors: Emerald Green and Gold
Symbol: Anchor
Flower: Yellow rose
Jewel: Pearl
International Philanthropy: Women's Wellness Initiative
Local Philanthropy: Habitat for Humanity
We are the Beta Xi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority. We participate in many campus traditions including K-Day, Homecoming, broomball, Winter Carnival, Spring Fling, and Greekend. Our members come from a wide variety of majors and many are involved in other student organizations on campus. We always have a great time as a group of sisters!
Since 1899, Alpha Sigma Tau has been empowering women to excel in life. Our national organization was established on the values of graciousness, respect, intellect, connections, and excellence. Our mission is to invest in women by instilling the skills necessary to navigate life, and inspire members to enrich their own lives and the lives of others. Our motto is Active, Self-Reliant, and Trustworthy. We fundraise for the Women's Wellness Initiative, our national philanthropy, and work closely with Habitat for Humanity, our local philanthropy.
When women join Alpha Sigma Tau, they gain a lifetime of support, invaluable life skills, and positive experiences that help them become who they aspire to be.

Delta Phi Epsilon
- Nickname: Deephers or DPhiE
- International Founding Date: March 17, 1917
- Local Founding Date: April 11, 1987
Motto: esse quam videri "to be rather than to seem to be"
Values: Justice, Sisterhood, Love
Colors: Royal Purple and Pure Gold
Mascot: Unicorn
Flower: Lovely Purple Iris
Jewel: Pearl
International Philanthropy: Delta Phi Epsilon Education Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
Local Philanthropy: Barbara Kettle Gundlach Women's Shelter Home
Delta Phi Epsilon was formed "to promote good fellowship among the women students among the various colleges in the country...to create a secret society composed of these women based upon their good moral character, regardless of nationality or creed...", to help in acquiring knowledge, appreciation, discriminating judgment, and a true feeling of sisterly love through the interaction, one upon the other, of sympathetic and friendly natures. It’s objective is in the influence of its members on each other to achieve the liberal spirit, the habit of kindly judgment, to be unimpressed by the external displays of life, to care for our sisters because of what they are, not because of what they achieve.

Delta Zeta
- Nickname: DeeZee
International Founding Date: October 24, 1902
Local Founding Date: February 14, 1975
Motto: Walk truly in the light of the flame.
- Values: Friendship, Community, Generosity, Curiosity, Empowerment, Belonging
Colors: Rose and Green
Mascot: Turtle
Flower: Killarney Rose
Jewel: Diamond
International Philanthropy: Starkey Hearing Foundation and Painted Turtle Camp
Each of us wants to make friends, learn new things and do something that matters. You might say it’s in our DNA, but that doesn’t make it any easier to do. In 1902, six young women formed an organization that would help them move these ideas forward. It was the founding of Delta Zeta Sorority, whose purpose is to create among a group of women a true and lasting friendship, to encourage one another in the pursuit of knowledge, to promote values-based living and embrace social responsibility.
As a member of the Lambda Theta Chapter of Delta Zeta, sisters will be empowered to explore opportunities within our chapter, on campus, professionally, and to become the best version of themselves with the continuous support of sisters. Our chapter holds academics above everything else, and offers specialized academic support to every sister throughout their college years. With multiple sisterhood events each month, our friendship is continuously growing, making Delta Zeta not only a college experience but a lifetime experience.
Phi Delta Chi
- Nickname: PDC
Local Founding Date: March 6, 1989
Motto: Unique and Growing
Values: Loyalty, Independence, Trush, and Friendship
Colors: Navy Blue and Forest Green
Mascot: Velociraptor
Flower: Forget Me Not and White Rose
Jewel: Blue Lace Agate
Local Philanthropy: Copper Shores Community Health Foundation
Phi Delta Chi is a local sorority founded from Sigma Tau Gamma's White Roses after they dissolved the sweetheart program in 1988. We also took in the Little Sisters of Sigma Pi after their program was disbanded the following year.
PDC is a supportive and inclusive environment for our members, and strives to live up to our motto of "Unique and Growing." As well as our unofficial motto (just being social or just be social).
Phi Delta Chi welcomes members from all walks of life, and offers support in academics, personal development programs, opportunities to give back to the Keweenaw community, and above all, a tight-knit group of friends and sisters for life.
Theta Chi Epsilon
- Nickname: Theta Chi
Local Founding Date: January 31, 1941
Motto: Sisterhood binds through life.
Values: Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service
Colors: Sky Blue and Silver
Mascot: White Dove
Flower: White Rose
Local Philanthropy: Susan P. Wheatlake Foundation
Theta Chi Epsilon was the first sorority at Michigan Technological University. The sorority is comprised of unique women who strive to live by our principles of sisterhood, scholarship, and service. We believe that sisterhood binds through life and continues to grow throughout your lifetime. The sisters are involved in a number of campus activities each year and are encouraged to be involved additional organizations. Our sisterhood creates a fun and supportive environment throughout a sister's time at Michigan Tech and in life.
The organizations listed above are all registered student organizations at Michigan Tech. View a list of student organizations that have been suspended, terminated, or NOT re-registered or affiliated with Michigan Tech online.