Are you interested in learning more about fraternity life?
Michigan Tech fraternities recruit year round, especially in the forms of recruitment events or rushes. To find dates and times of recruitment events among the 12 fraternities, look for table tents, sandwich boards, and flyers around campus. Don’t forget websites!
For first years, bids can be handed out any time after the second week of classes in the fall. For Second years and above, bids can be handed out at any time. It depends on the fraternity on the length of time to accept or decline a bid as well as when the fraternity will begin the new member process.
If you are interested in Fraternity Life, stop by one of the many all fraternity events
in the fall to talk to different organizations and get a feel for the community. For
a list of the events for this fall, view the calendar for dates, times, and locations.
For more information or if you have any questions, please email If you are interested in joining a fraternity in general or if you are interested
in certain fraternities, attend a few recruitment events. Who knows, in no time you
might be Greek!
The best thing to keep in mind when attending these events is to not let yourself
get intimidated. These guys want to be your friend and they genuinely want to get
to know you as a person. Simply introduce yourself and relax. All Greeks have been
in your shoes once so they understand if you are nervous.
So you have a bid or even multiple bids, now what?
Before making the commitment to join a fraternity, the most important thing to remember
is that brotherhood is forever (so it’s a big decision). Wherever you join, these
will be your brothers for life, and many will even become lifelong friends. So make
sure that you have met as many men as possible in the fraternity before making your
decision. For many fraternities, bids last longer than a semester so if you are on
the fence, it might be a good idea to wait a semester. No one can tell you when you
are ready to join but yourself.
To be eligible to join a fraternity as a first semester first-year student at Michigan Tech, you must have at least a 3.0 high school GPA and be in good academic standing as a student. (For your standing, check Experience using the My Acaddemics card and the Academic Standing link.) As a second semester first-year student and above who are interested in joining a fraternity, each fraternity sets their own minimum GPA. To be eligible, all students must be in good academic standing and do a grade release on Banweb. Please note that some fraternities choose to have higher GPA requirements so talk with chapter leaders to learn more about expectations.
Once you accept a bid, the new member process (also known as pledging or pledge class) will begin. Each fraternity’s process is different and last different lengths of time. In general, a process can last between five to eight weeks and usually ends with a week of chapter events. Michigan Tech is a strictly non-hazing campus and hazing is not tolerated by any student organization or sports team, so don’t let it deter you in your decision to join a fraternity or any other student organization.
The thing to remember is that if you saw it on television or in a movie, it’s probably not true, was just for entertainment, and not an accurate representation of Greek Life. Times have changed since Animal House premiered in 1978. Keep an open-mind, meet some new people, and make memories to last a lifetime!
For more information about each organization, GO HERE!