Style Guide | Page Design and Layout | Style and Format | Image and Multimedia Widgets | Additional Functionality
About the . . .
This snippet is only used in digital publications templates.
Slider Type
Slider With Expand/Collapse (automatic)
FAQ Type
FAQ With Expand/Collapse (automatic)
Sliders and FAQs are created using the Accordion Snippet.
"This is a blockquote."
"This is a blockquote in a row with background."
Blockquotes are created using the Blockquote Snippet.
In A Boxed Section with Gutter Spacing
In A Boxed Section with No Gutter Spacing
Insert the Card snippet into the Boxed Sections snippet.
Area Chart
Loading. . .
Bar Chart
Loading. . .
Column Chart
Loading. . .
Line Chart
Loading. . .
Pie Chart
Loading. . .
Stepped Chart
Loading. . .
To include a chart on a page, you must have data in a URL-accessible location, such as a Google Sheet. Use the Chart Snippet.
Class Descriptions
Class Descriptions are created using the Class Descriptions Snippet.
Faculty/Staff Content Single

FirstName LastName
- Title1
- Title2
- Title3
- Phone
- Location

- Email1
- Phone1
- Location1
FirstName1 LastName1
- Title1
- Title2: Affiliated Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, and Psychology and Human Factors
- Title3
- Education1
- Education2
- Education3
- Education4
This is the Biography section.
View the Faculty/Staff Content Single snippet: on a Page with One Sidebar | on a Page with Both Sidebars
Use the Faculty/Staff Content Single Snippet to include a specific person's personnel information on a page.
Faculty/Staff Listing Multiple
Standard Staff Listing

FirstName MiddleName LastName
- Title1
- Title2
- Title3
- Phone
- Cell: CellPhone
- Location
Specialties Left
- This is the specialties left section.
Extra Specialties Left
- This is the extra specialties left section.
Specialties Right
- This is specialties right.
- Title1
- Title2: Affiliated Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, and Psychology and Human Factors
- Title3
- Email1
- Phone1
- Cell: CellPhone1
- Location1
Specialties Left
- This is the specialties left section.
Extra Specialties Left
- This is the extra specialties left section.
Specialties Right
- This is specialties right.

- Email
- Phone
- Location
FirstName LastName
- Title1
- Title2
- Title3
- Education1
- Education2
- Education3
- Education4
This is the Biography section.
FirstName1 LastName1
- Title1
- Title2: Affiliated Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, and Psychology and Human Factors
- Title3
The focus version should only be used in a Boxed Section Even Columns snippet with two columns.
View the Faculty/Staff Listing Multiple snippet: on a Page with One Sidebar | on a Page with Both Sidebars
Use the Faculty/Staff Listing Multiple Snippet to include a multiple people's personnel information on a page.
Named Testimonial
All Fields
TitleThis is where the quote content would go. Name Placement is set to "right."

TitleThis is where the quote content would go. Name Placement is set to "left."

Required Fields Only
This is where the quote content would go.
Use the Named Testimonial Snippet in the Main Content or Additional Content regions.
Pop-up Text
The pop-up text can be styled as a
This is the pop-up window.
It can also be styled as
Here is the pop-up window again.
Make sure you use a unique ID for each pop-up on the page!
"A blockquote can also be a pop-up text link."
It's that pop-up window again.
1example of a tout with pop-up text
The Pop-up Text Snippet can be used on the page or in the Touts Snippet.
Ranking (Inline)
At Michigan Technological University, our 7,300+ smart students build and launch nanosatellites, make prosthetic ankles better, and connect robots with kids.
Enter the desired text surrounding the ranking. Then insert the Ranking (Inline) Snippet in the desired location.
Ranking (Standalone)
All Options
#1, 2015
Required Fields Only
User the Ranking (Standalone) Snippet.
Row with Background
You can put text over the background.

MTU Gold
This is the gold background.
The system knows what color text to use for each background color.
Dark Gray
Dark gray is one color option.
Light Gray
Light gray is another color option.
Deep Gold
Deep gold is color option.
This is the teal background.
This is the copper background.
Use the Row w/Background Snippet.
Row With Left Image
This is some text below the image. You can see what it does in conjunction with wrapping.
One of the parameter option is wrapping. If you set wrapping to true, the text on the right will wrap beneath the content on the left if it gets too long.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nisl. Aenean ut posuere ex. Maecenas nec massa mauris. Donec mi mauris, dapibus ut risus ut, consectetur hendrerit tellus. Nullam scelerisque laoreet tellus. Mauris tristique mattis enim, sit amet congue ex dictum in. Fusce aliquam nisl est, ut euismod metus tempor non. Nulla aliquet congue pulvinar. Mauris bibendum felis ac aliquet dignissim. Pellentesque nec ornare urna, id fringilla justo.
Aenean volutpat pellentesque enim, non semper nulla tempor vel. Etiam sodales consequat diam et cursus. Cras at feugiat felis. Vestibulum quis ornare velit, a laoreet velit. Duis porta, nisi vel finibus pretium, lorem odio posuere enim, nec dictum nibh leo vitae ipsum. Nullam eget ex mattis nunc accumsan pellentesque fermentum a tellus. Phasellus at purus ac lacus feugiat lacinia. Nullam at enim sit amet tortor posuere venenatis. Donec at tempus magna, eu molestie tortor. Etiam hendrerit vulputate ipsum vitae fringilla. Aliquam in malesuada tellus. Cras aliquet luctus massa quis efficitur. Phasellus in turpis in metus rhoncus blandit ac eu orci. Praesent ut venenatis sem. Nunc suscipit, mi id cursus commodo, nisl arcu volutpat nulla, in blandit tellus nunc eget mi. Aenean quis augue elementum, ultricies lacus sed, iaculis purus.
No Wrap
This is some text below the image. You can see what it does in conjunction with no wrapping.
One of the parameter option is wrapping. If you set wrapping to false, the text on the right will stay on the right, leaving blank space below the content on the left.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nisl. Aenean ut posuere ex. Maecenas nec massa mauris. Donec mi mauris, dapibus ut risus ut, consectetur hendrerit tellus. Nullam scelerisque laoreet tellus. Mauris tristique mattis enim, sit amet congue ex dictum in. Fusce aliquam nisl est, ut euismod metus tempor non. Nulla aliquet congue pulvinar. Mauris bibendum felis ac aliquet dignissim. Pellentesque nec ornare urna, id fringilla justo.
Aenean volutpat pellentesque enim, non semper nulla tempor vel. Etiam sodales consequat diam et cursus. Cras at feugiat felis. Vestibulum quis ornare velit, a laoreet velit. Duis porta, nisi vel finibus pretium, lorem odio posuere enim, nec dictum nibh leo vitae ipsum. Nullam eget ex mattis nunc accumsan pellentesque fermentum a tellus. Phasellus at purus ac lacus feugiat lacinia. Nullam at enim sit amet tortor posuere venenatis. Donec at tempus magna, eu molestie tortor. Etiam hendrerit vulputate ipsum vitae fringilla. Aliquam in malesuada tellus. Cras aliquet luctus massa quis efficitur. Phasellus in turpis in metus rhoncus blandit ac eu orci. Praesent ut venenatis sem. Nunc suscipit, mi id cursus commodo, nisl arcu volutpat nulla, in blandit tellus nunc eget mi. Aenean quis augue elementum, ultricies lacus sed, iaculis purus.
Horizontal Rule
The other parameter is hr. Setting this to true will add a horizontal rule after each row that you create with the snippet.
This is a second row created within the same snippet.
Use the Row w/ Left Image Snippet.
RSS Feeds
News Full
News 2/3
News 1/3
News 1/2
Announcements 1/2
Announcements 1/3
Announcements 2/3
Announcements Full
Events Full
Events 2/3
Events 1/3 (not Localist)
Events 1/2
Latest Post
Latest Post Display Full
Latest Post Display Trunc
Announcements Display
Localist List Modern
Localist List Card
Localist List Classic
Localist List None
Localist Mini Calendar + List Card
The various feed modules use the RSS Feed Combined Snippet and the Localist versions are created using the embed code from the Localist Widget Builder.
Social Media Icons
Use the Social Icons Snippet.
1tout with an image background
1tout that is a solid gold circle
3there are three touts in this row
Top 100you can include a little text in the circle
1tout that is a solid black circle
3there are three touts in this row
1the first tout in the row
1tout that is a hollow black circle
3there are this is the third tout touts in this row
4there are four touts in this row
1the first tout in the row
1tout that is a solid teal circle
3this is the third tout
¢the cent special character
5there are five touts in this row
1the first tout in this row
1tout that is a hollow teal circle
3there are three touts in this row
1tout that is a solid gray circle
3there are three touts in this row
1tout that is a hollow gray circle
3there are three touts in this row
1tout that is a solid deep gold circle
3there are three touts in this row
1tout that is a hollow deep gold circle
3there are three touts in this row
1tout that is a solid copper circle
3there are three touts in this row
1tout that is a hollow copper circle
3there are three touts in this row
Use the Touts Snippet.