Style Guide | Page Design and Layout | Style and Format | Content Widgets | Additional Functionality
In A Boxed Section with Gutter Spacing
In A Boxed Section with No Gutter Spacing
Insert the Card snippet into the Boxed Sections snippet.
Image Auto Grid

Use the Image Auto Grid snippet.
Image Gallery
Insert an Image Gallery Snippet onto your page.
Image Thumbnails With Gallery
Image Thumbnails with Gallery are created using the Image Gallery Snippet.
Image With Caption
When you use a class of left on the snippet, the image will go to the left side of the content area with the text wrapping on the right side.
When you use a class of right on the snippet, the image will go to the right side of the content area with the text wrapping on the left side.
When you use a class of middle on the snippet, the image will go to the middle of the content area with no text wrapping.
When you leave the class blank on the snippet, the image will go to the left side of the content area with no text wrapping.
View the Image with Caption: on a Page with No Sidebars | on a Page with Left Nav | on a Page with Right Sidebar | on a Page with Both Sidebars
Image with caption is created using the Image With Caption Snippet.
Row with Background
You can put text over the background.

MTU Gold
This is the gold background.
The system knows what color text to use for each background color.
Dark Gray
Dark gray is one color option.
Light Gray
Light gray is another color option.
Deep Gold
Deep gold is color option.
This is the teal background.
This is the copper background.
Use the Row w/Background Snippet.
Row With Left Image
This is some text below the image. You can see what it does in conjunction with wrapping.
One of the parameter option is wrapping. If you set wrapping to true, the text on the right will wrap beneath the content on the left if it gets too long.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nisl. Aenean ut posuere ex. Maecenas nec massa mauris. Donec mi mauris, dapibus ut risus ut, consectetur hendrerit tellus. Nullam scelerisque laoreet tellus. Mauris tristique mattis enim, sit amet congue ex dictum in. Fusce aliquam nisl est, ut euismod metus tempor non. Nulla aliquet congue pulvinar. Mauris bibendum felis ac aliquet dignissim. Pellentesque nec ornare urna, id fringilla justo.
Aenean volutpat pellentesque enim, non semper nulla tempor vel. Etiam sodales consequat diam et cursus. Cras at feugiat felis. Vestibulum quis ornare velit, a laoreet velit. Duis porta, nisi vel finibus pretium, lorem odio posuere enim, nec dictum nibh leo vitae ipsum. Nullam eget ex mattis nunc accumsan pellentesque fermentum a tellus. Phasellus at purus ac lacus feugiat lacinia. Nullam at enim sit amet tortor posuere venenatis. Donec at tempus magna, eu molestie tortor. Etiam hendrerit vulputate ipsum vitae fringilla. Aliquam in malesuada tellus. Cras aliquet luctus massa quis efficitur. Phasellus in turpis in metus rhoncus blandit ac eu orci. Praesent ut venenatis sem. Nunc suscipit, mi id cursus commodo, nisl arcu volutpat nulla, in blandit tellus nunc eget mi. Aenean quis augue elementum, ultricies lacus sed, iaculis purus.
No Wrap
This is some text below the image. You can see what it does in conjunction with no wrapping.
One of the parameter option is wrapping. If you set wrapping to false, the text on the right will stay on the right, leaving blank space below the content on the left.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nisl. Aenean ut posuere ex. Maecenas nec massa mauris. Donec mi mauris, dapibus ut risus ut, consectetur hendrerit tellus. Nullam scelerisque laoreet tellus. Mauris tristique mattis enim, sit amet congue ex dictum in. Fusce aliquam nisl est, ut euismod metus tempor non. Nulla aliquet congue pulvinar. Mauris bibendum felis ac aliquet dignissim. Pellentesque nec ornare urna, id fringilla justo.
Aenean volutpat pellentesque enim, non semper nulla tempor vel. Etiam sodales consequat diam et cursus. Cras at feugiat felis. Vestibulum quis ornare velit, a laoreet velit. Duis porta, nisi vel finibus pretium, lorem odio posuere enim, nec dictum nibh leo vitae ipsum. Nullam eget ex mattis nunc accumsan pellentesque fermentum a tellus. Phasellus at purus ac lacus feugiat lacinia. Nullam at enim sit amet tortor posuere venenatis. Donec at tempus magna, eu molestie tortor. Etiam hendrerit vulputate ipsum vitae fringilla. Aliquam in malesuada tellus. Cras aliquet luctus massa quis efficitur. Phasellus in turpis in metus rhoncus blandit ac eu orci. Praesent ut venenatis sem. Nunc suscipit, mi id cursus commodo, nisl arcu volutpat nulla, in blandit tellus nunc eget mi. Aenean quis augue elementum, ultricies lacus sed, iaculis purus.
Horizontal Rule
The other parameter is hr. Setting this to true will add a horizontal rule after each row that you create with the snippet.
This is a second row created within the same snippet.
Use the Row w/ Left Image Snippet.
Title and Description
Title Only

Description Only

This is the description.
No Title or Description
Use the Video Snippet to embed videos or 360 images.