Mental Health Resources

This page is still a work in progress, but we're working hard to identify the best resources for our students, so if you don't find the info you're looking for yet, please contact us at for more information.

There are many ways to strengthen your mental health and well-being. The well-being journey looks different for everyone, which is why we’ve compiled resources here for you. Think of this page as a menu - check out some of the topics, then pick a few things you think you’d like to try. These pages of resources include local resources, online resources, and information about each topic. We’re always on the lookout for things that help our Husky family, so please share other resources you find useful (chances are, other students will benefit, too!), or ask questions by emailing

Remember, self-help is not a replacement for a counselor, therapy, medical attention, or other difficult problems. Be sure to reach out if you need more than what is provided in these resources.

Academic Concerns

Academics at Michigan Tech are no joke. That’s why it’s so important to get all the support you need to keep your academics on track. Here at the Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being, we understand that academic stress is an interconnected part of a balanced lifestyle. Whether you’re behind on assignments, not getting the grades you want, or having other academic concerns, we can help you. Common student concerns are time management, studying, motivation, procrastination, and learning disabilities.

Adjustment to College and Other Transitions

Transitions are always tough, and transitioning to college, a new job, or any other big life change for the first time (or let’s face it, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time), is tough! Check out these resources or sign up for one of our workshops to get tips, tricks, and support with your transition to college.


Check out these self-help resources for all types of anxiety, including social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress and test anxiety.

Attention Deficit Disorders

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Check out resources about ADD/ADHD.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior.


CampusWell (by Student Health 101) magazine gives students a way to anonymously research the health and wellness issues that are most prevalent on today’s campuses.

Campus Resources

Here at Michigan Tech, we’re one big interconnected family. That’s why it’s so important to understand how each of our student support services are connected to your mental health and well-being. Here are some of the most utilized campus student resources.

Clergy Support

Informal community support is available to address life stresses. It is strictly non-proselytizing in nature and meant to be supportive of individuals in need of a good listener.

COVID-19 Support

Having to isolate or quarantine can be stressful and overwhelming. Here are some resources to help you get through with extra support and guidance.


Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. If you think you might have severe depression symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, you should contact a health professional, counselor, or other trusted friend or mentor to get help.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders involve a preoccupation with eating, weight and perceived physical appearance. Eating disorders impact an individual’s physical and mental health. If you struggle with your physical appearance or spend a lot of time thinking about eating, not eating or exercising to lose weight contact a health professional counselor, or other trusted friend or mentor to get help.

Financial Support

Financial issues can be a big part of the college experience. We off these tips as support.

Food Issues

Food issues can have a big impact on your daily lifestyle, whether it’s trying to figure out how you’re going to afford your next meal, or how to deal with allergies, we’re here to help.


Grief is a reaction to a loss. The loss could be due to death or a change that has occurred in someone’s life. A grief reaction can manifest emotionally, physically, spiritually or behaviorally. Grief is a normal reaction to a loss and interventions by a mental health provider are not traditionally needed. If you have concerns about your grief, contact a mental health provider who can evaluate your need for interventions.

How to Help a Friend

 Get useful tips and resources on how to help a friend during difficult times in their lives. Helping a friend by providing support and resources are some of the best things you can do.

Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is generally characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges or behaviors regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress.

Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities have nothing to do with how smart a person is; rather, they indicate how a person learns through receiving and processing information. Persons with learning disabilities may have difficulty reading, writing, doing math problems, understanding directions, etc.


We know that loneliness can have a huge impact on someone’s quality of life. If you’re struggling with feeling lonely, here are some good places to start.

Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation

At Michigan Tech we care about Mental Health. Feel free to add the Mental Health and Well-Being Statement to your syllabus. Breathing Exercises work with your parasympathetic nervous system to control stress and gives one a clearer space to think through information and make decisions. Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation help manage stress.

Pet Therapy

Learn more about Pet Partners-Keweenaw Chapter. Connect with the Pet Partners-Keweenaw chapter group to stay updated on news and events.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is an important aspect of mental health and well-being. Michigan Tech has numerous resources across campus for physical wellness. Learn more about our available Fitness and Recreation.

Relationship Difficulties

Managing interpersonal relationships can be a challenge, but there are steps to establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship. There are also challenges with relationships ending, whether they are with a romantic partner, a roommate or a friend. Learn more about healthy relationships and how to get help if you are struggling with interpersonal relationships or a relationship ending.

Self-Care Space

 Visit our self-care space to find useful resources to provide yourself the self-care we all need. Self-care is an important practice to keep stress levels controlled and improve your mental clarity.

Sexual Assault

Victims of gender-based violence, rape, acquaintance rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, or domestic violence have resources on our campus. 

Social Skills

 The skills we use to communicate and interact with each other are known as social skills. Interactions with others include both verbal and non-verbal components. Gestures, body language, and personal appearance are ways through which we interact with others. These interactions can be difficult to learn. However, social skills can be developed by being aware of how we communicate with others. 

Stress Management

Stress is part of life. Actually, it can be a healthy part of life, but it's important to recognize when it's out of control, taking over, or interfering with your daily life. It's no surprise that stress is a major part of college life. Luckily, we've got groups andworkshops that can help you deal with stress in your life - and there are tons of online resources to help you on your way to lowering stress! and

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is the misuse or dependence of a mood altering substance, such as alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, opiates, etc. The symptoms of a substance abuse concern can be cognitive, behavioral or physiological. The American Council on Drug Education lists the following physical and behavioral signs of someone who may be experiencing substance abuse concerns.


 If you're thinking about suicide, worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, please reach out. 


 There are many different kinds of trauma someone might be exposed to. These can include sexual violence, interpersonal violence, emotional or verbal abuse, stalking, bullying, hazing, or school shootings. 
