General Business

Get going. You'll find your lane.

Our General Business option is a smart choice—you'll have time (up to three semesters) to explore everything the College of Business, and Michigan Tech, has to offer before deciding on a major. It's okay to be undecided!

Business-smart and STEM-savvy, the College of Business offers nine majors—accounting, business analytics, construction management, economics, engineering management, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing. You know your passions lie in the business world, but with so many options, it's hard to know which is the right fit.

Your dedicated academic advisor will help you choose courses that fulfill future BS degree requirements and your general education credits, as well as provide resources and guidance to help you find the major that best suits your own talents, interests, and values.

Faculty mentors have connections to industry, both locally and at the top organizations nationwide. Spring break in Silicon Valley. Internships with Ernst and Young. Managing information and digital campaigns. Working with people and technologies. Not just theory, doing.

"At Michigan Tech, my professors focus on projects and practical application, rather than reading out of a textbook. College of Business classes prepared me for work in the real world." Tom Strome, fourth-year marketing and MIS major

Learn more about general business at Michigan Tech!

Watch Emma Melchiori, General Business video
Preview image for Emma Melchiori, General Business video

Emma Melchiori, General Business

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Enrollment Information

Michigan Technological University looks for applicants who create the future in science and technology, engineering, computing, forestry, business, health professions, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, and the arts. We’re ready for what tomorrow needs. Are you?

Our application is easy. Apply when you’re ready and receive automatic consideration for merit scholarships.

Information For
