Alumni and Friends

Stay Connected to Your College

Are you a graduate or friend of the College of Business at Michigan Tech? Connect with us by reading alumni profiles, Impact, our annual magazine, or by sharing your story.

Alumni News

Impact Magazine

Cover of the Impact magazine.

is the College of Business annual publication. The magazine illustrates how our students, alumni, faculty, College, and University create the future.

Alumni Profiles

Jay Ruohonen

Jay Ruohonen


Graduating in 1984 with a B.S. in Business Administration from Michigan Tech, few would predict that Jay Ruohonen would become president of an engineering design and product development firm. Ruohonen, the youngest of five children, was the first to graduate from college. After 23 years in the finance industry, Jay now directs the research, development and commercialization of proprietary and external technologies and . . .

Alumni Profiles

John Benaglio

John Benaglio


John Benaglio is a leader in industry and has earned worldwide stature.""Benaglio is the Chairman of the Group Executive Committee and General Partner of the German-based Heitkamp amp; Thumann Group, which owns twenty-three companies in the metal and plastic-forming industries, as well as battery components. The firm has operations in Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America. Benaglio has worked in Hong Kong and Singapore, . . .

Alumni Profiles

Marie Cleveland

Marie Cleveland


When Michael and Marie Cleveland look in the mirror these days, they see success, financial security, and achievement—as well as prospects for helping others go where they have been. That wasn’t always the case with Marie. She started out in engineering but found the discipline was not the be-all and end-all for her. She switched to business, a decision that haunted her for years, because, back in her college . . .

Alumni Reunion

Reconnect with us at the next Alumni Reunion. The College of Business Open House is held in the Academic Office Building 1:30–3:30 p.m.* during the Friday of Alumni Reunion week.

Faculty and staff would like the opportunity to meet you and share the exciting activities occurring in the College of Business. This will give you the opportunity to mingle with other alumni and reminisce about your alma mater.

* Please check the official Reunion schedule to confirm details and contact us at 906-487-2668 or if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tell Us Your Story

Alumni, have a story to tell or advice to lend to our incoming business students? Tell us about how the College impacted your career, how we are unique from other business Colleges, why you think it is important for business students to have a STEM foundation, or anything else you'd like to pass along. Your voice, your story matters the future Huskies.

Share Your Story

Support Business School 2.0

Alumni and friends, support our goal of upgrading our physical space and help us create the future. The College requires smart classrooms, desirable office and research space to recruit and retain world-class faculty, and areas for teams of multidisciplinary students to collaborate, receive tutoring, and seek academic advice. Donor and State matching opportunities are available.

More on Supporting Business

Councils, Boards, and Speakers

The College has councils and boards to help us achieve our mission and be the top choice school for technology-centered business education among students and employers. Our Distinguished Guest Speakers connect with students, faculty, and staff by sharing knowledge and real-world business experiences.

If you would like to be considered, please contact us at 906-487-2668 or