Applied Portfolio Management Program

Real money, real investments, real business—that's the Applied Portfolio Management Program (APMP) at Michigan Tech.

There's no better way to prepare for a career in finance or wealth management than to gain firsthand experience. This is exactly what APMP provides—the opportunity to invest more than $2 million of real money. Current students involved with the program have access to Michigan Tech's cutting-edge investment software and spend time in our trading lab analyzing real-time market data, researching price quotes, and placing trades.

High-Tech, Hands-On

Ready to hit the trading room floor to buy, sell, and trade? Michigan Tech's Applied Portfolio Management Program is for you.

As a member of the APMP, you will:

  • Begin working on day one to create a new investment management firm.
  • Access live-streamed financial market reports and price data.
  • Use cutting-edge investment software in Michigan Tech's LSGI Trading Lab.
  • Compete in the GAME International Investment Challenge—Michigan Tech students won three times in the past nine years, and even had the opportunity to open the New York Stock Exchange!
  • Gain support and information from alumni and advisory board members in high-visibility business positions.

Each April, new student teams are selected to lead APMP for one calendar year. Students are chosen based on rigorous interviews and demonstrated aptitude and leadership skills in the area of finance and financial economic theory. Applications to participate in APMP are due by March 1 of the Spring prior to anticipated enrollment. Submit your application online. Any questions please email

Support APMP

The Applied Portfolio Management Program is made possible by support from the University, the College of Business Dean's Advisory Council, the Applied Portfolio Management Program Advisory Board, and many firms and organizations.

APMP develops the next generation of investment professionals and global business leaders. Educating tomorrow's workforce is a big job—and we can't do it without your support.

Financial Support

Your contribution to the APMP-designated fund ensures we have the best equipment, opportunities, advisors, and faculty.

Donate directly to APMP via the Michigan Tech Fund.

Professional Advising

Do you have a specialty, experience, or skill that could benefit Michigan Tech's finance-savvy students? Contact Dean Johnson to discuss the possibility of sharing your experience. We're looking for guest speakers to share their thoughts about the current financial climate, investing in a down economy, trading options, and more.

APMP Team Member Directory