The College of Business proudly provides a full-time professional academic advisor available to all undergraduate students. The advisor is a critical element in overall student success including pursuing internship and co-op opportunities, navigating major requirements, and staying on track to graduation and a career path.
All first-year students in the College of Business meet with the advisor for more than two hours and are encouraged to schedule semesterly meetings. Resources and one-to-one attention make the College of Business at Michigan Tech small enough to care and large enough to lead.
Frequently Asked Questions
General Business is a program for undecided business majors. The goal is to focus on business core classes as well as math, science and essential education. Students can continue as general business for 2-4 semesters depending on previous credits before needing to declare a major.
Typically, registration for the Spring Semester takes place the preceding November. Registration for the Fall Semester takes place the preceding March. The Registrar's website has more information, including the priority for registration schedule. You should schedule a meeting a few weeks before registration with your advisor to be sure you are selecting the correct classes.
To see dates and deadlines for course drops and adds refer to MTU's Academic Calendar. Full semester course adds can take place through Friday of the first week of classes before 5 pm in your registration portal.
Week 10 is the deadline to drop a course to receive a "W" grade.
Don't despair–it is often the case that seating fluctuates even after the semester begins. But here are some steps you can take now:
You should register for another class that you want to take (this is your Plan B). If you aren't sure which course to take, consult with your advisor.
Keep your eye on the seating availability so that if a seat becomes available you can add into that class, and drop the Plan B class.
Finally, if the semester begins and you still have not been able to add the class you really want to take, attend that class and speak to the instructor. It's possible, though not guaranteed, that you'll be added into the class.
And, if all of the above fails, take your Plan B class and wait for another opportunity to take the Plan A class!
Essential Education courses can be searched online and options narrowed down by semester offered in order to fulfill a particular General Education requirement. Find registration information and the "Schedule of Classes" on the Registrar's website.
You can find postings for internships, co-ops and full time positions through various avenues on campus; Career Services Handshake, word of mouth, attending professional conferences, MTU's Career Fair, CareerFEST, involvement in COB clubs/orgs, and from your COB Faculty and Staff.
Postings made aware to faculty and staff will be posted on the Professional Blueprint Canvas Discussion Board. Check in regularly. When you do, take a moment to update your blueprint activities and let us know what you have engaged in.
To earn academic credit for your internship or co-op see the COB Academic Advisor prior to beginning your internship. Credit may be earned with BUS3900 (Business Internship) enrollment. In order to enroll in BUS3900 a student would need to plan in advance and see support from a faculty member familiar with the type of work you will be doing. The work must be applicable to the student's program of study.
Students may see remaining program requirements by running a degree audit.
You should talk to the professor, and make an appointment with your advisor. For some courses, you can visit the various learning centers on campus to get extra help. The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success offers Academic Success Coaches and other resources. Academic difficulty is a serious problem, but not an uncommon one. Here are some policies (withdraw dates, refunds, etc.) regarding dropping classes or withdrawing from the university. It's a good idea to contact your advisor before making changes to your registration.
Tutoring for EC2001, EC3400, ACC2000, ACC2100 and ACC3000 is available. See the tutoring schedule. Which courses tutoring is available for varies from year to year depending on need and availability of tutors.
Please discuss this with your academic advisor and you may wish to meet with Student Disability Services to see if you qualify for accommodations. Accomodations from high school may not necessarily be approved for the collegiate level.
Requests to change your curriculum begin by going to the Change Curriculum link on the My Degree card in Experience. Learn more about changing your curriculum on the Registrar's website.
In order to finalize a change in major you will need to meet with the COB Academic Advisor to discuss resources, questions about the courses, and do some preliminary advising.
Yes, many enterprise teams have tasks they must complete that require a business background. Many of our programs can utilize ENT credits within their course requirements.
See all of the graduate programs offered in the College of Business.
For information about a specific program please see the program director.
- Tech MBA® and Engineering Management (MEM): Dr. Mari Buche
- Accounting and Analytics: Ms. Laura Sieders
- Applied Natural Resource Economics: Dr. Jenny Apriesnig