How to Connect with Students
Career Services offers a range of tailored services to ensure employers of any size can effectively connect with Michigan Tech students. Opportunities include:
Job Postings |
Post your internship, co-op, or full-time job opportunities on Handshake. If you need assistance, contact us at |
Recruiting Events |
Host a virtual or in-person event to share opportunities and promote your organization to our students. Create your event in Handshake to promote it and keep track of interest. You will reach more students if you participate in Career Fest or collaborate with a student organization or academic department. Contact us at if you need assistance. Please note the the days around Career Fairs are extremely busy. |
Career Education Workshops |
The Career Services education team offers presentations throughout the semester on a variety of topics to help students prepare for their careers. Each semester, the events before Career Fair focus on preparing for the fair, and the events after Career Fair address broader topics like networking, job searching, and professionalism. The schedule is on our events page. If you would like to join us as a guest speaker for one of our presentations or to suggest another professional development topic that you might present, contact us at |
Career Fest |
What kinds of things does your company bring to an industry trade show? Bring those things to campus to show them to our students in outdoor, casual events. This “show and tell” format lets students learn what you do or make and what kinds of jobs they can find at your company. Enhance your branding by participating in one or more of these days. Typically, there are four or five Career Fest days scheduled in September in the weeks prior to the Career Fair. |
Career Fairs |
Career Services hosts the MTU Career Fair each fall and spring. With nearly 400 employers and over 3,500 students—nearly half the student body—attending in the fall, our University-wide Career Fair is your best opportunity to meet and hire the best and brightest. While you can expect to find students from most departments at the University-wide fairs, some departments and colleges, such as the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science and Department of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), host their own fairs, with support from Career Services, throughout the year. |
Day Before
To enhance your Career Fair experience, there are a variety of events that happen the day before. When you register for the Career Fair, we’ll send you a list of other events to consider to maximize your time on campus. |
On Campus Interviews |
Career Services has interview rooms available for you to have private conversations with our students. Facilities for virtual meetings can also be made available. If you plan to do on-campus interviews, contact us at, and we will help you reserve a room and set up a schedule. If you are interviewing our students virtually, remind them that we have spaces available for them. We also host Interview Day on the day after Career Fair. With your Career Fair registration, you will be able to request an interview space on campus to interview the Huskies you met at the fair in person. |
Student Organizations |
We have over 200 Registered Student Organizations on campus. Reach out to the group that is most relevant to the work your company does. Collaborate on events or sponsor their activities. |
Cooperative Education |
Our co-op program allows for flexibility to match your corporate calendar—while allowing students to work on larger-scale projects than they could in just the summer semester. You get great students and Michigan Tech ensures the student reflects on their professional development. |
Partner Program |
Joining the Career Services Partner Program gets you extra insights about recruiting trends on our campus and shows your support for Huskies.
Event Communication |
We use Handshake as our platform for communicating to students. Career Services encourages students to create profiles and set their preferences in the system. Job postings, events, interviews, etc. are all scheduled and communicated through Handshake. |
Calendars and Campus Events |
The academic calendar is maintained by the Registrar’s office. General campus and community events are available on the Events Calendar.
Recruitment Expectations
We adhere to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Offer Guidelines and Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.
Meet our Employer Relations team

Jim Desrochers
- Director, Employer Relations
- 906-487-3461
- Administration Building 220
- Collaborates with employers to develop creative ways to connect with students
- Liason to the Corporate Council

Jill Patterson
- Manager, Career and Employer Events
- 906-487-3664
- Administration Building 220
- Manages Career Fair, Career Fest, and other career and employer events
- Manages Career Services materials and equipment