Communicate Your Concerns

Addressing Student Concerns

Faculty members are not expected to counsel students on personal or emotional concerns. Students who seem especially upset or who are in need of help should be referred to the Dean of Students Office or Counseling Services. Call us at 906-487-2212, email us, or make a referral by contacting the Dean of Students Office. If you prefer to refer the student anonymously, please use the University’s Tip Line.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is of utmost importance and is a central component of a student’s education. As a faculty member you should be familiar with the Academic Integrity Policy and do what you can to prevent academic misconduct in the design of your assignments and class activities. Clearly define in your syllabus when students are permitted to collaborate and when they must work individually. Finally, incidents of academic misconduct should be reported to the Office of Academic and Community Conduct.

Neglect of Academic Work

If a student fails to turn in assignments, misses exams, and/or is not attending class, please notify the Dean of Students Office. We will conduct an academic status check to see if the behavior is occurring in all the student’s classes. If so, we will make every effort to contact the student to determine the source of their difficulties. In some cases, students may be advised to drop classes or withdraw for the term.

Early Intervention Team

The Early Intervention Team’s charge is to review and screen potential at-risk students, critical situations, and incidents that occur on campus. The team determines appropriate intervention strategies and outreach efforts. If you are concerned about a student, please contact the Dean of Students Office and the student’s name will be referred to the team for a confidential discussion.

Academic Intervention Team

The Academic Intervention Team (AIT) is charged with providing coordinated support to students who are experiencing academic difficulty. AIT is made up of members from the Dean of Students Office, Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success, Counseling Services, Student Disability Services, Athletics, Housing and Residential Life, and the Student Support and Mentoring Center. Student concerns are brought to AIT through reports received from faculty, academic advisors, and staff throughout campus. The Team meets weekly to discuss students of concern and to connect those students with necessary support for their academic success. 

If you are concerned about a student who is not attending class or performing well academically, but does not seem to be in a critical situation, please contact the Dean of Students Office. Our office will notify the Academic Intervention Team.