Parents, Family, and Friends

Students and their parents sitting to dinner at an engineering function.
“I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”Eleanor Roosevelt

Parents, family, and friends are an important part of the Michigan Tech community. Engineering is a challenging course of study. A supportive, encouraging network can help students succeed.

If you have any questions or concerns about engineering academics at Michigan Tech, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

First Year Engineering

Undecided about which area of engineering to pursue? Want to know more about what to expect your first year? The Department of Engineering Fundamentals can answer your questions. Check out their list of FAQs, or contact the department to speak with an advisor or faculty member.

Student Success

Michigan Tech’s Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success works to support not only students, but also their parents and families. By sponsoring fun events and keeping parents informed, the Center provides opportunities for strengthening the bond between student and family.

Support Pack Weekend

A Michigan Tech tradition held each fall in October, Support Pack Weekend allows parents, guardians, and family members the opportunity to visit with their Tech student. Explore campus and the surrounding area, enjoy activities sponsored by Michigan Tech on and off campus, and spend quality time together.

Winter Carnival

Michigan Tech often registers more than 200 inches of snow in a season. Not content to let this abundant natural resource go to waste, students band together in an annual celebration of our beautiful, tough, exhilarating, and character-building climate. The result is Winter Carnival—giant snow statues, fireworks, festivities and fun.
