Employees who travel on University business are encouraged to charge airline tickets, car rentals and gas for rental car, lodging and registration fees to the University Visa purchasing card. The card may be obtained from the Purchasing area.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to retain original receipts for all items charged to the purchasing card and to reallocate all purchasing card charges to the appropriate travel expense code, including a description which includes the traveler's name, date of travel, destination, and purpose of travel.
Those expenses charged to the purchasing card must be included in the appropriate section of the expense voucher. These expenses are not reimbursable as they are directly charged to a University index.
Refer to Financial Services and Operations' web site, found here https://www.mtu.edu/fso/financial/travel/pcard/ for more information on the purchasing card for travel expenses.
1/16/2018 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, changed "may" to "are encouraged
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice addition of "and purpose of
travel" to the line "It is the responsibility of the cardholder to retain original
receipts for all items charged to the purchasing card and to reallocate all purchasing
card charges to the appropriate travel expense code, including a description which
includes the traveler's name, date of travel, destination, and purpose of travel."
01/27/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions
is now policy@mtu.edu. The last sentence read: "Refer to Accounting Services' web site, found here https://www.admin.mtu.edu/acct/dept/travel/procedures.htm#Purchasing
Card for Travel Expenses for more information ..." now reads "Refer to Financial Services
and Operations' web site, found here https://www.mtu.edu/fso/financial/travel/pcard/
for more information ..."
02/13/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners. Added: "Refer
to Accounting Services' web site, found here "https://www.admin.mtu.edu/acct/dept/travel/procedures.htm#Purchasing
Card for Travel Expenses" for more information on the purchasing card for travel expenses.
06/14/2011 - Annual Review: Deleted Ameritech Call Card section and added Travel on
Purchasing Card.