4.4 Travel Policies


These policies are intended as a guide to reimburse employees for University-related expenses. The responsibility to observe carefully the guidelines rests both with the employee and the department chair who certifies conformance to these guidelines by approving the reimbursement request. The same judgment and consideration applies to expense accounts as to any University transaction. Reimbursement should be sought and authorized only for expenses that conform to University policy, are reasonable and customary, and are not personal in nature.


These policies and related procedures are also needed to meet federal tax law requirements, state of Michigan policies, and third-party sponsoring agency regulations. They will ensure consistent and fair treatment among departments throughout the University and the uniform reporting of financial results. In general, the quality of travel, accommodations, business meals, and related expenses should be governed by what is reasonable and appropriate to the purpose involved. The University does not require sacrifice on the part of its personnel where safety, comfort, and convenience are concerned, nor does it permit excessive spending.

The University respects the personal integrity of each employee and conducts expense account affairs accordingly. University employees who falsify travel expense reports are subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.

Travel Policy

Anyone seeking reimbursement for University related travel should follow Michigan Tech University's travel policies.

See Financial Services and Operations' Travel Procedures for additional information related to international travel.

2/13/2017 - Annual Review: To reflect current language changed "is found on Financial SVCS website." to "is found on Financial Services website."
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, addition of "Private Residence Allowance - An allowance of $10/night may be claimed if staying at a private residence with family of friends." to the Travel Policy section. Expanding on the location of the per diem rates "A listing of the per diem rate for various cities around the U.S. is found on Financial SVCS website." Removal of the Personal sub-section of the Telephone section "Personal - To a reasonable extent, the University will pay charges (substantiated as in "Business" above) for personal long distance calls of normal duration when away from home on business; however, such calls should be limited to one per day." Addition of "*If international travel is being paid on a general fund (A1XXXX), additional prior approval of the time appropriate Vice President is also required." to the International Travel section.
01/27/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. Item J. Dependent Care read "Dependent care expenses in excess of those normally experienced will be reimbursed to Michigan Tech employees traveling on University business" now reads "Dependent care expenses above and beyond regular department care costs that directly result from travel on University business will be reimbursed". The last sentence on the page read "See Accounting's ..." now reads "See Financial Services and Operations' ...".
02/13/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners. Under Responsibilities, the third sentence read: "In general, the quality of travel, accommodations, entertainment, and related expenses should be governed by what is reasonable and appropriate to the purpose involved." and now reads: "In general, the quality of travel, accommodations, business meals, and related expenses should be governed by what is reasonable and appropriate to the purpose involved." Under Travel Policy, item D. Taxi and Other Local Transportation, added the last sentence "Receipts are required when the costs exceed the maximum amount." Item G. Tips, the last sentence was added: "Actual tips up to a daily maximum are allowed." Item H. Telephone, added "Employees who receive a monthly cell phone allowance may not request reimbursement for telephone calls." Under J. Dependent Care, the last sentence "Receipts are required and a maximum of $50/day will be paid." now reads "Receipts are required and a daily maximum will be paid."
03/20/2013 - Annual Review: From the paragraph under Taxi and Other Local Transportation, the sentence "Alternative arrangements from travel to the airport should be made when the airport charges will exceed the cost of a two-way taxi or limousine service." was deleted; and under Tips, the sentence that read "...such as food services, porters, etc." now reads "...such as services, porters, etc."
06/14/2011 - Annual Review: From Item A, the sentence "It is the employee's responsibility to cancel reservations by 6 p.m. local time of the hotel, or earlier if required" now reads "It is the employee's responsibility to cancel reservations by the required time of the hotel"; the sentence "If there is a chance that arrival will be later than 6 p.m., employees should request a guaranteed late arrival reservation on their credit card" now reads "If there is a  chance that arrival will be later than the required check-in time, employees should request a  guaranteed late arrival reservation on their credit card." From item H, deleted "Employees who have a University calling card should use it for business calls. To receive a University calling card, call Information Technology Telecommunication Support, phone 2800." and "The University  calling card may be used for these calls." From item L, the sentence "All international travel must have the prior approval of the President" now reads "All international travel must have the prior approval of the Dean/Department Chair/Director or higher in the supervisory chain-of-command." Changes made to reflect current practice and University titles, the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
07/18/2024 - Removed travel policy language and linked to the University's policy related to travel.