The Michigan Tech Testing Center (MTTC) provides high quality testing services. The main testing center, in Room 215 Rekhi Hall, has 30 testing stations including 18 computers and 12 laptops. All stations are monitored through closed circuit video feed. Lockable storage is available for a test candidate’s personal belongings. This facility is an ideal location for accommodated exams, exams for online courses, or make-up exams. Sponsored (commercial) exams like the FE and GRE are given in our 10 seat testing facility, Room 226 in the Van Pelt and Opie Library. Both sites meet the standards of the National College Testing Association (NCTA). Information about the MTTC, for both instructors and students, can be found on the website or by e-mailing, or by calling 906-487-1001.
1/15/2018 - Annual Review - To reflect current practices, changed "in room 226 of
the Library, includes ten stations with video monitoring." to "in Room 215 Rekhi Hall,
has 30 testing stations including 18 computers and 12 laptops." Added "All stations
are monitored through closed circuit video feed." Changed "and overflow computerized
exams." to "exams." Changed "here, and bubble-sheet testing is supported." to "in
our 10 seat testing facility, Room 226 in the Van Pelt and Opie Library." Changed
"The testing center also schedules and supports a classroom (Rekhi 215) with 18 computers
and 12 laptops on a private network, allowing instructors to securely administer a
computer-based test." to "Both sites meet the standards of the National College Testing
Association (NCTA)." Changed "Use of both facilities can be coordinated through forms..."
to "Information about the MTTC, for both instructors and students, can be found on
the website..." Fixed the URL for the testing center website.
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: To reflect current abilities, changed "three eyes on stations
and seven stations with video..." to "Includes ten stations with video monitoring."
Changed "scantron" to "bubble-sheet. Added "and FE" after GRE "Sponsored (commercial)
exams like the FE and GRE are also given here". Changed "40 computers" to "18 computers
and 12 laptops".
02/04/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions
is now "Sponsored (commercial) exams like the GMAT are also given here, and scantron testing
can be supported for a fee." Now reads: "Sponsored (commercial) exams like the GRE
are also given here, and scantron testing is supported." "... (Rekhi 215) ..." now
reads " ... (Rekhi 215) ...". " ... through forms on the website
by e-mailing, ..." now reads " ... through forms on the website
by e-mailing, ...".
02/26/2014 - Annual Review - New section.