Students working on a project at a computer.
Create Products and Machinery

Undergraduate Experience

Solve problems in manufacturing and machinery.

Use quality techniques to deliver safety and efficiency to industry practices. Optimize product and process testing techniques. Apply engineering principles to solve a broad range of engineering problems. Find a career in analysis or oversight of advanced mechanical systems and processes.

Bachelor's Degree

Student grining metal in a vise.

Mechanical Engineering Technology, BS

With a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering technology, you can combine theory and practice. Work in a team on the fluid power vehicle challenge as a capstone design. Gather real-time data with Industry 4.0 technologies while syncing to the cloud. Apply principles of statics and dynamics to the design of machinery and production systems. Use traditional material removal and additive manufacturing tools in our machine shop.

Manufacturing Systems Minor

The Manufacturing Systems minor provides students with a broad exposure to the design and operation of automated machinery. Design discrete sequential controls using programmable logic controllers. Create simulation models of various industrial systems.

Career Opportunities

Seek out opportunities in advanced manufacturing or in the creation of useful products. Our graduates enter the workforce as design, manufacturing, mechanical, or process engineers. Careers span a wide range of industries such as defense, transportation, steel, and tool design. Work for Los Alamos National Laboratory, General Motors, Cleveland Cliffs, or Milwaukee Tool to mention just a few.

Connected, innovative.

Build real skills at Michigan Tech. Become an engineer.

Gain diverse experience.

Engage in design and research.

Leap forward in your program.

Connect with students and industry.

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about studying manufacturing and mechanical engineering technology at Michigan's flagship technological university.

Group of students and presenter at an induction ceremony.
MMET and the College of Computing induct four Michigan Tech students and MMET’s academic advisor into Michigan Tech’s Delta Zeta Chapter of the Epsilon Pi Tau Honor Society.
“The Epsilon Pi Tau - Delta Zeta Chapter was established as an honor society to recognize academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions.”Epsilon Pi Tau

Earn an ABET Accredited Engineering Degree

With ABET accreditation, you can be sure that your Michigan Tech degree meets the quality standards that prepares you to enter a global workforce.

And, because it requires comprehensive, periodic evaluations, ABET accreditation demonstrates our continuing commitment to the quality of your program—both now and in the future.

Sought Worldwide

ABET's voluntary peer-review process is highly respected. Its criteria are developed by technical professionals and focuses on what you, as a student, experience and learn. It adds critical value to academic programs in technical disciplines—where quality, precision, and safety are of the utmost importance.

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology

Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

Read more about mechanical engineering technology accreditation, educational objectives, and student outcomes.

ABET Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

The MMET Department

  • Class sizes are generally small with most classes having fewer than thirty students; junior and senior level classes typically have under twenty.
  • Students have access to faculty with industry experience in product and systems design, manufacturing, operations, logistics, and quality.
  • Excellent teaching is very important and a number of our faculty members have received recognition. The department teaches seven additive manufacturing technologies, including polymers and metals.
  • Research projects are often focused on better teaching methodologies, along with a mix of applied industrial research.
  • 70% of mechanical engineering technology courses have a lab. MMET has dedicated computing and laboratory facilities as well as a modern, well-equipped machine shop which includes laser scanning and industrial quality 3D printing.
  • Students are encouraged to join the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers, or one of many other organizations for opportunities to get involved, invested, explore new horizons, and meet fellow students who share a similar interest.
  • All mechanical engineering technology students complete a Senior Design or Enterprise project which brings together all of the knowledge and skills they have learned.
  • Students can get meaningful industry experience with a co-op, average wage of $18.45/hour, or seek an internship for summer.

Real Engineering. Meaningful Work.

We are committed to inspiring students, advancing knowledge, and innovating technological solutions to create a sustainable, just, and prosperous world. With an entering engineering class of about 1,000 students, 18 degrees to choose from, and 160+ faculty in the College of Engineering alone, we provide a world-class education with the trusted reputation of Michigan Tech.

As a student at Michigan Tech you’ll work closely with faculty mentors, immerse yourself in experience-powered learning, and gain a thorough understanding of engineering practice. Collaborate and innovate in laboratories, coursework, Enterprise, and Senior Design—you'll work with industry partners on real engineering projects and develop strong skill sets for your future.

You could study abroad, with engineering opportunities ranging from a few weeks to one full year. Or focus on problems facing disadvantaged communities in countries around the world. Michigan Tech’s Global and Community Engagement program offers you a range of options.

More than 400 employers regularly recruit our students for internships, co-ops, and full-time employment. Engineering students average seven interviews, and 98 percent are employed within their field of study, enlist in the military, or enroll in a graduate school within six months of graduation. A degree in engineering from Michigan Tech can take you anywhere.

Tomorrow Needs You

Engineers do a lot of things, but there's one thing we do first and foremost: we help people. We use creative ideas and technologies to solve problems in health care, energy, transportation, hunger, space exploration, climate change, and more—much more. Become an engineer who is ready for what tomorrow needs.

Student Stories